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Sample Award ONLY

Nefret's Award for Purrrrfection

Papa gives out awards and medals and other things all the time to his top henchcats, so I figured, "Why can't I?" So, with permission from Papa (and my Jellicle parents, Munkustrap and Demeter), I present to you 'Nefret's Award for Purrrrfection'! I couldn't very well say 'Jellicle Purrrrfection', that would be unfair to all the henchcats out there who might want to win the award! If you're looking for a more challenging award to win, try Nefret and Desdemona's Award for a Purrrrfectly Spiffy Website. If you would like to try for this award, the directions are below:


First, before you do anything, think about it: Nefret's Award for Purrrrfection is only given out to good sites - I recognize that some people aren't great with HTML (like myself) or aren't good with pics (like myself), but the page must have some substance and originality to it (and it helps if you sign my guestbook *mischevious grin*)

Must Haves

Must have...content about Cats
Must have...originality and creativity
Must have...stuff other than lots of links
Must have...less than three broken links
Must trashing of Macavity (see below for exception)

Thank your site has what is takes? Well then, good for you! You can now go on to the submittion process!


1. Open up an email to
2. State your site's name and address
3. Write up a brief little summary thing on why you should receive my award
4. Email it to me! Go on, don't be shy!

If you've made it this far, congrats! I usually chicken out around this point. Now comes the hard part: waiting. Usually I would be able to respond within the week, if not the day, but school is taking up much more of my time than I had thought. Please be patient and give me a month to respond. Since I reallyreallyreally hate telling people they didn't get the award, I will not respond after a month if you did not win my award. Good luck!

These sites have won my award:

Rumpleteazer's Hideout
JAAM - Jellicles Against Anti-Macavityism
MistyKitty's Lair
Little Demeter's Jellicle Fanfiction
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer's Jellicle Junkyard
Bombalurina's Page
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer's Centre of Operations
Bombanya's Jellicle Rebels
Tamanoella's Cats Site & Tilly's Pipe
Victoria's Dwelling
The Cardboard Box
Jemisto and Demisto's Cats Lair
Victoria's Jellicle Cathedral
The World of the Pollicles
Jellicle Cats Have Moonlit Eyes
Mistoffelees' Little Corner of the Junkyard
Firefrorefiddle and Taramine's Cavern
Nometery's Home

Come see the awards I've won!

Back to the Lair

Note: the picture used in the award is copyright RUG/Polygram and big thanks to Jemimus for letting me use the awesome picture!
Trashing of Macavity Exception: if you have a fanfic on your page that has Macavity as an evil villain, I will let it slide. However, I will only do this if the rest of your site makes up for it.