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Show Pictures
Show Pictures

1999 (Two-Year-Old Year)
We went to our very first shows while we living at Elan Estates. Vantage has never had any trouble at show. We won first and third in Halter at the NWO Quarter Horse Fun Show (left) and fifth in Showmanship at the MidCanada Horse Show (right). What a good start!

2000 (Three-Year-Old Year)
This was the first show we ever rode at. It was the Haunted Haloween Show at Dreamfields Riding Center. The ghost costume won third place! Vantage did really well for her first riding show. I had only sat on her back for the first time, after my fall, just two months before!
We had a lot of firsts that year

2001(Four-Year-Old Year)
Vantage gets a lot of practice with her Halter Classes. She was still three at this show. Her birthday was the next day. We had to walk through a ton of mud during this class. We got
Reserve Champion - Halter at this show, out of 15 horses!!!

(Arab Youth Club Fun Show)

This was also the Arab Youth Club Fun Show in May. We did just walk/trot classes. She was very good. This is the Ghost costume from last year that I turned into a Cow Costume. I sewed on black patches and added a cow bell. Everyone loves to see her in this costume, especially since she is a Paint.

This was our second Walk/Trot Show of the year. It was the T.R.E.C. Fun Show of Shiela Platnick's, in Hymers.
My Mom and Dad come to all my shows. They are really supportive of me and my "horse thing". Thanks guys! This was a really long day for all of us. For this show, Vantage stayed overnight at Karen & Emily's camp because I had to take care of the barn that weekend. We all had a great time. That weekend wouldn't have been possible without their help. Thanks ladies!

At that show we won our first Walk/Trot High Point Award. The prize was this blanket. Doesn't she look proud!?!

This was the last show of 2001, the Fall Frosty Show at Dreamfields Riding Center. Vantage won her Dressage test and overall had a good day. We won our second High-Point Award for the year!

To see pictures from this years show, please click the 2002 button below. Thanks!


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