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Last Updated 10/07/04 (22:52 )

 :::Heatfest News:::

I am sorry but due to lack of intelligence J.J Kage is using the really crap logo because he made it ( what a nerd!)

As for Heatfest the response from the wrestling public has been amazing an the event is looking to be one of the best events the SWF has witnessed. An when the card has matches like:
Nero Vs Tic Tac
Chris Taylor Vs Tyrant
Christian Rave Vs Nick Bone
Wreckless Vs Ozzy Mayhem in a 'Hardcore Death Match'
 and many more....
There's no wonder we at SWF are so hyped up about it. But we still have time to make Heatfest even better than it already looks so keep checking out this space for all the latest news on the event.

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