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The Sotians

Would you like to help invent the Sotians? Just invent a fact about them and send it to me. Write "Sotian" in the subject area. I'll post what you have sent so that others can add to it.

The Sotians are a race of intelligent beings living on a rugged moon orbiting the fourth planet from Pollux.
--Argus Skyhawk

Sotians: creatures that dislike gravity. Unlike humans, Sotians do not have a problem with zero gravity aniemia that humans get. Humans need gravity because without it too much blood is too easily circulated through the brain and the brain's autonomic system tells the skeleton to stop producing red blood cells causing aniemia and a lowered immune system. Sotians create their own gravity so extra just weighs them down.
--Martin Jones

Sotians, being (as they are) freed from the constraints of gravity, have no concept of personal property or belongings. Since they have never been tied to the land or bound by restrictions of movement, they have never felt obliged to develop, what they consider "primitive" forms of ownership.

As such, everything material which is utilized by the Sotians is used by any individual as the need arises.
--BoomBoom (

They have an incredible sense of humor and they like to play pratical jokes like steal the ship. They have telekenetic powers that allow them to think others thoughts without being dictated as a whole. They have strong family units and desire to see the earth get "What they deserve." They also have morale that exceed the good of the earthlings and have far superior intellegence because of the combined efforts of all involved.
They also have big ears and bald heads:)

The extraordinary abilities of the Sotians, such as telekinesis and self-gravity, come from an artificial implant known as the intraspacial inverter, or "hrik lahmot" in the Sotian tongue. The Sotians first began using these devices in the year 214 B.C. Earth time, or 1242 Sotian, when their homeworld, Pollux 4 (Sotia) was attacked by the Raakelloks. The Sotians implanted the hrik lahmots into a group of soliers and sent them to counter-attack the Raakellok homeworld, Reekel. The mission succeeded and soon the new technology became available to civilians.
--Bearcat (

Well, They are like the borg(Star Trek) only they are nicer and don't try to conquer and/or assimilate other species. They would prefer to be left alone but are also very well known to at least try to be helpful to others. You have to ask them questions or ask them for help or they will just leave you alone. They prefer to stay out of war. They like to learn about new things, however seeing as there is no gravity they have too apoligize if you're not allowed on their planet due to no gravity anemia. But not to worry! They have created a device that fits right behind your ear to compromise.They have a very popular drink called Systolic with is an alcohloic beverage minus the effects. They are kind enough not to use their telepathy around other species, but sometimes it can't be helped.
--Douglas J. Perry

The Sotians had just been involved in first contact with the Federation through the U.S.S. Saratoga, when it was suddenly ordered to defend Starfleet at Wolf 359 against the Borg. The Sotians like to explore the galaxy by creating temporary artificial wormholes that are randomized. Generally, the medium-sized wormholes last for 50 hours. They feel close bonds to the Betazoid peoples through their telekinetic powers. They talk through a gill in their backs. An actual adult Sotian is stronger than an Elder Jem'Hadar soldier.
--Lee Jamilkowski

The Sotians have a very unique ally that only they currently know about, which the Federation will soon discover. They are called the "Jah". The Sotians have no fear of the "Jah" because of their size. The Jah people are only the size of an earth flea, but humanoid in appearance, and quite intelligent. Their ships may range in size from that of an Earth tic, to a large mother ship size of a golf ball. The Sotians ( being that they are kinda private ) use the Jah to keep educated on many species. The Jahs size is so small that you may never know they are there! So at this time it is uncertain what type of information the Sotians have on other civilizations!
--Michael Keebler (

Due to their gravitational advantages and skills at telepathy and telekenesis, Sotians are being sought after by other races to serve as interplanetary spies. The "hrik lahmot", the implant which gives them these abilities, is part of a biomechanical symbiotic relationship that has yet to be duplicated in other species. The scramble to recruit Sotians as intelligence gatherers continues as attempts to duplicate the merging of the implant with other species continues to fail.

The Sotians free-spirited and prankster attitudes combined with serving as interplanetary spies have already caused some minor intergalactic mishaps. This includes the recent "Ribakah incident."
--William Hyche

The Sotians are a humanoid race that look like a combination between the Klingons with the large craniums and ridged forehead and Vulcans with the pointed ears and live on a moon the size of the earth that orbits a Jupiter sized planet in a giant Red star system. They are purple in complexion with no hair at all on their bodies. Both the men and women of the race are seven feet in height possessing the strength of two adult klingon males and all are gifted telepaths. With such powerful attributes the Sotians will seek diplomacy before engaging in such a primative act like war, but they will fight if needed. They are a few decades more advanced than the Federation or the Dominion. They remained hidden on their world from detection with the use of an advnace cloaking device that made their world invisible to all Federation detection devices. Generally a race of introverts they have decided to join the Federation cause after an escape shuttle from a destroyed Federation ship was trapped in their planets orbit. On board that was a starfleet officer named LT. Amanda Oliver of Earth. She was a latent telepath who while in a slight coma made a telepathic link with the Sotian people who saw all her thoughts and only at that moment understood why her people have decided to fight as allies with Federation against the Dominion.The Romulans learning of this new Federation ally have broke their alliance with the Federation and Klinons and have went to the other side. The Federation, Sotians and Klingons have formed a new alliance and the war has taken another turn.
--Terrance L. Shears

The Sotians have very strong family ties because they are all really related. They all came from basically the same one person, the god of their world, Hutyryam. They do not have the birth troubles of mating with the same family members as we do here. For some reason they all have the same genes except for one. This one gene is the most important one in determining their sex, what they look like and how they think.  This gene also makes it possible to mate with the opposite sex.

They have the ability to phase themselves in and out of the Time-space-continuum.

Once a Member of their species reaches the age of 380 they go through a second metamorphosis, often called Ramula or "The ReBirth." It's considered a great honor to live long enough for the second metamorphosis. The Metamorphosis allows them morph into any object they wish, able to replicate objects by shear thought, no need for consumption of food and able to communicate telepathically with out the need for the implant.

Now,as everyone in the Galactic Federation knows,the Sotians are quite humanoid in appearence. They also have a need to have sex with anyone/everyone they meet. Male,female,off-worlder,bi-sex,group sex--you name it,they have it.

Which is why I would like to apologize to the parents of Lt. Stacey Rockbind,for she is now one of the many women in the Sotian Prince's private harem,& we can't get her out of there,because if we do so,it'll result in an ugly intergalactic war.

I'm sorry,but that's all I've got to say. No more questions,please.
--Andrew Troy Keller(

They do prefer to stay out of war but since the Sotians have all of these unique abilities, they are at war with the Q-continuum (Star Trek) because the Q (Star Trek) are threatening to take over the Sotians. Both Governments want to prove to each other which is the more powerful race. The Sotian government has been trying to come to a peace agreement with the Q because of their alliance with the Federation, but the last few ttempts have failed. Because of this the Federation is a threat to the Q. The Federation is working on making the Q their allies so that both races can get along peacefully.

In spite of the Sothian dislike of private property and their quite liberal views on intercourse, this does not mean that they cannot form any bonds. In fact, these highly advanced humanoids tend to find a single life-mate from their own species and stay with him / her throughout their entire life. The bond between life-mates is very strong and serves both as a social and mental bond, as life-mates share a very close telepathic link. The death of such a life-mate can be quite strenuous on the survivor, which is one of many reasons that few make it to the second metamorphosis. However, when a surviving life-mate couple both makes it to the second metamorphosis, their united gifts and their bond sometimes allow the extraordinary event of ‘Gahl Tareem Bishaar’, where the two merge into one powerful androgynous being of great beauty. Such creatures, known as the ‘Gahl Qin’ are highly revered amongst their people and often sought for advice because of their great abilities and wisdom. It is said in Sothian myth, that once every seven hundred years – which would be approximately like one millennium in Earth-years – a particularly gifted ‘Gahl Qin’ will arise and guide it’s people into a new era. History proves, that this in deed seems to happen at eerily regular intervals.
--KimotoCat - A space traveler, who has met a Gahl Qin once...

Could the Sotians be one of the earliest links in the Q's evolutioary chain? Federation scientists think so.

Leading Vulcan and Human scientists have been working on a theory of the Q's history, and it goes something like this:

In the history of the Q, (whether thier history flows from the past, present or future) the Q were a race mad with power. They were somewhat like the borg , but with a major difference. Rather than simply aquire new technology, and force a crude connection with the bodies of each alien race they met, the Q took a different approach. They would use the DNA of each race, not thier technology.

While other, more xenophobic races clung to genetic purity, the Q sought to increase the variety of thier genetic makup. Through advanced genetic engineering, the Q began to seek out new races and new sources of DNA, incorporating the strengths of each new race into thier own.

What occurred was a snowball effect that succeeded better than they had originally thought. With each change, they gained new abilities, new insight in choosing prospective races, new ways to traverse space and time, thereby broadening thier search to many multiverses, planes of existance, and all of past present and future. With greater intelligence, and instinct, came better methods, and a more refined process.

The Q had stumbled on one of the most powerful secrets of the universe. 'Don't seek to change everything around you. Start from within.'

Soon, they were far more powerful than any race had ever been. But, with absolute power came corruption, decedance, and eventually stagnation, and apathy.

And, social scientists theorise, the reason they don't seem to know thier own history, is they just don't give a damn anymore.

The Federation scientists arrived at this theory from extensive analysis of all known alien races. Some of the races discovered by the great explorer, James T. Kirk, and a few others, allowed them to piece together parts of the Q's socio-evolutionary makup.

They are not sure of the Sotians role, but they are positive that they are either part of the mix, or will become the one of the ancestor races to the earliest incarnations of the Q. At the least, leading theorists put them somewhere above the shape-shifting Dominion, and below the Bajorran Prophets.
- By; Chief Esrohekilgnuh of the Senojynit tribe.

New research indicates that the Sotians may be capable of much fasterscientific progress than any other race. They possess telekinetic andtelepathic powers like the Q, bu they have had zero-gravity devies for arelatively short time -- 2,600 years, which is about 650 years inearth-equivalent time (since a Sotian can live upto 380 years while a humancan live upto about 100).

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