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The 1st. Arab International Conference for People with Diabetes

Movenpick and Novotel Hotels, Heliopolis, Cairo

26-29 March 2002

Lets Live for the future, Not just for today, so lets all share and participate

Join more than 3,000 clinicians, researchers, physicians, adults, children, and families with diabetes to learn the most current information concerning diabetes care. 
Attend live educational sessions and get ideas for your practice or your own diabetes care. Participate in parent discussion groups and find new, creative ways to help and motivate your children with diabetes. 
Watch teens, young parents and grandparents, new diabetes professionals and practiced clinicians make new and lifelong friendships.


Team Work and Partnership

Good diabetes care means, in today’s modern world,  team work.  The most important member of this team is the patient.   It does not matter what the treatment is or the expertise of the health professionals, if the patient is not fully involved with the care, the outcome will be a failure. Everyone in the team of diabetes care is interested in successful results, but obviously the one who will receive the benefits is the patient.  If the treatment fails, he will be the one that might loose his leg or sight.   He will be the only one in the care team that can experience his quality of life reduced when the treatment does not achieve its goals.  Obviously, it is the patient the most interested in achieving success in treating his diabetes.

People with diabetes have to take dozens of daily decisions that will have a repercussion on their diabetes and lives.   They have to receive the adequate knowledge and training to take these decisions wisely.  Motivation to take the correct decision is not a character trait.  Motivation comes from knowledge and reasoning of the facts. The first Arab International Conference for People with Diabetes parallel to PACD6  26 offers a splendid opportunity to all the members of the diabetes care team, physicians, other health-professionals, and people with diabetes, to understand the issues and concerns that all of them have for a successful result.

These Conferences also offer an invaluable opportunity for all members of the team to understand each other better, which is an indispensable  requisite for a partnership to function well and achieve success.

                                                                                                María L. de Alva



The  first actual description of diabetes back to some of 1500 B.C. where the pharaoh doctor has noticed the accumulation of ants around the urine of some people rather than the others. Hess Raa has described it as curable disease, then Gallinious spoke about it in the Roman's books but the accurate description of the disease and its complications came in the book of the president Ibn Sina the law in medicine. Treating diabetes by manipulation of the diet is certainly the oldest form of therapy and has been practiced by the Egyptians 1500 B.C. and this was confirmed when professor George Ebres has discovered an ancient Egyptian papyrus with two meter length and 30 cm width in Upper Egypt in Luxor, this papyrus contained an accurate description of diabetes and its possible ways of therapy by dieting. The most great advance in diabetes was the isolation of Insulin by Abating and Best in 1921, in 1935 Joslin wrote: The goals of appropriate therapy for diabetes. And now Egypt also hosts such unique Forum for People with diabetes to provide vision, and continuous education and awareness for people with diabetes

Mahmoud Ashraf Mohamed

  Conference President

Our Conference and Our Mission

Our mission here is not just developing a conference but it is a forum establishing a base concept that is people with diabetes can achieve energy to enjoy life and to look to the future with confidence as normal life through the implementation of 'living with diabetes' and there is nothing called patient of diabetes. 'We are all here to join, share and participate life'.

This concept will be provided through

An educational program that is designed to run eight sessions during most of the conference, with full two-day tracks for diabetes professionals. Some educational sessions are repeated for ease of scheduling.  
General and public sessions run opposite only children's programming because the topics are of interest to most attendees, professionals, parents, and teens alike. 
Children's interactive sessions are offered Thursday and Friday for children. The subjects of children with diabetes, women with diabetes, sex problems in diabetes and diabetes in the elderly will be massively highlighted in the program.
The program is tailored in such a way that enable every attendee is able to get most of his knowledge needs and necessity demands through a one day sessions. 

Who Should Attend our Event?

Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and their relatives.

Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.

Women with Diabetes.

Other health care professionals who work with diabetic individuals, nurses, dietitian,  (NGOs), mass media, directors of diabetes care units and centers.

Official Diabetes Educators and those who intend to be so or even interested in such subjects.

Contact Information


+ (from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm) C MT ; Dr. Mahmoud Ashraf

+2.012.334.3950 (24/7) CMT; Eng. Yasser Kamal

002 02 272 3639
Mailing Address
19 Nasouh St. Zeitoun 11321, Cairo, Egypt.
Att.: Dr. Mahmoud Ashraf
Electronic mail
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A strict no-smoking policy is applied at 1 St. AICPD conference.

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