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I have been in law enforcement since 1978. I served the Natrona County Sheriff's Office untill Sept. 1991. From there I tried P.I.(In Denver Co.)working for I.N.S. Investigations Bureau Inc. I investigated fire scenes to establish, where the fire started and why.

I still work law enforcement as a reserve police officer for the Town of Mills. I try to give 12 a month, in return the chief pays for any training necessary to maintain my P.O.S.T. certification. I also do my very best to be there when they ask for help.

I started my law enforcement career at age 35. I only found out 2 years ago, from my mother, that I wanted to be a cop since I was born.

I found that very interesting.

My wife Judy, since 1972, has put up with many graveyard shifts, yet she still supports my being a Reserve, no pay cop.

What a woman!! hummm, divorced as of 6/25/99

I am a private pilot, I have logged to date 450hrs, in verious single engine, land, aircraft. I am a member of Civil Air Patrol. I enjoy the oppertunity to give cadets their first airplane ride. I have several things I enjoy doing, flying; photography; working patrol; and serfing the net.

Hung up the gun and badge Sept.1, 1999 :( I will miss it.

The answer: e-mail me and I'll tell you. (new)


Some one killed a policeman today, A part of America died.

A piece of our country he swore to protect, Will be buried with him at his side.

The suspect who killed him will stand up in court, With counsel demanding his rights.

While a young widowed mother must work for her kids, And be alone many long nights.

The beat that he walked was a battle field, too, Just as if he had gone to war.

Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half-mast, To his name, they will display one blue light.

Yes, somebody killed a policeman today. It happened in your town and mine.

While we slept in the comfort behind our locked doors. A cop put his life on the line.

Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street, And he stands at each new rookie's side.

He answered the call and gave us his all.



My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Check out the Weather, befor the shift
Casper, Wy. Newspaper
Home of powwow; on line keyborad chat
Police Officer Internet Directory
No More IRS=National Retail Sales Tax
Wyoming Cops
