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Now for the Real World Feed back

You and your delegation have come a long way in learning together as a team.

It is now time to share the results of your quest, your viewpoints and solutions to the crisis, with the real world.

You will also get feedback from someone outside your classroom.

Here is what your delegation to the U.N. (India, Pakistan, Kashmir, or United States) will do and what you will do as individuals:

As a Group:

As a delegation about to go to the U.N. Summit you will:

Write a message to the President of the United States of America, sharing your peace proposal with him.


  1. Access the

    White House Correspondence site

  2. Carefully follow the on-line instructions to fill in the template about your group.

  3. Include a cover letter of explanation from your teacher.

  4. Next write a well-composed and well-reasoned letter discussing the peace proposal of your delegation.

  5. The letter should be carefully proof read and edited by your group. Instructions for writing this letter are to be found in the Evaluation (put link to Evaluation here) section.

  6. Place your peace proposal in the message space.

  7. Double check to be sure you haven't exceeded the limit of 10,000 characters!

  8. Idea: Write in your word processor first and then cut and paste into the message space in the template.

  9. Use the spell and grammar check options in your computer's tools section.

  10. Don't forget to use the Online Thesaurus to help you find a variety of ways of expressing your thoughts.

  11. After sending the letter to the President also give your teacher a copy.

As an Individual:

Write a Letter/Email

You may choose one of the following to express your individual opinion:

  1. Send a letter to the editor of a newspaper which is well-read and popular in your community or city.

  2. Send an email message to one of the suggested sites or a site of your choice. Don't forget to have the site you choose approved by your teacher.

  3. Send an email message or letter to one of the peace organizations.

1. Procedure for Letter to the Editor of Newspaper

2. Web Posting Message

Below are some suggested web sites that you can send your personal opinions and reactions to:

1. Chowk
The fun part is that this site is interactive and you will get replies to your messages from people (mostly Pakistanis and Indians) all over the world.

You can later read their replies on the site.

Here's a sample of an
article on the site relating to the India-Pakistan conflict.

You can look at the Replies section to read the responses that this author received to his article.

2. BBC
Recently the British Broadcasting Company hosted a live radio/email show entitled "Kashmir: Time for Peace?"

You can add your responses about the Kashmir dispute to their web site.

Guess what? You can also read comments made by readers from all over the world.

3. Letter or Email to Peace Organization

1. Amnesty International
This site will give you email addresses for Amnesty in your country.

You can voice your concerns to them or ask any questions that are lingering in your mind.

Or you can even email their International Secretariat in London

2. Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
You can fill in their Feedback Form and send your comments on specific articles or join an ongoing discussion.

3. Letters For Peace

4. Write For Peace on Earth
Wonderful, colorful and exciting sites that are going to inspire you to write letters.

Here you will find addresses of world leaders, Peace Proclamations, as well as links to peace sites and clubs all over the world.

There's sample letters and you can even read letters on peace written by celebrities and leaders.


Make a difference in the world!

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