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In His Own Words

Name of Article
Brief Description
PWI 1999 Edition
Decent, but very brief, article on X-Pac's career in '98.
Who's Got The Juice?
Article written by the one and only Kevin Kelly. Well done and worth the read piece about X-Pac.
True Colors
A very well-written article focusing on the friendship between X-Pac and Kane. Very well worth the time taken to read.
X-Pac's Personal War
Another good article about X-Pac. Gives a brief background before focusing on the growing rift between X-Pac and Kane. Worth the read.
Superstar Wrestlers
Brief biography of X-Pac, and gives a bit more insight into how he came back into the WWF.
At The Crossroads
Good article written about the X-Pac/Kane friendship that..well, sort of went asunder.
Face The Fans
Good Q and A with X-Pac when he was still Syxx.
No Holds Barred
Nice little piece from a person close to X-Pac.
RAW Magazine Interview
Excellent Q & A article, provides a lot of insight into the man behind the character. Recommended!
X-Pac: Nothing Less Than X-Ceptional!
Great article with lots of detail about Sean's early and pre-'Pac career. Well worth the read.
X-Celling: X-Pac Comes of Age
Detailed account of X-Pac's first win of the European Title from D'Lo Brown.
X-Pac: The Heartbeat of DX
Gives a brief recounting of X-Pac's career, and has a short little interview piece at the bottom. Good reading.
Articles With Others
Inside the Ring
Talks about how the WWF/WCW wars have been escalating and how a possibility of a supercard has become greater. Deals mostly with DX's attack on WCW in Virginia.
Inside the Ring II
Interview with HHH talking about how he's been bossed around since he started his career, and how he's recently taken charge of the direction of his wrestling life.
New Age Outlaws
Several different opinions of NAO, and tells how they first formed.
The Wrestler
Before DX was reformed. Talks about how HBK's ego is destroying the group from the inside.
Wrestler II
Mostly about Hall and Nash wanting out of the NWO, and possibly WCW. Talks alot about Syxx's infamous FedEx letter, which is why it's included here.

Chats and Interviews
1-2-3 Kid Statement
This is something where The Kid got into a Prodigy room, apparently to issue some kind of statement about his future in the WWF.
Syxx Prodigy Chat
This is the chat Syxx did on Prodigy that I very painstakingly edited...the original WILL give you a headache, but it's plastered all over the 'net, so the brave can go read the whole thing. For those weak of stomach, here's the lighter and easier to handle version.
Chats With Others
Shawn Michaels Interview
Shawn's famous "Losing My Smile" speech.
Shawn Michaels AOL Chat from '95
Shawn Michaels Chat From '96
Again, self-explanatory.
This is the chat Hunter did not long ago on AOL. Definitely worth the read, but it can get a bit confusing, seeing as how he fades in and out of kayfabe the entire time. =)
Road Dogg AOL Chat
Yep, you guessed it. Here's the chat Road Dogg did just a lil' while ago on AOL. VERY funny! :)
