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Galleria London Hockey Pool 05 - 06






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Current Injuries

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Welcome to the site for the Galleria London Hockey Pool

All statistical  information on this page has been received from  All errors or omissions can be submitted to the webmaster.


Current News:  November 27th 2005

Wow...what's this?  Something new on the website?  Yes a majority of it is updated.

News:  November 2nd 2005

Monthly Update is up under Standings Update.

Transaction Page updated.

News:  October 30th 2005

Update is completed.  Working on all the other pages right now.

The Transaction page has been completed.  D. Stan made the 20th transaction of the early season tonight (1733 hrs to be specific) by dumping Dick Tarnstrom for Joni Pitkanen.  You can find the Transaction page under the Standings page.



If you discover any broken links, errors or omissions, please contact the website administrator

Updated:  October 23rd 2005 @ 2203 hrs EDT