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May 5th, 2010

Believe it or not, The first Time I remember Nancy Benoit was when she was with the NWA in 1989 cutting a promo on some wrestler and I was confused and honestly thought that was Miss Elizabeth, I mean I was 8 years old and in my defense Nancy had her hair done up the same way Miss Elizabeth did and in my mind The WWF was the only Federation around at the time and never heard of NWA so I remember asking my Dad if that was miss Elizabeth because it was unlike Miss Elizabeth to act evil and talk smack on camera when we all know Miss Elizabeth never hit that level during her prime.

After she left NWA and lost touch with the world of wrestling, I remember before ECW ever hit the airwaves in Pittsburgh That I read a lot about her in Magazines of her return to wrestling but this time in ECW.. I remember being upset because I was interested in the storyline I read about her and the sandman as a couple and that interested me and wanted to have a 2nd shot to see her in wrestling since I was much older and was more into it at that time than I was when I was younger.

But thanks to the Rise of WCW in the Monday Night Wars, I got that chance when they brought in Woman in the Hulk Hogan/Macho Man against The 4 Horsemen storyline which was a pretty dam big leap from just being the Sandman's manager in ECW

What I remember most about her was her scream at ringside.. She would be next to Miss Elizabeth as Lizz would stand there and show support than you have Woman who would scream and interfere which I believed help Miss Elizabeth learn to defend herself and bring the attitude out of her

She showed up being beautiful as she is but looses control and lash out which dubbed her the devilish woman

I loved her time in WCW, but honestly wished she would work in the WWE, she had the look, the timing, and the mean streak to show case that in the WWE which I supported over WCW

She truly was the total package, Very Beautiful, Vicious, and Mean and only very few women can do the things that she can do during her prime.. When I heard Woman quit WCW during the Kevin Sullivan feud.. It was disappointing because after that you don't know if you'll ever see her again in Pro Wrestling

When Chris Benoit left WCW to the WWE, I honestly hoped maybe Woman will have a 3rd run and this time in WWE as his Valet because they were married in real life. And a lot of Wives of professional wrestlers make comebacks to the sport due to the marriage and I was hoping she would be one of them

Of course it never worked out that way and when I first learned about the death of the family, It broke my heart.. She as well as her son didn't deserve to die in such a way and due to this She will forever be remembered as the woman that was killed by Chris Benoit and the whole wrestling Biz was killed along side with them when Chris Benoit did what he did.

Growing up even until this day I have always had an attraction to bad girls and seeing Woman cheat, interfere, and take over was my biggest thing watching it on TV.. I was fascinated by her devilish ways and no one could play an EVIL person as well she can on TV..


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