American History Class
Monticello Middle School

Mr. Stephens

It is not our abilities that show us what we truly are. It is our choices. - - A. Dumbledore
Chapter 5
Life in the English Colonies

October 21 - November 4

. . . . One September morning, William Byrd II rose at 5 A.M. to begin the business of running his Virginia plantation. After a few hours, he met Colonel Bassett, and the two men rode into Williamsburg. In the busy colonial capital, Byrd met with several members of the Council of State. These men were an important part of the colony’s government. That day he was sworn in as a member of the Council—a major step in his political career. He wrote in his diary, “God grant I may distinguish myself with honor and good conscience.”

In 1647 Leonard Calvert, the governor of Maryland, lay dying. He asked that Margaret Brent be brought to his bedside. Brent had left England in 1638 to escape religious persecution. She now owned a Maryland plantation. Before witnesses, Governor Calvert said to Brent, “I make you my sole executrix [woman who carries out a will]. Take all and pay all.” Brent was well known for her business skills and the management of her plantation. Calvert trusted her to handle his estate wisely.

One morning a Connecticut farmer and his wife heard that George Whitefield would be preaching in a nearby town. They quickly dropped their work. As fast as they could, they rushed to make the 12-mile journey. Still several miles from the meeting site, the couple met a line of horses carrying fellow travelers. To the farmer, each horse appeared “to go with all his might to carry his rider to hear news from heaven for the saving of souls.” After hearing Whitefield’s message, the inspired farmer joined others who had religious conversions. “I was born on Feb 15th 1711 and born again Octo 1741,” he later wrote in the first line of his autobiography.

Night after night in 1610 Italian scientist Galileo Galilei looked up at the sky. People had long believed that Earth was the center of the universe. Galileo, however, began to doubt this idea. He used his newly built telescope to view Jupiter and observed small moons around this planet. This discovery told him that not everything in the universe moved around Earth. Other scientists began to share Galileo’s views. They thought that many other ideas about the natural world also needed to be reconsidered

Reading Checks: Following are the "must know" items for this chapter.

1. How did representative government develop in the colonies?
2. What effects did the Navigation Acts have on colonial economies?
3. Why did the colonies participate in the slave trade?

4. Why were enslaved Africans the main workforce in the southern colonies?
5. How were New England’s economic activities different from those of the southern colonies?
6. What was the message of the Great Awakening?
7. How did the Great Awakening change colonial religious organizations and leaders?

The following requirements
must be completed.
How they are fulfilled is your choice.
The methods you choose must be pre-approved.

"Old School"
Using the Cornell Note-taking method,
Cornell Template

Please complete each
Review Section
in the textbook
as instructed below

American History

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contact your teacher

"We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way". (John Holt)


For the following sections, please answer each question by writing a quality response. Those questions which are starred (**), please write a minimum of 2 paragraphs, with each paragraph containing 5 sentences. For ALL other questions, please write one paragraph.

The questions for the "Friday" tests will be chosen from the Section questions.

Printable Copy

Section 1
Forms of Government

1. What roles did governors, assemblies,
courts, and town meetings play in local governments? **

2. Why were colonists interested in the Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights? **

Section 2
The Growth of Trade

1. Why did mercantilism and English trade
laws upset colonial merchants and farmers?

2. What items were part of the triangular trade?


Study Guide

Section 3
The Colonial Economy
  1. How did the economies of the New England, middle, and southern colonies differ?
Section 4
The Great Awakening
  1. How did the Great Awakening change colonial society? Please include the "message" of the Great Awakening. **

Section 5
American Culture

1. Who were the most important writers and artists of the colonial period, and what were some of their accomplishments?

Study Guide

Test 5-2

Old School
Practice Tests

"Emergence of Colonial Government "


Possible Alternative
Assignment & Assessment

If you would like to complete an alternative
Assignment & Assessment rather than take the "Old School" test(s),
please choose the following or create an
appropriate alternative assessment of your own.
If you choose to complete an alternative assessment,
you must have approval when we begin the chapter assignment.

Examine the visual summary of the chapter below.
Create a written summary of colonial events and
achievements based on the drawing.
Please see Mr. Stephens before begininng this option.


Ohio Social Studies Standards
Chapter 5


Old School
What's on the test?


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It is not our abilities that show us what we truly are. It is our choices. - - Albus Dumbledore