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A Going Church For A Coming Christ

The Best Place in the World to Worship

The church was organized May 23, 1953 by Rev. Earl J. Gilbert with a membership of 16. Mrs. Carlos Brickles served as the first church clerk. They met in the Union Hall of a local coal mine for more than a year before a permanent structure was built. The first building was constructed in 1954 on Main Street in Man and housed the membership for 27 years. Rev. Ralph Mitchell served as pastor when the church was erected, and continued as pastor until May 1959.

Other pastors who served from 1959 until the present are as follows:

Rev. Wendell Lester: January 1959 to August 1960
Rev. W.L. Bloomfield: September 1960 to May 1961
Rev. Woodrow Parsons: June 1961 to May 1962
Rev. Chelsey Noel: June 1962 to July 1971
Rev. Albert Cline: August 1971 to February 1976
Rev. John Sprouse: March 1976 to September 1976
(Rev.) Bishop Bernard Cook October 1976 to the present time.

As the church grew, the building became too small to accommodate services. In early 1981, under the pastorate of Bernard Cook, land was secured and construction began on a new building. The facility was erected by the men of the church and the providential hand of God during a long coal strike practically debt free.

Church attendance is steadily increasing and several outreach ministries are ongoing. The membership and other regular attendees share a common evangelical goal, to serve as a beacon of hope shining brightly as a witness for Christ to the lost.

With God as our Guide the future promises to be even greater than the past.