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Ordinary Things
Saturday, 13 September 2008
?Extra, extra, read all about it??

You gotta love Canadian politics!


Now THAT’S the way every campaign should be run! ;)  lol


I’ll actually be playing my part in the election coverage in this week’s paper.  I have to write a ‘campaign launch’ piece on an assigned candidate.  It is one of the more difficult ones I have to write, for lack of stats and info…but I’m sure I can dig something up.


I’ll have 8-10 stories published this week’s upcoming paper, on a range of different subjects, couple of front page pieces, and one exclusive!


Upon booting up my computer on my second day on the job, (after showing up with a box of tissues and my voice barely a whisper on the first day) I was told to grab my camera, because we had to go cover an accident.


After standing in the rain, feverish and snot-nosed for about 2 hours to get the scoop on how this vehicle ended up in the river (fortunately no one was injured) I sat back down to my desk to start typing madly before the adrenalin rush disappeared. 


I’ve got to admit, I’m enjoying it so far.  Not the part where I had to work my first weekend straight away, nor the part where I had to drive from one end of the county to the other to cover 6 events, and all beginner’s stress aside, including learning to use a new system, new software, protocols and the whole heaping pile of information that I’ve had to absorb in a short period of time, I believe I’ve risen to the challenges that came my way from the get-go. (Despite the fact that I’ve wondered what the hell I was thinking in accepting this job, once or twice already)


Well, that’s it for me tonight…ta~

Posted by Sylph, aka Mysty at 10:53 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 September 2008 - 6:13 PM EDT

Name: "H"

So glad to see you are getting into the groove. I am just happy for you and wish everything works out well. You rock, girl!!I know you won't have much time online these days with the new job, but just letting you know that you will be in your loved ones' thoughts just as they are in yours.

Sunday, 21 September 2008 - 10:10 PM EDT

Name: "Sylph"

Awe thanks H :)

I do miss having time to spend online, but I'm loving the feeling of getting back in the saddle again ;)

Safe travels to you my friend  *muah*

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