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Yes, this is my favorite page. I'm a wife and mother of three smart and kinda goofy kids.

KatrinaHeatherJulienSeanFav Links


This is Katrina Marie, my oldest, just turned 14. You know, I always thought there was something wrong with junior high kids until her. Now I know there is. Really, she is a joy, a straight-A student, very gregarious, and an all-around lovely person. Her passion is for music and she sings like an angel (if you can trust the opinion of her mom). She truly gives me faith that the world will not end when I'm too old to be in charge.


This blonde bombshell is Heather Danielle, and bombshell is right. This is my very active nature girl. She absolutely kills her sister every summer when she tans so perfectly from all her adventures. She is a thinker, as well, and comes up with some of the most spectacular ideas I've ever heard (if you can trust the opinion of her mom). I look forward to her having a long and wonderful career as a marine biologist. At age 11, she's interested in many things, but she loves the underwater world, as do I. We like to watch shows on the Discovery Channel together.


This is my sweet little 6-year-old, Julien Adam. The best term to describe him is 'Mr. Entertainment'. He likes to be center of attention and has found some very amusing ways to get it. His teacher reports that at play time, to entertain his classmates, he will put on a pink tutu, a cowboy hat, and 'fairy-dance' around the room. He says he wants to be a race car driver when he grows up, though he's still a snuggly little ball of fluff at this point. Just don't tell him I said that.


This is my husband, Sean. He looks so happy in this picture because he's holding a check he just got for winning a stock car race. This is his thing. Believe me, it is the most expensive hobby man created. All you airplane pilots out there will argue, but I still think I'm right. His second favorite thing is fishing, at least since my brother introduced him to the sport. I like fishing, too, because it's the one thing I can sometimes do better than him and then I can tease him.

With our hectic lives it's sometimes hard to find time to spend all together, but we manage. I've provided links to some of our favorite places.

Denver ZooDiscovery Channel On-Line

CheyenneNetworkMuseum of Natural History

NASCARWater WorldSix Flags

Yellowstone Natl Park Thermopolis

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Kathy S. LaCroix  1848 E. 21st St. Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 778-0182

Copyright, 2000 - Design by Kathy S. LaCroix