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About Brooke County Genealogy, Inc.


The Brooke County Genealogy organization has been a link to the past since it was formed in 1994 in a class at the Beech Bottom Community Christian Church.

Gwen Hubbard, now the group’s president and Mary Lou Henderson of the Wheeling Area Genealogy Society conducted a class on family history. Following several sessions; interest was sparked and there are now over 100 members locally and regionally.

During 1996-97 we met at the Wellsburg library and made plans to move forward. In 1998 the group was incorporated. Officers include: Gwen Hubbard, Pres.: Vice Pres. Ruby Greathouse; Secretary, Bobbi Elliott; Treasurer, Linda Counselman; Newsletter editor, Pam Cost.

Gwen Hubbard and Bobbi Elliott have transcribed many early records and now have them for sale. These sales are for the benefit of the organization. New research books are being purchased with the profit. See publications

The early Court Order books of Brooke County are now being transcribed. There are 15 volumes for sale at this time ...Mar 2001...

Volunteers will be in the library on Wednesday and Saturday from 2-4 p.m. to help you with research. If you cannot be there on these days, ask the librarian for aid- she will contact one of our members for you.

We are pleased at the number of persons who have come into the library to do research. It is indeed a pleasure to bring a smile to a face of one who is doing research! We also work on-line on the Internet.

Doing genealogy is like doing a jig-saw puzzle..first you have to find the pieces and then hope that pieces fit into the puzzle.

Do come visit us at the Wellsburg Library 10th and Main

"Our little corner of the library"

L - R Leah Gracey Campbell, Bob Gracey, Chas. Reeves, Ruby Greathouse, Maxine Dobrin, Bobbi Elliott

L - R Ruby Greathouse, Gwen Hubbard, Bobbi Elliott

Officers for the year 2001

One of our most faithful members, Glenn Main of Bethany, WV


Membership application


Meetings are third Saturday each month, ( except December ); 1 p.m. at the Brooke County Library, 10th and Main Streets, Wellsburg, WV.

Membership is for calendar year. Back issues of the newsletter for the year joined will be forwarded on receipt of dues.

Benefits: Quarterly Newsletter, indexed each issue

Queries, two free per year

Opportunity to take part in special events

Satisfaction of supporting, preserving and expanding Brooke County

History and Genealogy for future generations


Share your 5-generation sheets with our group!!

We invite you to share in this project to aid you in your search here in Brooke County.

This is the way it works....You send us YOUR five generation sheet. That is your ancestors, beginning with yourself, going back five generations (or as many as you have), include your name and address and if possible your E-Mail address. All we ask is basic information. b-d-spouse, etc.We will also need a permission to release your information signed. (Sample here on-line that can be copied.)

When we receive these sheets, we index EVERY name on the sheet. These sheets are then put into a notebook for reference source when a visitor comes into the Library. If that person finds a match of the names they are looking for, your address is on the sheet you sent in..that person can contact you and you two can share information. When we receive YOUR sheets, we do check for any match of family names and notify you.

At this time, this source of information contains 11,208 names. ( Please be aware that we realize there are a few repeats of names in this count.) This has been a most interesting project for our group. We hope that you will want to share with us!

Send your information to: BROOKE COUNTY GENEALOGY P.O. BOX 144 BEECH BOTTOM, WV. 26030