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The Perfect Wrestler

I have so many great memories about Curt Hennig since he left a great void in wrestling when he passed away too young like so many of our legends in the past couple of years. I remember him in the AWA teaming with Scott Hall and what a great tag team they were and they really deserved to be the AWA Tag Team Champs.

I remember when Curt came into the WWF, now know as the WWE in late 1988. He was now going by the name Mr. Perfect and before he had his first match on tv they showed him being perfect at every sport he played including golf, basketball, baseball. I remember one of his first big feuds that really put him into superstar level in the WWE against Hulk Hogan he really had some amazing matches with Hulk Hogan back then. What really comes to my mind and will always be one of my favorite Mr. Perfect moments was when he managed Ric Flair in his feud in 1992 against Randy Savage which was a bad feud due to the allegations Perfect and Flair had against Miss Elizabeth, Randy's wife. Then later on in that year Perfect turned on Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan and stepped back in the ring teaming with Randy which nobody expected.

In his later years he still showed that he was perfect and I also enjoyed it after he joined WCW in 1997 he joined the NWO with the likes of all of his old enemies in the WWE, Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth, Hulk Hogan just to name a few. I really loved it when Miss Elizabeth accompained him to ringside in his first match as part of the NWO on Monday Nitro they really looked great together. I am sure Curt and Elizabeth have some good laughs about working together in heaven right now.

I was so happy that Curt was inducted into The WWE Hall of Fame in 2007 since he really deserved that honor and it is a shame he wasn't there to accept. It was so emotional seeing his wife, father, and children there to accept the award. His wife during her speech, summed up what we knew that he was and always would be "Absolutely Perfect" Thank You Curt for the memories, you are never forgotten!

--Renee Stright


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