My So-called Dictionary/Word List

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I put this list together as a student, so you will see some things in here that are quite simple. You will also see some words with *s/l* beside them. These are sound-alikes. I put them in the list, the way it sounded to me, then in the right column I entered the word the way it should be, or entered a possible alternative. There are prefixes, suffixes, drugs, abbreviations,etc. Some words have definitions, some do not. Please let me know if you run across any errors and I will correct them.


Word or Root Definition
S1, S2, S3, S4 heart sounds
SA Node see sinoatrial node
sac blister
saccule smaller of two sacs with the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear
sacral triangular shaped bone between 5th lumbar vertebra and the coccyx *tailbone*
sacral backache  
sacral dimpling  
sacraledema presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid on the sacral
sacrum part of the vertebral column that is directly connected with, or forms a part of the pelvis
safflower herbal medicine
saffron herbal medicine
SAH systemic arterial hypertension or subarachnoid hemorrhage
saldaneck *s/l* drud sulindac
saliva digestive juice produced by salivary glands
salivary glands three pairs of exocrine glands in the mouth that secrete saliva: parotid, submandibular *submaxillary*, and sublingual
salping- ustachian tube or uterine tube
salpingectomy excision of a uterine tube
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tube
Saltbush allergen
San Joaquin valley fever another name for Coccidioidomycosis, a granulomatous lung disease
Sandal gap deformity a characteristic of Down's syndrome
sanicle herbal medicine
SaO2 SaO2 - percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen in the arterial blood; in the venous blood - SvO2
saphenous vein vessel most often removed for coronary artery bypass
saphenous vein stripping performed to treat varicosities
sarc- flesh
sarsaparilla root herbal medicine
sartorius tendon
sassafras leaf & root herbal medicine
Satinsky type of angled clamp
satoniglavars *s/l* Cytomegalovirus
saw palmetto herbal medicine - over the counter - for urinary hesitency
saw palmetto berry herbal medicine
SC subcutaneous *injection under the skin*
scabies contagious disease caused by a parasite *mite* that invades the skin, causing an intense itch
scabo to scratch
scaffoid abdomen soft, scaffoid and nontender
scale a thin flake of exfoliated epidermis *dandruff*
scalp stimulation for fetal heart monitoring
scapula shoulder blade
scarlatiniform re: rash
scd boots *s/l* SCD boots *sequential compression devices - stockings*
Schatzker ex: Schatzker's VI open right tibia fracture
Scheuermann disease condition affecting the intervertebral cartilage
Schirmer test test of tear production in which a piece of filter paper is inserted over the conjunctival sac of the lower lid
Schlemm, canal of duct in anterior chamber that carries filtered aqueous humor to the veins and bloodstream
Schwann, sheath of fine membrane which covers each axon in the peripheral nerves
Schwannoma, vestibular a benign neoplasm arising from connective tissue cells in the perineurium of the eighth cranial nerve called an acoustic neuroma
sciatic neuralgia pain radiating from the back to the buttock and into the lower extremity, Pain anywhere olong the sciatic nerve.
sciatic neuritis pain radiating from the back to the buttock and into the lower extremity, Pain anywhere olong the sciatic nerve.
sciatica pain radiating from the back to the buttock and into the lower extremity, Pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve.
scler- hard or sclera
sclera white of the eye; surrounds the optic nerve at the back of the eyeball
scleral buckle performed to correct strabismus
scleral buckling  
scleritis inflammation of the sclera
sclerosis condition of hard
sclerotherapy use of schlerosing *hardening* agents in treating diseases *e.g. injection of a saline solution into a dilated blood vessel tumor in the skin, resulting in hardening of the tissue within and eventual sloughing away of the lesion*
scoli- twisted
scolio- twisted or crooked
scoliosis abnormal curvature of the spine
scope instrument for examination
scotoma blind spots in vision
Scottie dog sign  
scout film plain x-ray taken to detect any obvious pathology before further imaging *e.g. a KUB before an IVP*
Scriptene *AZT-P-ddI*  
scrootchin *s/l* escutcheon
scrotum a bag; skin covered puch in the groin that is divided into two sacs, each containg a testis and an epididymis
scullcap herbal medicine
SD Scleroderma
seated implants *s/l* seeded implants
seawrack herbal medicine
seb oil *sebum*
sebaceous glands oil glands in the skin
seborrhea skin condition caused by hypersection of sebum *oily substance secreted from skin* from sebaceous glands
sebum oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands *oil glands in the skin*
secondary lesions lesions that result in changes to primary lesions
secretory endometrium  
secunda gravida *s/l* secundagravida *one word*
secundigravida two pregnancies
seizure sudden, transient disturbances of brain function resulting from abnormal firing of nerve impulses *that may or may not be associated with convulsion*
Seldinger technique used most often to initiate heart catheterization
sella turcica where the pituitary gland is located
semen a mixture of the secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbbourethral glands discharged from the male urethra during orgasm
semen analysis study of the semen, including the sperm count with observation of form and motility; usually performed to rule out male infertility
semicircular canals three canals within the inner ear that contain specialized receptor cells that generate nerve impulses with body movement
semilunar pertaining to half moon
seminal vesicle one of two sac-like structures lying behind the bladder and connected to the vas deferens on each side - secretes an alkaline substance into the semen to enable the sperm to live longer
semino- seed
seminoma common type of malignant tumor of the testicle
semitubular fiber-type plate a 6-hole semitubular fiber type plate was……
senna herbal medicine
senoid wing meningioma *s/l* sphenoid wing meningioma
sensorineural hearing loss hearing impairment caused by lesions or dysfunction of the cochlea or auditory nerve
sensory deficit loss or impairment of sensation
sensory nerves nerves that conduct impulses from the body parts and carry sensory information to the brain - also called afferent nerves
sepsis infection; contamination
septated hydrocele  
septal defect hole between the atria or ventricles
sequela a disorder or condition after, and usually resulting from; a previous disease or injury
sequelae any abnormal condition that follws as a result of a disease, treatment, or injury; e.g., scar formation after a laceration
sequestrum something laid aside; dead bone tissue from loss of blood supply *e.g. after a fracture*
Serentil *mesoridazine* phenothiazine derivative
Serevent: bronchodilator  
serial cardiac enzymes  
seronegative re: rheumatoid arthritis
seroquill *s/l* Seroquel dopamine and serotonin antagonist for schizophrenia
serotonin a neurotransmitter that serves as the precurser to melatonin
serous otitis  
serous surface papillomas also adenofibroma
serulaplasma *s/l* ceruloplasmin
serum body fluid
serum calcium level 9.2 mg/dL; if falls below this is considered to be deficient
serum glucose lab test
serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase SGOT: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
serum sodium lab test
Sestambibi Exercise test  
sestamibi scan Tc-99m sestamibi scan
setinal patch *s/l* fentanyl patch *pain releiver*
SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SH social history
Shacklee vitamins  
sheath of Schwann fine membrane which covers each axon in the peripheral nerves
shingles herpes zoster
shock low systemic blood pressure with poor perfusion
shock lung Shock Lung - clinical terminology for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome *ARDS*
shotty - hard and round shoddy - poor quality
shotty cervical lymphadenopathy bird-shot like enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
shrinking lung Shrinking Lung *term used for any form of pulmonary fibrosis*
Shur-Clens a wound cleanser
SIADH excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone
sial- saliva
sialoadenitis inflammation of a salavary gland
sibilant shrill or hissing breath sound
siclobenzaprine *s/l* cyclobenzaprine *Flexeril* - a skeletal muscle relaxant
sicodeses *s/l* sarcoidosis
SIDH *s/l* SIADH - syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
Sig: label; instruction to the patient
sigmoid- sigmoid colon *resembles an "s"*
sigmoidoscopy examination of the sigmoid colon with a rigid or flexible sigmoidoscope
sign a mark; objective evidence of disease that can be seen or verified by an examiner
silicosis glass dust in lungs
sillium *s/l* psyllium - generic for Metamucil
Simmonds disease panhypopituitarism
sincopy *s/l* syncope - long e sound - fainting or loss of consciousness due to temporary defficiency of blood supply to the brain
sinistr left or on the left side
sinkopee *s/l* syncope
sinoatrial node *SA node* the pacemaker; highly specialized neurological tissue impeded in the wall of the right atrium responsible for initiating electric cinduction of the heartbeat, causing the atria to contract and firing conduction of impulses to the AV node
sinophils *s/l* eosinophils
sinus- sinus *cavity*
sinus, pyriform  
sinus tarsay *s/l* sinus tarsi
sinuses air-filled spaces in the skull that open into the nasal cavity
sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses
sirrosis see cirrhosis
sitology study of food
sixth-nerve palsy or 6th nerve, or VIth nerve
Sjogren's disease j as .. Over it
skeleton, appendicular bones of shoulders, pelvis, and upper & lower extremities
skeleton, axial bones of skull, vertebral column, chest, and hyoid bone *u-shaped bone lying at the base of the tongue*
Skene glands located around the urethra
skin grafting, allograft donor transfer between persons of the same species such as human to human *homo=same*
skin grafting, auto graft transfer to a new position in the body of the same person *auto=self*
skin grafting, heterograft graft transfer from one animal species to one of another species *hetero=different*
skin grafting, homograft donor transfer between persons of the same species such as human to human *homo=same*
skin test, patch substance is applied topically to the skin on a small piece of blotting paper or wet cloth
skin test, scratch substance is applied to the skin through a scratch
skin tests methods for determining the reaction of the body to a given substance by applying it to or injecting it into the skin
sleep apnea periods of breathing cessation that occur during sleep, often causing snoring
sleeve inserted into with the trocar during laparoscopic abdominal surgery
slippery elm herbal medicine
slit lamp biomicroscopy use of a tabletop microscope used to examine the eye, especially the cornea, lens, fluids, and membranes
Slo-bid drug
Slocum's maneuver  
Slow-K 1 *potassium chloride*electrolyte replenisher; for potassium depletion caused from vomiting, diarhhia, etc
small intestine tubular structure that digests food received from the stomach
smooth mass  
smotherweed allergen
snare used to remove nasal polyps
Snellen eye chart  
Snelling test *s/l* Snellen test *eye test*
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, plan
soas *s/l* psoas
SOB shortness of breath
sodium ferric gluconate *Ferrlecit* drug for iron deficiency anemia
soft tissue mass  
solar sun
solomon’s seal root herbal medicine
Solu-Cortef drug
Solu-Medrol corticsteroid used to releive swelling, inflammation, redness, itching - generic methylprednisolone
somat- body
somatotropin growth hormone
somn- sleep
son sound
Sonata gen=zaleplon *for insomnia*
sonogram record of sound
sonogram, abdominal ultrasound image of the abdomen to detect disease or deformity in organs and vascular structures *liver, pancreas, gallbladder, etc*
sonograph instrument for recording sound
sonography use of high frequency sound waves *ultrasound* to visualize tissues or structures *e.g., muscles, ligaments, displacements, etc
sonography, endoscopic an endoscopic procedure using a sonograph transducer within an endoscope to examine a body cavity and make sonographic images
sound*ing* instrument used to locate the opening of a cavity or to reveal the contents of a canal or cavity *stones in bladder, deoth of uterus*
sounded uterine cavity sounded to a depth of
SP Spontaneous Pneumothorax *SP*
spacer Spacer - device designed to hold an aerosol metered-dose inhaler *MDI* for optimum delivery of the drug into the lungs; ie Aerochamber® . [Spacer Boot Camp]
spadias to draw away
spasm drawing in; involuntary contraction of a muscle
spasm-involuntary contraction  
spastic uncontrolled contractions of skeletal muscles causing stiff and awkward movements *resembles spasm*
spearchucking pain when attempting to throw, or chuck a spear *or pretend to*
specific gravity *SpGr* measure of the kidneys ability to concentrate or dilute urine
specific gravity dictated as 10 10 = typed 1.010
specific gravity dictated as 6 6 = 6.6
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography
SPECT brain scan scan combining nuclear medicine and computed tomography to produce images of the brain after administration of radioactive isotopes
speedwell herbal medicine
spheno- wedge-shaped
sphenoid wing meningioma  
sperm male gamete or sex cell produced in the testes that unites with the ovum in the female to produce offspring
spermatogenesis the formation of sperm
spermatozoon male gamete or sex cell produced in the testes that unites with the ovum in the female to produce offspring
spermicidals creams, gellies, lotions, or foams containing agents that kill sperm
SPH Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension
sphincter band
sphygm- pulse
spider angioma a tiny, red, blood vessel lesion formed by the dilation of a group of blood vessels radiating from a central arteriole, most commonly seen on the face,neck, or chest
spikenard herbal medicine
spin- spine *thorn*
spina bifida congenital defect in the spinal column characterized by the absence of vertebral arches, odten resulting in pouching of spinal membranes or tissue
spina bifida occulta condition in which there is a defect of the vertebral canal without protrusion of the cord or meninges
spinal cord column of nervous tissue from the brainstem through the vertebrae, responsible for nerve conduction to and from the brain and the body
spinal nerves 31 pairs of nerves arising from the spinal cord
spinal tap LP *lumbar puncture*
spinnbarkeit procedure for examination of cervical mucous
spir- breathing
spiro breathing
spiro- breathing
spirometer Spirometer - an instrument for measuring volume of air entering and leaving the lungs
spirometry process of measuring breathing
spirometry before and after  
splinting use of a rigid device to immobilize or restrain a broken bone or injured body part
splinting a word also used in connection with respiratiry distress
spondy- vertebra
spondylolisthesis forward displacement of one vertebra over another
spondylosyndesis spinal fusion
Spontaneous Pneumothorax *SP* Spontaneous Pneumothorax *SP* - an inherited condition characterized by weak areas in the pleural lining of the lung. Small air-filled blisters, called blebs, may form which occasionally rupture causing air to leak from the lung into the chest cavity. Also called Blebs Disease.
sponylosis stiff, immobile condition of vertebrae
Sporanox PulsePak Ex: for tinia unguium *has 7 blisters of 4 caps*
spot films also, pressure spot fills, compression spot films
sprain injury to a ligament caused by joint trauma but without joint dislocation or fracture
spun clean-catch urine specimen - cleansing of the external genetalia, start urine stream allow first part to escape, then collecting remainder
spun hematocrit  
sputum Sputum - mucus, phlegm or other substances coughed up from the respiratory tract
SQ subcutaneous *injection under the skin*
squam scale
squam scale
squamocolumnar junction where pap smear is taken from
squamous cell carcinoma malignant tumor of the squamas epithelium
squamous cell layer flat scle-like epithelial cells comprising outermost layers od the epidermis
squaring ex: squaring of the medial femoral condyle
SR systems review
ss one-half
SSEP monitoring  
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
St. Johns-wort herbal medicine
stage D3 Not stage D-3
Stamm G Tube  
stapedectomy excision of the stapes to correct otosclerosis
stapedectomy re-establishes linkage between the incus and oval window
stapes stirrup; last of the three auditory ossicles of the middle ear
staph not staff *staphyoococcus*
staph hominus *s/l* staphylococcus hominis
star anis herbal medicine
stasis stillness; disorder in which the flow of a fluid through a vessel of the body is slowed or halted
stasis dermatitis a common result of venous insufficiency of the legs beginning with ankle adema and progressing to tan pigmentation, patchy erythema, petechiae, and induration
STAT immediately
statis stillness; stop or stand
status asthmaticus status asthmaticus
status epilepticus a patient experiencing a series of grand mal seizures without waking intervals
stavudine *Zerit* antiviral agent
stazo- upon
steat- fat
steatorrhea feces containing fat
stem cell transplant procedure used with breast cancer
sten narrow
sten- narrow
stenosis narrowing of a part
Stenotrophomonas maltophila type of bronchitis
stent placement use of a divice used to hold open vessels or tubes
step offs re: trauma or fracture
stere- three-dimensional or solid
stereostatic radiosurgery  
stereotactic breast biopsy x-ray imaging using a specialized stereotactic frame and computer to calculate, precisely locate, and direct a needle into a breast lesion for removal of a core specimen
stereotaxic radiosurgury  
stern- sternum *breastbone*
sternocleido muscle  
sternotomy traditional coronary artery bypass is done through this median
stero- solid substance
steroid hormones regulate carbohydrate metabolism and salt and water balance; some effect on sexual characteristics
steroids group names for lipids that contain a hydrogenated ring system; adrenocortical hormone is one of them
steth- chest
stiff lung Stiff Lung *term applied to any form of pulmonary fibrosis*
Still's disease juevenile rheumatoid arthritis
stoma opening
stomach sac-like organ that chemically mixes and prepares food received from the esophagus
stomat mouth
stomatitis inflammation of the mouth
stomatitis inflammation of the oral structures with herpesvirus
stomy creation of an opening
stomy-creation of an opening  
stool culture and sensitivity isoloation of a stool specimen in a culture medium to identify disease-casing organisms; if present, the drugs to which they are sensitive are listed
stool occult blood study achemical test of stool specimen to detect the presence of blood; positive findings indicate bleeding in the GI tract
stove-up stoved finger means stubbed, staved or stoved means to crush or break inward
Stove's disease *s/l* Still's disease
strabismus a condition of eye misalignment caused by intraocular muscle imbalance
strain overstretching of muscle injury
strapendectomy *s/l* strapedectomy - excision of the stapes of the ear
strep type as streptococcous
stress echocardiogram an echocardiogram of the heart recorded during the induction of controlled physical exercise *treadmill or bicycle* or a pharmaceutical agent that produces the effect of exercise in patients unable to ambulate--useful in detecting conditions such as ischemia, infarction, etc.
stress electrocardiogram an ECG of the heart recorded during the induction of controlled physical exercise using a treadmill or ergometer *bicycle*, useful in detecting conditions
striae example: extremities exam, no cyanosis, striae, vascular lesions or scars
stridor a high-pitched crowing sound that is a sign of obstruction in the upper airway *trachea or larynx
stroke volume the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle during one beat
stroke volume *SV* measurement of the amount of blood ejected from a ventricle of the heart per minute
STT arthritis scaphoid, trapezium, trapazoid
scaphoid waist fracture  
STT fusion scaphoid, trapezium, trapazoid
styloid process process on temporal bone
subacromial impingement  
sub Q *s/l* subq = subcutaneous
subcostal-intercostal retractions  
subcutaneous under the skin
subcutaneous layer connective and adipose tissue layer just under the dermis
sublingual under the tongue
sublingual gland one of three pairs of exocrine glands in the mouth that secrete saliva: parotid, submandibular *submaxillary*, and sublingual
subluxation a partial dislocation
submandibular *submaxillary* gland one of three pairs of exocrine glands in the mouth that secrete saliva: parotid, submandibular *submaxillary*, and sublingual
submaxillary *submandibular* gland one ofthree pairs of exocrine glands in the mouth that secrete saliva: parotid, submandibular *submaxillary*, and sublingual
submental salivary glands  
submucous fibromyomata  
submucous resection  
suboccipital craniectomy  
subplatysmal flaps  
subq sub Q type out subcutaneous
substernally below the sternum
substernoclyomasoid *s/l* sub-sternocleidomastoid
succussion splash  
sudamonas *s/l* Pseudomonas
sudotumor *s/l* pseudotumor
sudor sweat
sudoriferous glands secrete water & some wastes from skin
sudoriferous glands sweat glands
sugar-tong splint  
Sulamyd ophthalmic solution  
sulci ditch; shallow grroves that separate gyri
sulcus a shallow groove or depression or a furrow on the surface of an organ - not as deep as a fissure, but both words usually used interchangeably
sulcus tumor  
sulfonylureas plural for classification of diabetes drugs
sumach berry & bark herbal medicine
summer savory leaf herbal medicine
sun use of a hormone to remedy a deficiency or regulate production *e.g. testosterone*
superficial toward the body surface
superior denotes upward orientation
supernumerary pertaining to excessive numbers *too many to count*
supernumerary nipple presence of more than one nipple on a breast
supination turning upward or forward of the palmar *palms of the hand* surface or plantar surface *sole of the foot*
supine position lying on the back *on the spine*
suppos suppository
suppuration production of purulent matter *pus*
suprarenal pertaining to above the kidney
suprarenal glands located next to each kidney, the adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormones and the adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
Suprax antibiotic
surface antigen  
surgical loupe used to magnify small structures
suscipiens to take up
suspensory ligaments attach the lens to the ciliary muscle
suture -Ethilon nylon suture *example: repaired using 4-0 Ethilon X 4*
suture, chromic repaired with 2-0 and 3-0 chromic sutures
suture, Vicryl  
SV stroke volume
SVC Slow Vital Capacity
Swan-Ganz catheter inserted into the pulmonary artery to monitor blood pressure during open heart surgery
sweats sweats
SX Symptoms *SX* - subjective indications experienced by the patient, ie chest pain *see signs*
symbiosis presence of life together
Symmetrel chills, headache, fever, viremia
sympathetic nervous system division of the ANS concerned primarily with preparing the body in stressful or emergency situations
sympathomimetic mimics the effect of the sympathetic nervous system
symptom occurrence; subjective evidence of disease that is perceived by the patient and often noted in his/her own words
sym-together or with  
synapse space through which nerve impulses are transmitted
synarthrosis an immovable joint
syncope fainting
syndactylism webbing together of toes or fingers
syndactyly webbed digits
synov- synovium
synovia the lubricating fluid of the joints, bursae, and tendon sheaths
synovial cyst synovial = pertaining to, consisting, or secreting synovia, the lubricating fluid of the joints, bursae, and tendon sheaths
synovial fluid lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
synovial frena/frenula re: ligament
synovial fringe  
synthetic conjugated estrogens *Cenestin* drug for menopause
Synthroid drug
syn-together or with  
syphilis infection disease caused by a spirochete transmitted by direct intimate contact that may involve and organ or tissue over time, usually manifested first on the skin with the appearance of small painless red papules that erode and form bloodless ulcers called chancres
sysmibby *s/l* Sestamibi *excercise test*
systemic relating to the whole body rather than only a part
systemic circulation circulation of blood throughout the body through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and veins to deliver oxygen and nutrients to body tissues
systole contraction phase of the heartbeat
systole to contract; period in the cardiac cycle when the heart is in contraction and blood is ejected through the aorta and pulmonary artery
systolic murmur  

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