Is Byberry Info BS???

Awhile back I posted up some info sent in by one of our readers. Since then it has gotten many rebuttles. So here are some to read, and like usual, there are some more in the Reader's Feedback section of the site. All letters are copy and pasted! I do not correct spelling or grammar! What is here is what I got. Submit carefully.

This section of the site now contains all feedback about Byberry, rebuttles and all. Newest at bottom [and addition pages].

BYBERRY TO BE DEMOLISHED! Please scroll down to get more info...the title is in red!



This was mailed to me today. Please do not e-mail me asking for information about this! I am not running this event and I have nothing to do with it! Thank you!

Byberry is Just Fun

First of all to let you know I have been in Byberry three times. Me and my friends go there for fun, I am not a Satanist. The first time we went in nothing special happened, It was basically a felling out process. We, a group of seven, wanted to see how much we could get away with (as in where we could park, how long we could stay, and what we should expect).

The second time is when we decided to let our balls out, so to say. We park by a corner store about 1/4 mile from our entrance. This time it was a group of about ten. We were in there about 4 hours and we covered a lot of ground. We were in one of the building north of Byberry Road and west of Roosevelt Blvd., where the majority of them are. The building we were in is on a map I later found. All I have to say is the place is destroyed. You can tell this is where a lot of people have been, and most of them had to be drunk. There is graffiti all over the place, all the windows, inside and out are busted (the outside ones are boarded up) This was the trip that freaked me out, we were on the 3rd floor and there was a room that was burnt to a crisp. It had a huge steel door blocking the entrance. We wanted to see what was inside. Every inch of the room was burnt. ( I'll tell you more later). My friend Fran is writing you a letter about something he saw that night.

The third time we went in we made a mistake. We took about 20 people. Most of them were assholes that wanted to be scared and didn't care if they got caught. We were in there about 2 hours, we had to leave because we were making to much noise and we had apparently had the cops called on us. We didn't get caught but we barely got away.

Well, back to the second time, I didn't see anything but I differently felt something I didn't notice it till we opened the door of the burnt room. It was just like this presence that didn't want us there. Me and a couple others felt it, it was like pure hatred. Not that night but the next night I had a really weird dream. I was lying in my bed, and (in the dream) I woke up. there was this little boy standing in my room, he looked like a normal 9-10 year old, black pants, red T-shirt, dirty blond hair that looked messed up. I couldn't move or talk, He just looked at me and said "I don't come into your house, Don't come in to mine." All I could do is nod, and he turned around and walked away. Then I woke up in a cold sweat.

This may sound like a lie but it happened and I haven't been able to explane it. It did freak me out but it didn't stop me from going back.

I found a link to film footage taken inside Byberry, I can't view it because I'm cheap (the realplayer plug-in is required.) Here is the link to it (Video by Karl L. Papendick) It's the link at the bottom of the page.


The Info on Byberry is All BS!


All that stuff that person wrote last let me give ya the lowdown on byeberry, i've been in there several times and NO i'm not a devil worshiper,..but i am a ghost hunter, I strongly believe in the paranormal and what have the first time we went in..we headed straight for the guy with a mechette,and if we would've he would been dead ..we had about 20 of us, we we're all heavly armed with spiked batts and bb guns and knives and everything that you could think of, anyways..we roamed the tunnels for a few hours..but only to come across a small room with soundproof walls and you could stand inside..shut the door,and scream bloody murder and you couldn't here was actually pretty neat, anyways..we made our way into the actually buildings, we make it to one hallway and start to walk down, we all stop in our tracks like something has literally pushed us back, very wierd happenings, we edged forward, i stepped into the side room, and saw someone sittin in the corner, wasn't one of us, wasn't anyone we knew, i thought it was a bum,i said out loud to it, man? You cool, and as i edged my flashlight over to where it was, it was gone, ya gotta realize that in this room, there was one way out,and one way in, and i was standing at it with a spiked bat in my hand,now get rid of that kids story who never been inside, now, note that there is devil worshipers in there, and skin heads, the way we walk in theres a big swastika with a 666 in the middle of it, we found many dead chickens, but ran into no one in there, there was enough of us and we we're armed enough to not be stopped, but that incident alone was enough to make us turn tail and get the hell out of there, we've been back several times and plan to go back soon, if your ever in there look for anything that says AFU written on the wallas, thats how we marked off where we we're and my names FRANNY -----, remember it..cuz if your ever in there, and if you see franny ----- on the wall, heard it here first,

There ya go man..thats better than that shit that was in there..thanks for listening

Sent in by: Franny

Byberry Info Rebuttle!

I've been to Byberry and although it's been about 15 years I can still remember how it made me feel. I have never been so scared and hope I never get that scared again. We went to the "old Byberry" section that you can't see from Roosevelt Blvd (rt 1) back in the woods. During the 80's the part of Byberry you can see from rt 1 was still an active mental hospital. Some of the patients worked at the Crispy Creme across the street on the blvd. We got there by cutting through the Catholic Church/School grounds in Parkwood. Back then there were no fences and I remember the woods being pretty dense. There were so many rumors about the place that we all had preconceived ideas about what was going on back there. When we got there it was just about dark, we had flashlights but you could see ok without them. We went into a bldg that had a kitchen? or a big gym (there were no fixtures to define the room, but it had tile walls and a tile floor so it made me think it was the caf or a kitchen). There were pentagrams and other symbols on the walls and the floor and there was a spot on the floor were someone had been building fires, the burnt wood and ash were still there. I definitely felt that something was wrong with the feeling of the bldg. and really wanted to get out of there. We started to look for the tunnels or catacombs. We went through a series of rooms and hallways until we got to some stairs that lead down and up (like in a school). The railings had been ripped from the walls and some of the stairs (concrete) looked like they had been busted up by sledgehammers or something. It was getting dark by now and we had our flashlights on. I did NOT want to go up or down those stairs and was actually feeling sick with fear. There were 4 of us, two wanted out and 2 wanted to stay. What ended up happening changed all of our minds. We all started down the stairs with our flashlights shining down towards the basement(?). For some reason one of the people I was with shined their light up toward the area we had started from. We all looked up and saw a face - small, white with big black eyes - looking down at us. It scared us so badly that we all froze for a second. We ran like crazy and ended up climbing out the nearest broken window on the main floor and ran all the way home to one of our houses. I don't know what we saw that night but I dreamed about it for years. I went back a few times after that, but only in daylight and never anywhere but on the main floor of that one bldg. Does anyone else have a similar experience? I think some of the other stories are way too sensational!

Sent in by: AOSO

Another Byberry Rebuttle

alright people...

my name is russ and i have been going to byberry for seven years now... i have memorized EVERY detail of the philadelphia state hospital (it's not the pennsylvania hospital)... i have blueprints and have done hours and hours of research on the history of the buildings... i am even creating a video game with the exact layout of every remaining building... and by the way, have you seen my room RUSS' ROOM in the heart of the refrigeration building? am i obsessed enough for you? let me fill you in on everything you wanted to know about the place (and didn't want to)... -i am sorry to inform you believers in the supernatural will probably be disappointed going to byberry... although the scare of being a mile into a tunnel of complete darkness may make you hear and see things, i have never seen anything out of the ordinary... i have even gone into the buildings alone twice, and although i was completly freaked out, there were no apparition of any kind... -no fbi agents, no cops, no security guards... unless you just shot at someone from the roof or commited a REAL crime, don't worry about officials coming in and finding you... cops and security guards don't make enough to go through asbestos-laced buildings... i always hear about the clown that got caught in the building and arrested at gun-point, but remember- it's like a maze in there... cops don't know where they are going any better than you are.. if a cop comes in, shut your light off, duck into a small room, and hide for awhile... -no booby traps except for the occasional 40 pound pipe ontop of the door (heehee)... -nothing really of value in there... the final building was shut down in 1989, and soon after everything of value was pretty much stolen or destroyed... hey, i did manage to get a pile of blank death certificates! -devil worshippers... nahh... just a bunch of kids that use a creepy building and try to make it creepier... i'd be more afraid of the kids drinking too much than a few punks spraypainting upsidedown crosses... by the way, anyone ever met the guy they call LERCH in byberry? he does shoot at people from time to time with his pellet gun...

if anyone wants to know more or wants a tour guide, give me an email.. i only go once a month these days and usually during the afternoon, since the afternoon is the safest time to go, surprisingly...

thanks for reading

Sent in by: Russ AIM Russ at: madball26

Well, Byberry Scared the Hell Out of Me!

For a while, My friends and I had a passion for Byberry. Walking inside of the buildings were amazing. My first time I went in Byberry I was really drunk. We were soo unprepared. Its was five drunken little shitheads walking soo close together with only one flash light and a paintball gun. Thank God we got out of there alive after what I saw some other night.

My friends and I went in there often and same old stuff up stairs, Writings of satanic crap, Ceiling falling down, all doors with little rooms, and broken glass and broken walls everywhere. We finally decided to go into the tunnels. We walked around down there and some of my friends were shitting themselves. We went down a long tunnel and you could feel the incline of the ground and feel the dampness. One of my friends was shitting himself so bad he thought he heard a dragging sound. We stop all your movement and we kept hearing it. It made my almost piss my pants. It sounded like dragging and then there was a small but scary bang. My friend almost pissed themselves too. We were all bout to leave but my one friend and I persuaded them to go up stairs. We were pretty damn loaded with flashlights, paintball guns, and beer. so we went up stairs and can back down in a little bit. While we were leaving, I ! saw a wall which was knocked through and a sign saying "Satan's complex." I told them we have to see what is down there. We start walking down and there is water all over. Most of my friends stopped at the water. Some of us went down farther. Then we saw a reflection of our flashlight down the hallway (so we thought). Then we noticed it wasn't our flashlight. It was four people walking towards us. We thought it would be someone doing the same thing we were down here for, Just fucking around. So we were trying to talk to them but the wouldn't say a thing at all. they kept walking towards us. So we ran to the entrance of the doorway. They kept walking. By now we could see their faces a little bit. It was two men and two ladies and when I say men and ladies I mean it. These people must have been in there late 20's. The two men were in the front and the ladies were behind them. We could make out the men faces. They had lo! ng, stringy, blonde hair that bounced around as they walked. They have goatees which was long and stringy too. They all wore leather jackets and pants with chains and little metals points up and down them. As they walked their heavy boot were stomping on the ground and their chains were rattling all around. Most of my friend at this point ran out the door. I was fascinated by this. They were coming very close about 20 feet away and they hit their flashlights off. Well, by then I seen enough and ran out side following my friends. We ran out and felt kind of safe and we were screaming back at them. But just as I ran out I noticed in the field about 10 people all with flashlights. I was like "all shit, we got to get the fuck out of here." They all turned out there flashlights and started to walk towards us. They were satanic too. We regrouped and ran all the way back to our cars through the pathways. When we got back to ! your cars, they all had writing in soap and red hair dye. All satanic signs, pentagrams, and words of hatred. And an arrow on the ground pointing to a box. They box read "Godbox." I had seen this all inside on the walls but never a box with it. We opened the box and in side was a dead cat cut open from the gut.

That was all gross but after going I became aware of some strange things that night. When we first were going in Security was driving around and they definitely saw us. I was wondering after I read your analogue of Byberry, maybe they people in the field were satanics sent from security or just people going inside to fuck around. Another thing was that I did seen one of the satanics on the bus. Like the first time I went there, We came home by bus because we were drunk and I stood in the back I stood next to a men that matches the description above perfectly. He got off at cottman where I got off and he lives probably right around there. Another weird thing is I read the story about the tape recorder (how they had whisper on it) We'll sort of the same thing happened with my friends. My friend Dicker gave his cell phone to Dave. Two days after Byberry, He got a voice message. It sounded like we were he! aded into the building. You could hear Dave talking from far away but you also heard branch and grass and wind-like sounds. That got us all puzzled. The sound wasn't from the film we made and you cannot record your own voicemessages. This was mind boggling. Last of all I did see the AFU wall and I signed my name in the list. Hopefully I get blueprints soon and hopefully go in soon to because I have been hearing some good stories about the morgue and the tunnels.


Byberry Coming Down?! [and other stories]

As of November 10, 2000, demolition started on the power plant side of the complex. A demolition company and already taken the 2 old garages down and are currently tarring down the warehouse. They are about half way done on the warehouse. There for entering the hospital from the laundry building might be finished. The main service tunnel that connects all the buildings passes between the warehouse and the garages. So there is a possibility that they might have back filled that section of tunnel. I am planning a full scale recon and will advise on the situation. This is as of 01/04/01.

There is two more entrances. One was entering an open boiler room door in back of N-10. The guards have figured this one out real quick. Because it has the shortest distance from the cover of the woods to the enteric only about a 50 to 75 foot dash. It was sealed by state contractors in the recent resealing project 2 years ago. They used 3/4 inch ply wood with 1/4 or so self tapping screws about 1 1/4 inches long.

There is another enteric and that is use of a storm drain that goes true the center of the place on the modern looking side. The storm drain used to be a creek until they built w-3, w-5 the central kitchens, w-6and w-7 which are 5 story dorm buildings and n-8,9and n-10. All of which were built in the 40's as per the plot plans and contractors schedules that we had procured.

When you get in the buildings that have the most "stuff" are n-8 and n-10. Another operator on the feed back page of this site mentioned finding records that would be in building N-8 on the 1st floor. There are still a good amount of books, various forms, charts and papers. There are also a lot of med. supplies still there. Including an x-ray machine.

N-10 has the crematorium in the rear right side basement. It looks like it would be able to hold 4 bodies at a time. With doors on both sides and spans 2 rooms. N-10 was the infirmary. It also housed possibly the pharmacy by the fact we found a large supply of unused med. bottles used to hold prescriptions. N-10 has a full x ray machine with a dark room. Someone was in there about last year and cleaned out all of the old x-ray films (patiens films) . Hell there was still developing fluid in bottles in a cabinet. We also found the OR and sterilizer two rooms down.

Every one is talking about the morgue well lets talk. the morgue is in the basement of w-3 on the left side rear if you were looking at the building from the front. There are two rooms. The first which is the referig. room has about 30 drawers. Then the next room is the autopsy room. Which is weird because it has 4 rows of bleacher seating the length of the room? With the table inthe middel. The floors are that of the kind you would see in the kitchen area of a fast foor resturant.

If you find your self in the "C" building block of byberry (the old 1920s looking buildings closest to Southampton Road) you will notice that they are connected by above ground tunnels. The main admin. bldg. were security likes to park have a nice grand stair way with a winding stair case. Banister is made of formed wood with marble type stone stairs. The stairs to the 2 and 3rd floors and a locking wrought iron gate. Do NOT lock any of the doors in the attics. The locks that are in there are about 100 plus years old and have not been oiled. If you throw the deadbolt portion of the lock by means of the thumb turn on the inside you might be screwed. So DO not lock any locks in there or I might find you dead.

The modern buildings and the most part all of byberry uses BEST A2 removable core. So far They have "A" keyway cores which I know are mastered. And "F" key way which are mastered only by that they stamped key and or core I D numbers on the face of the core. The stamping looks factory so there was a master key system for each key. I am guessing. That there might be a system for each building or one for each keyway. Just by looking at the stampings on the cores. The mortise locks are all corbin/russwin.. I also found an almost brand new sargent modern touchbar panic unit in N-8.

Byberry used to use corbin/russwin keys. Because most of the mortise locks are formatted for the corbin jumbo cylinders.

Security is a joke. They mostly sit in front of the main entrance. The drive a white jeep Cherokee. There patrols are every 2 hours. And every hour when it nears Halloween. Me and my team have been in there about 150 times which includes 3 sleep overs one being on Halloween. Nothing really happened the place was dead. I figured that everybody and their moms would try to break in. Will it was disappointing. We collected a lot of Intel on our night patrols. The map that we produced and that shows all entrances and exits as well as tunnels, foot paths, scrutiny trails and stations.

We bring our usual bag of tricks. Flares and smoke grenades. Besides the 12 Ga. pistols. To tripwire and demolition if things get hairy. One of the most important pieces of equipment is a medical bag. If you get cut, sliced are any thing else like that clean it quick. There is plenty of crap that will screw you up in there. Let me name some. Typhoid mostly in the air duct work and fan rooms, Tetanus from rusted metal. TB is a possibility in N-10.( that is were they housed all the TB patients). And nasty bugs such as that.

So, have fun and don't get caught.

Submitted by: JCKINZ3JS

Special thanx to JCKINZ3JS for giving me the word that Byberry is being demolished!

Never Trip at Byberry...Here's Why!

okay ready here is my story of when i was in byberry and it will prob freak you the hell out okay me and 7 of my friends i think it was a friday night in november were bored on our asses an decided to go we took flahsligths with extra batteries and basbeall bats and my two friends bb guns. we entered through a stairwel it is right near the two garages nad u go down there and there is a hole in the wall and as soon as u go in there u go straigh make a right and keep going (ur in the catacombs) i think about liek a 30 min walk you ed up in the morgue. alognthe way there are big dirt pathces where they must of backhoed in to the entrances but anyways the tunnels ar eprob about as wide as a car and liek 6 ft high still in them are wheelchairs and hospital beds which freaks you out when u dont know what to think about who used to be in them but you will come to a stairwell after a coupel turns and steppign over a coupel of pipes and ducking unde rneath valves(watch out for them) and you walk up and you are in the morgue now its pretty freaks it has the refrigerater in it and all and i wanted to get the hell out of here but my friends and i all changed our minds an decided to open the freezer door and wen we did(in the middle of november this past year) a warm breeze and eveil pressence shot out at us and we all gasped and as sooon as we did we all looked at eachother knowign we all felt the same thing butthat sonly the beginning we htougth it was just sumthign coincidental. but anyways we came to a long hallway k for peopel whove been in there they know wjow long the hallways re with th celign missing(te drop celing if you know what i mean) and puddles of water evrywhere well from all the graffiti in the place there was none in this art of this building??????? now we were like maybe sumthign wierd but we came upon one thing it seemed almost perfect as if liek vanghough had ainted it it was spraypaint it was liek paint it was just suthing perfect liek picture a real one and it said HALF GATOR HALF i know what urthinkin that this is bullshit i thougth the same thing an di knew byberry wasnt about this but anwyays we walked and walked and walked down this hallways and finally decided to turn back after a 20 min hike.........and as we were walkin back we were hallfway from a liek cross path liek goign horizontal and we heard sumthign so we looked back and sall sumthin I DONT KNOW WHAT but sumthign walk across this withits head down and it was huge! so all of us were liek damn the hell with this lets go see what it is so we walked down back t t it turn the corner slowly and nuthoing was there and it coudltn fo gotten far we checkedroom for as far as it coudl have gotten.......cause the halways are really really long so then we were liek mayeb it was our imagination so we started walkin the way we were goign so when we were bout the same spot as before we heard sumthign else and we tured aroudn and called whos there and out peakign from the corner was sumthig and i dontknow what but it was freak and then it just peaked backaround so we were liek lets get out of this hallway then we came to a fligth of stairs and and were all foolign aroudn and trying to laugh and not be scared and we heard sumthing it was like wispering and panting and strong loud footsteps comming up the stairs we all was th emost ive ever been scare din my whoellife i got a burning sensation on ym neck and we all called out whos there when we did it stopped for abotu 10 seconds then kept going we ran and ran and ran out of there we ended up aabout a a miel and a half away from our car but hell we got there in no time trust me people say thyev been in there and they havent seen anything well screw them cause i have and its a GOOD time a really good time but its scary its not for the fainthearted but if youre looking fo ra good scare it sure as hell scared me too the point of nto liking bein scared and i lOVE scarythings!!!!!!!but this was beyond scary trust me if you go brign sumthign to prtect urself just incase because you never know what or who is in there and belive me you dotn wanna know but everything i am sayign is true and scary late late

PS;never go trippign face youd prob die of a heart attack!!!

Submitted by: KEITH

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