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May 5th, 2010

I remember when I was doing research on Women of Wrestling the golden era and during my research a lot of Women in wrestling came up but the one and only Penny Banner was always on top of the list in my research when trying to understand what Women in Wrestling was Like in the 1950's.

I was very lucky to have got a chance to talked to her for a couple years before Having the opportunity to Interview her, Believe it or not, It took me a couple years for her to agree to the interview which was a great opportunity to help her promote her book banner days

It was an honor for her to tell her tails of her spot in wrestling for 23 years and for the last maybe 5 years and three interviews later, it was so much fun being able to work with her on different projects

I remember Having a friend who I work with was diagnose with Cancer and I was pretty shook up and actually contacted Penny for any advice being that she also had the cancer. She was so sweet and gave me advice to stay strong and be there for her and her family and always pray and she also said she will also pray for me during this hard time in my life in 2005

Unfortunately my friend died within two weeks from finding out she had the cancer and It was a very tough time, and Penny was so sweet being a true friend to me during my healing process.

one of the last projects I worked with her was that She was to release a shoot DVD and I was helping her with questions for her to answer on the DVD and although I haven't seen the DVD, I contacted her about a quote for the Web site during one of the anniversary updates and she responded very politely and turned me down due to her being very Ill and apologized and I of course responded and understood the situation, within the next week or so around the Anniversary update, She passed away and I of course was very sad when I found out about her death..

It was very difficult for me to cope with her death as I enjoyed working with her, cherish the advice she gave me, and appreciate the good friendship I got out of it. She truly is a legend in this sport and I wouldn't have it any other way...


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