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Welcome to site map


About Us Information about this project
Downloads Information about things to download from this site.
Teacher's notes Notes to teachers. how to make the best of these exercises.
Copyrights What is Headway?
Write us If you find a mistake or want to contribute with exercises, write to us.
Recommend us Here you learn how you can recommend us to fellow students or teacher colleagues.
Acknowledgements Thanks giving.
Multilingual help Choose your language
Frequently asked questions Some trouble shooting.
Student's notes Notes for student in many languages.



Write us

Please feel free to write your comments, suggestions. We will read all with great care. But when criticizing negatively please remember that this project is at the very beginning. Some comments have been past regarding the small size of the project. We can only agree with comments of this kind and work hard to remove this disadvantage. Some comments regarding the cross browser compliance of the project are highly justifiable. We have found that some exercises do not work under Netscape 4.X or Explorer 4.X. Apologize us this shortcoming but do write if you have any problems and we shall fix them. If you want to have all that we can offer use Internet Explorer 5.x to browse our site.

About usYour non-virtual teacherFind out about us: We are a group of independent fanatics who love English and use their individual skills to entertain students. The site is hosted in the Czech republic but we are, thanks to the nature of the internet, spread all over the word. (You may also contribute by writing an exercise for any of our projects). These projects are the result of our love and admiration to the English language. Moreover we have considerable experience using Headway and New International Business English course books. We love them all and consider them one of the best on the market. 


Student's notes: Multilingual help

These notes are only available in English but we hope that it will change and some kind of help will be available in your language as well. (By the way, would you please write a short introduction to our web-site project in your own language. We need all the help.)

Recommend us

Use this form to send your recommendation to anyone you think can be interested in our project.

 Teachers' notes

Welcome to the club of interactive English teachers. If you are someone teaching from these course books you must be the luckiest person we know. These books are very well written. Used with expertise and practice they are perfect tools to guide students on their way to a better understanding of English. Please contribute to these projects by writing and posting your own exercises to our EMail address. In order to protect our computer please send pure *.txt or *.html files. Do not send any *.doc files. Especially not with macros. You do not have to create the actual html file just send pure exercise with keys. At the moment we cannot reward your efforts financially but will be happy to publish your name and Email address with the exercise you write if you want us to. And your name can be listed in
Acknowledgements section.


Downloads and comments

Please ensure that you use a browser enabled with Java or JavaScript support. Find such programs on the internet or on CDs accompanying computer magazines sold in your country.

Please download this file to save some money if you use dial up connection. It is enough to click on the links on these files off-line and then you are connected to my project. Saving some time. This file will be available after the sit goes on-line timesaving pages



NEW INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENGLISH is copyright of Cambridge University Press.

Our interactive project based on these course books infringe no copyrights. (We do not copy and publish copies of the books.) At any case our intentions are to popularize these course books because they deserve it.


We have special thanks to our sponsor
Minolta without whom this project could not grow so tremendously.

We thank each other in supporting this project with our self-written exercises:

  • Laszlo Bujdoso: the Hungarian mastermind of this project HTML programmer, exercise writer and CEO : )
  • Krystina S.: A very ambitious student who would like to be an English teacher and she is very near to becoming a very good one.
  • Jana S.: A very enthusiastic supporter and a keen exercise writer.

 Frequently asked questions.

  • "Are you nuts to spend your time and energy on projects that are not profitable?" - Thanks the compliment. And thanks our sponsor.
  • "How can I contribute with an exercise?" - Feel free to mail us your own exercises to any of the units related to the course books or supply your own business joke. Conditions in teachers' advisory.
  • "Do you send the exercises to our mail box?" - Yes if you want to. You can start by downloading the Timesaving zip file to save you some time logging in from a dial up network. Send us a Mail requesting an exercise at intervals you wish and we will send you an exercise regularly.
  • "I find that my browser do not show some of your exercises very well and some JavaScripts won't work." - Well, this is something that causes sleepless nights to web-site writers. Some older versions of Netscape and IExplorer cannot display everything or they do not display identically. To make everything more complicated one can custom install these softwares leaving out features and supports. (e.g. If you install IExplorer 5.0 in its default value you do not install Virtual Machine that is needed to display certain web-effects