Quick Links: Roster 'Sugar' Simon Frazer Roleplay Board

Joey Sanchez
Handler Information
Your Name:Simon Frazer
Age: 15
Where are you from?: Australia
Email Address: chowda_619@hotmail.com
N/A Previous Federations Handled In: WWE E-Fed, IWA
Current Federations Handled In:

Character Information

Character Name:
'Sugar' Simon Frazer Gender: Male
240 pounds
6 Feet 2 Inches
Technical - Power Status: Face
Gimmick or Personality: Down to earth hard worker.

Finishing Move:
Sweet as Sugar
Finisher Description:
The Stroke (Inverted Russian Leg Sweep)
Looks like John Cena.Casual Dress
Biography:'Sugar' Simon Frazer is not a arse kissing crowd pleaser, or is he an arsehole crowd taunter. He is basically a battling wrestling getting money to feed himself week by week, hes a kind of superstar that gets the job done without boasting or going over the top. He doesn't mind an interview and having a joke around with other wrestlers in the locker area, he doesn't like show offs or stupid 'klans' who tries to kill federations either. 'Sugar' Simon Frazer comes out similar to Chris Jericho, Doesn't face the crown and looks at the titantron with arms out. Half way down the ring he goes a shawn michael pose with the fire works and hops in the ring and jumps on the turnbuckles to recognise the crowd. He dresses in casual clothes, usually jeans with a singlet shirt and wearing some white shoes