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The Yearly Full Membership fees are R450.00. (Qualification - Adult player or social member)

The Yearly Scholar Membership fees are R35.00. ( Qualification - School going children)

The Yearly Student Membership fees are R264.00. ( Qualification - In full time tertiary education)

The Yearly Pension Membership fees are R264.00. ( Qualification - Over 65 years old)

An access disc, which costs R50, can also be purchased by members in order to gain access to the squash complex.

Fees for existing members are due at the end of October each year. A portion of the fees go towards our main club (of which you automatically become a member of, upon joining) and the rest goes towards the squash section.

Other sections that are available for joining are Bowls and Tennis.

As a paid up member from the end October 2002, you will be eligible for the monthly draw that will take place on a date specified each month. (Please check the events link) The draw will be attendance. The winning amount will be R100. If the person is not present R50 will be carried forward to the next month and R50 will be drawn until a member is present wins it. If  the monies accumulate for 4  months the money will be drawn until won.

Our courts are available 24 hours a day. Court booking times are 45 minutes, with the exception of 2 of our courts which are for 1 hour. Bookings can be made through Brian Bands Sports from Monday to Friday from 9.00am at +27 41 363 5499. Bookings can only be made a week in advance.

Our light meters use special coins which cost R3.00 for 22,5 minutes. Coins can be bought in packs of 10 for R30.00. These coins can be purchased at the main club.

Membership forms are also available at the main club or down at the squash courts.

Any queries please e-mail the Chairman, JP VD Merwe, at

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[Site Designed by KdesignS 2002] This page was last updated on 15-May-2003.