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Site Index

Index of Pages on Degenerates Haven
Eye Candy
Here you'll be able to find pictures and wallpapers of The Bouncy One.
For the Fans
You can find the Fans Page, which is pretty self-explanatory, The (newly revamped!) Hot Seat, The Arcade, and Fight a DX, you can fight HHH. Some day I'll get the others up and running.
For Your Viewing and Listening Pleasure
As you can probably guess, here you'll be able to find X-Pac - related sounds and videos! Credit goes to Lords of Pain for most of these.
Fun Stuff
As it says, these are mostly just fun, goofy things that I like to play around with. DX Nation Parody, Nude Gallery, Songs for Wrestlers, 50 Ways to Piss Off a Wrestler, and Funny Signs.
In His Own Words
Chats, Interviews, and Articles about everyone's favorite bouncy lil' degenerate.
Links, Webrings I belong to, Link to Me, Vote for Me.
Misc. Tributes
Various tributes about some wrestlers. There will be more, but so far I have Road Dogg, HHH, HBK, and Owen Hart.
Here's my little campaign to get X-Pac his own home video! Please support me and go check it out! :-)
Previous Encounters
Biography and "X-Pac Through the Years".
Pretty simple here, huh?
Reliving the Past
Here you'll be able to read Allyson's ever-awesome RAW reports! Now go harrass her to write some more!
Showing Support
Wrestlers I've adopted/support, Adopt a Wrestler for yourself!
Trophy Case
Here you'll be able to apply for my award, as well as see awards that I've won.
What You Don't See on TV
And this, probably my favorite section, is for fanfiction. :)