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Smitty's Patriotic PCHS Page
Go Straight to the Courses Visit the Final Frontier

If you need help w/homework, etc. email me at the address below. You can try IMing me at smithaypc but there is no guarantee I'll speak with you, because I might be on with two other people.

Click on Colleen Tappel's(PC class of 2002) incredible art work to go to a really moving site. Enjoy it, remember those who have died in the name of Freedom, and pass the link on to others who would value this page! Click on the two moving flag gifs below to go to some other patriotic sites.

This page updated stardate 0203.22 or for you normal humans 03/22/02

Visit the official PCHS website for news, sports, classes, homework, history and much more by clicking on the Crusader above!

Links to Mr. Smith's Courses

See the homework page to keep up-to-date with your homework.
Mr. Smith's Homework Page

Click on the crying eagle to go to my patriotic quotes and songs page!
Visit the Book List for 8th Grade Book Reports for 2001-2002!
Mr. Smith's Books and Movies Course
Mr. Smith's 3rd Period Internet Class
Creative Writing Class
Mystery Novels Class
Science Fiction Past, Present, and Future
Fantasy Novels Class
Science Fiction in the Media
Action/Adventure Novels Class
Beverly Hillbillies Family Values Course

Click on the burning U.S.S. Arizona to go to my World War II History Course via Videos page.

I've added a new page to this course, heavy in images, but well worth looking at as you study this course.

I've recently added a new project's page concerning Pearl Harbor.

Click on the pic. of my father standing in front of the newly finished PCHS to go to my History of Parkersburg Course.

Please note, Parkersburg History Class page is heavy with jpegs and will take some time to load!

I have four sets of video classes, lectures actually, on the following topics: Ancient Greek Civilization, The Bible and Western Civilization, Shakespeare: The Word & the Action, and Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy.

If you're interested in taking one of these courses as a Distance Learning course, we'll negotiate assignments, projects, etc. Taking these courses during the summer will only cost $50 since I didn't design them or have to generally deal with them. This basically covers the cost of grading assignments.

My Obligatory Star Trek Portion of this Page!
Star Trek Pages Updated 3/03/02
Star Trek and Social Justice Issues Course

This is a pic. of the new Enterprise from the new Star Trek show of the same name. Click on the Enterprise to go to my Star Trek Gifs Page.

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Hi and welcome to my online class site. This is a site for students who like to read and write. It is also for those students who've never experienced certain genres of literature and haven't experienced writing for fun.

There are many classes from which to choose and you can sign up for as many as you'd like, just don't overextend yourself. Cost per class is $125.00. If you're taking any of these courses during the school day during the school year there is no charge. Classes taken independently from your home during the school year will cost $75. Requirements and instructions for each class will be found on their websites. If you have any questions email me before signing up. Thanks for considering my sites and have fun! All of these courses offer credit for graduation too.

A special thanks goes to Mr. David Woody, senior high social studies teacher, who is also our school's webmaster. His helpful hints as to making this page better, plus linking my page to the school's are really appreciated.

My Qualifications to Teach These Courses

I am a West Virginia Permanently Licensed Teacher. My major is English and my minor is Social Studies

I have a permanent Developmental Reading Certificate from West Virginia.

I have taught 17 years at Parkersburg Catholic High.

I have taught English 8, 10, & 12 for 16 years.

I taught geography, West Virginia History, American History I, and psychology for 1 year.

I taught creative writing and science fiction/fantasy for 8 years, before taking over as journalism advisor.

I have taught journalism for 8 years.

I wrote/created/edited/published our school's newsletter for 5 years.

I am currently working on my first novel.

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