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KINGOKRAP's Custom Figures

Update: November 20th, 2009

Man, been a long time since an update. I have been really lazy with my customs this year. But I do have four figures done- TF Dropshot (which I got cheap and just wanted to practice some painting) another movie Ironhide, a ROTF Breakaway, and one of my favorite customs so far an Arham Asylum Bane figure. I've already got an Arkham version of Killer Croc planned out as well. So, have a happy Thanksgiving and keep an eye out for some figures going up for sale, hopefully in time for Christmas.

Hail to the king, baby!


eBay Auctions

Any suggestions, critisism, questions about customizing, anything is welcome. You can reach me at

Here's all my past customs. Any suggestions/critisisms/questions about action figure customizing are welcome. I'll do my best to answer any questions. I don't do commissions. I would like to, but this is just a hobby of mine. If I started doing commissions it would seem too much like work, and I get enough of that crap at work. But suggestions are always welcome.

The King's Links. More to be added as I see fit.

This is where my ebay auctions can be found.
Perhaps the greatest website of all time.
Diamond Comics Distributors. This is where I find out what comics are coming out each week.
Online Price Guide. This shows the prices of thousands of comics, and the prices of their different grades.
CASE Files- A place for customizers to list their sites as well as eBay auctions.
Jin Saotome's Dangerous Toys. This is where I got my idea to customize from. This guy does outstanding work.
Kyle Robinson's Customs- Another great customizer.
Great toy customizing forum with all kinds of groovy stuff.
Double Dealer's website. Great customs galore.
Reprolabels- Need Decals for your TF figures, this is the place to go.
Gaussboys- Rare Earth Magnets in all shapes sizes, dirt freakin' cheap too. Order as many as you want- only $4.60 flat-rate shipping.
