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Psyduck's PokéWorld

Hello and welcome to my little site. This site is about Pokémon, all Pokémon, and nothing but Pokémon! You'll find cheats, walkthroughs, FAQs, pictures, MIDIs, and lots of other cool Pokémon stuff. Be sure to check it all out! And don't forget to check back regularly for updates and more stuff! Thank you, and N'Joy my site!!

This site created August 11, 1999.
Updated whenever I feel like it (usually once a week)

You are Pokémaniac Angelfire's counter thingie since August 11, 1999

Don't hate me because I am beautiful...
We reached 1,000 hits on November 6, 1999!

If you've got anything to say about this site, please Email me at

News & Updates
Bulba.  Bulbasaur!Char!Squir-tell?

It's ALIVE!!! 0_o 12/16/00
No, you're not seeing things... I actually did an update. This site ISN'T dead, it's just... well, in hibernation for a while, I guess. Hey, YOU try juggling school, homework, band practice, and a website! Anyway, to make up for the serious lack of updates lately, todays update is a pretty big one! The Gallery and Downloads sections have been redone a bit, and there's new info on Gold, Silver, Crystal and Puzzle League in the Games section. And, AND... a new look for the holidays! ^^ I promise to try and update more often from now on...

Oops! 10/07/00
Well I got my new Nintendo Power the other day, and it turns out that a LOT of the English names I had in the New Pokémon section were wrong. So I've made the necessary changes over there.

Names Released! 9/23/00
Nintendo has finally released the names of the new G/S Pokémon!... well, some of them, anyway. Check out Nintendo's official G/S website to see them. Also, the English names for the G/S towns were released a few days ago, so I have added them to the Gold/Silver walkthrough.
Fourth Movie Pics and some other stuff 9/17/00
Well, I am going to try a different layout for the main page. Instead of just putting updates to the site, I'll also put up the latest news from the Pokémon world. Just to keep you all informed! ^.^ Anyway, I've gotten some pics from the fourth Pokémon movie. They're pretty cool, because they're completely computer-generated, but I doubt the actual movie is going to be like that. Anyway, you can see the pics here along with a poster for the movie.

Now as for actual site updates...
More English Names in New Pokémon section
English Names for New Cities added to G/S Walkthrough
New Battle Royal!
New Fake Pokémon
And a few other minor changes you probably won't even notice ^.^

Email me!

And no Pokémon site is complete without...
I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

This site is owned by Amanda Roope (that's me). If you would like to use info from this site on your own site, that's cool, just keep my name on it, put a link to my site on yours, and don't make any major changes or say it was crappy or whatever.

Pokémon is © Nintendo, Creatures, GameFreak Inc. Get the picture?

Toki, the little Togechikku who watches over the bottom-of-the-page stuff
Bottom-of-the-page Stuff...

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Meet Whiplash!

Level: 50

Skills: Razor Leaf, Toxic, Mega Drain, Cut

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Power Puff!

Level: 25

Skills: Sing, Doubleslap, Defense Curl, Disable

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection


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