This picture is courtesy of Morvyn Finch
For more Press Gang screen captures visit her @
Press Gang

A children's show that became so much more!

Updated 16th June 2001!

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Press Gang was based on an Idea by Bill Moffat, written by Steven Moffat
A Richmond Films and Television Production


When Stpehen Moffat wrote the first script for Press Gang, it was intended to be a children's show and was classified as such. However, it soon gained fans of all ages. Stephen wrote storyline dealing with quite a few controversial topics including child abuse and suicide. The scripts were handled well, and the result was an utterly brilliant TV show which ran from 1989 to 1993; and you'll never guess the ending!

For more information about Press Gang click on the above picture to visit Matt Saunders wonderful site and home to the PGML

If anyone has any Press Gang fan fiction, then please, feel free to submit.
E-mail me
Below are stories written by fans of the show:

Kevin Nauta has written six wonderful Press Gang stories.

Nic Mayer has written some very fine Press Gang stories and Poems.


Vignette - October 1998. A possible follow-up to "Holding On".


Short story - January 1999 Ten years in the future, Spike remembers the past.

Past and Future

Short story - Feburary 1999 Kenny returns.


Poem - October 1998. Spike's thoughts during "There Are Crocodiles".

And now, more Press Gang fan fiction

The Choice to Live

by Allison K. East

Did Lynda survive the fire?

The First Press Gang Round Robin

Written by the following members of the PGML
Kevin Nauta
Steve Darlington
Katie Bird
Allison East

(If I have left anyone out, please e-mail me so I can rectify this).


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