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June 20, 2007

I would have never thought that I would write a small tribute nor my memories of the Queen of Wrestling Sensational Sherri.....

Even though I never met this great woman, I have talked to her off and on for about a year via E-mail, But before I get into my experience of knowing her just the little bit that I did on a personal side.... I want to start off with her career.

Just like the Kid of the 80's I grew up watching the great Andre The giant, Macho Man, Hulk Hogan, ultimate Warrior just to name a few ... but on the female side of the sport there were not many but TWO who paved the way for women you see on TV and in the Indys today, and they are none other than the Late Miss Elizabeth and The Sensational Sherri who just passed away on June 15..

One of the best feuds of the 80's and 90's if not the greatest of all time was Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man..... and in there corners we had one Woman cheering at ringside and across the ring on the other side was one woman screaming at ringside.....

in my opinion the Lovely Miss Elizabeth & The Devious Sensational Sherri feud was a classic and made the feud between Hogan and Macho Man matches the greatest attraction of the WWF/E during that era....

Sensational Sherri part in the feud was the most entertaining out of every match these two icons ever had. She was the ultimate Bad Girl that knew how to get the fans to REALLY HATE HER..... She took a bump and got right back up to ask for more... She would come out with the most flashy outfits that would ask her to turn off the dress, her make up was touched up and created the look of what scary is all about.. her hair was wild, and would stop at nothing to help her man gain a victory at any cost....

She was TRULY SENSATIONAL and live up to every meaning of the word.
She managed the greats of Honky Tonk Man, Macho Man, Shawn Michaels, Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Harlem Heat, Shane Douglas...

She has feuded with the greats of Candi DiVine, Fabulous Moolah, Miss Elizabeth, Sapphire, Luna Vachon, & Madusa

She has Worked against the greats of Hulk Hogan, Brutus Beefcake, Bam Bam Bigalow, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Sting, The Ultimate Warrior, Andre The Giant, Dusty Rhodes, Bulldog Davie Boy Smith, Terry Funk, & Kurt Angle...

She is to my knowledge the only Woman in History to work in the AWA, WWF, WCW, & ECW and became a women's champion in AWA and WWF making her the first woman to do so also...

Being trained by the icon of Women of Wrestling Fabulous Moolah.. She followed her teacher into the alumni of the WWE Hall of Fame making her the 2nd woman inducted into the class.. The same class that saw the greats like mean gene, Bret hart and the late Eddie gaurerro accept there honor. Her speech was consider the highlight of the whole ceremony....

I always have admire Sensational Sherri for the heart and soul she put into this sport making us fans entertain and waiting to see what she had up her sleeve from the 80s to the 90s and a few times in the 2000s making a one stint with Kurt angle and a stint in TNA as well as seeing her in the Hall of fame....

I contacted her finding her e-mail on her official website that covered her personal merchandise, pictures and history of her career and I loved and admire her and her work so much that I wanted to interview her for the insane plan website.... She replied back to me with in the same day which just seeing her e-mail in my inbox made me jump..saying she would love to but would find it impossible to do an interview about her career because she was in the middle of writing a book that was set for a 2008 release that covers her career and would not want to give out any of her time in wrestling because it will all be in her book....She kept apologizing in her e-mail to me but made her way out to say that I would be the first to interview her once her book is published and on the shelves to help promote her new book in the first interview when the book would get published.. I agreed and understood expecting this was a one time e-mail chat that turned into a back and forth e-mail conversation off and on for a year (I could be wrong on how long).... Even though I never met her in person or got to know her personally outside of wrestling... Just in our e-mails alone she was a SWEET, KIND who has a HEART OF GOLD... In just about every e-mail she made her way out to ask how my family was doing and to wish them a happy holiday depending on the holiday it was at the time.... I remember when the hurricane katrina hit her hometown where her family was from... My first instincts was to e-mail asking her how she and her family was and she said they are all accounted for and thanked me so much for thinking of them during that time...

And to Insane own Nay Nay.. Around her birthday I knew she admire Sherri next to her idol Miss Elizabeth and since I did not have the time to send her a card wishing her a happy birthday... I contacted Sherri and personally asked her to e-mail Nay Nay wishing her a happy birthday as my gift to her... I don't know and can't speak on her thoughts at the time but I know she E-mailed me right away saying this fan is claiming to be Sensational Sherri lol (I don't think she knew I was talking to her at all) After explaining to her that she was the real deal and for her to wish her a happy birthday as a gift... I am sure she was shocked. One of my last e-mails to her was congratulating on her big HALL OF FAME AWARD and wished her luck come the day before wrestlemania 22... She thanked me and we sorta lost touch from that point on...

Even though I was not a family friend or a friend that visit or called everyday ... this tragedy still makes me feel like I lost a friend as we kept in touch about her projects, making our way out in the e-mails to see how our familles were doing and wishing happy holidays and birthdays every chance we get ... this truly was an awful loss in the wrestling Biz. but the best thing that came out of it is that Sensational Sherri gets the chance to reunite with her best friend Miss Elizabeth once again and this time on the greatest stage of them all ... and you all have to find it in your hearts to see that looking upstairs.

One of the worse things about my job as the webmaster of insane is reporting a death in wrestling even harder when you grew up watching that person and even getting to know the person that tops that off and at this time which was not expected is hard as I too have a lot of exciting new stuff for the website and it's hard to find joy into updating that knowing this WOMAN who was a DIVA before the word ever existed would be also on the same update which makes this really sad for me.....

In one of my earlier posts of the Insane Board I stated that I was going to do a tribute of one star but not sure of who and Sherri was going to be on that list of candidates but after getting hit really hard by her death, There will be a new tribute in her honor in the works which will be somehow linked next to her best friend Miss Elizabeth so they will be together as two women I grew up loving...


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