The 18th Light Dragoons (Hussars) information page

Welcome to the 18th Light Dragoons (Hussars) web site.

kit page about us  
This Web site is intended to give you the viewer an insight into"The 18th Light Dragoons (Hussurs)" re-enactment group.

Our group has been recreating napoleonic cavalry in both the English and the French armies for the past 8 years.

Through these pages we are attempting to show you what has been achieved and what we intend to accomplish

in the years to come.

Historically the Light dragoons were first raised in 1759, the first being "Elliot's 15th" followed shortly by the 17th,

18th and 19th. 1763 saw the end of hostilities and the 17th were disbanded, the18th became renumbered the 17th

and the 19th became the18th. In 1806 the 7th, 10th & 15th became Hussars, the 18th following in 1807.

The change involved no change in duties, only a much newer, ornate uniform.

  Above right we see a colour drawing of a Hussar from the 18th in his campaign dress.

He is wearing his pelisse over the top of his doleman and his white stable trousers over his breeches.

Throughout the Napoleonic period the 18th served with distinction in many parts of the

British Empire. Notable are ; Maroon Revolt in the 1790's, S Domingo in 1795,

with the 15th as part of Grant's Brigade in Spain 1813, Vivian's Brigade in the Peninsula

1814 and again under Vivian for the 100 days war after Napoleon escaped from Elba.


At present the unit has around 18 members, including recruits,

probationary members, officers, NCOs and enlisted men.

Above you can see dragons formed in a mounted skirmish line.

They are armed with their carbines and are about to fire.

To the right is a section of light

dragoons with sabres draw and

awaiting the order to advance.

For further information contact the 18th hussars corpral of horse.