Quick Links: Roster 'Sugar' Simon Frazer Roleplay Board

Joey Sanchez
Handler Information
Your Name:Darren Gaughan
Age: 23
Where are you from?: Ireland
Email Address: darrengaughan@equitant.com
N/A Previous Federations Handled In:WWFX, XVW, XCW, XHW, WWE, WWF, NWA,
Current Federations Handled In:

Character Information

Character Name:
Lasher Gender: Male
240 pounds
6 Feet 4 Inches
Technical - Brawler Status: Heel
Gimmick or Personality: Pissing everyone off that he can. He will mock anyone who shows off, or who thinks they are better than himself.

Finishing Move:
Finisher Description:
Kick to the gut followed by a DDT.
Looks like Lance Storm. He has short tight looking hair with a primed body. In ring attire is the black tights with Lasher down both sides of the legs. He goes bare chest.
Biography:Nearly four years ago Lasher got into Pro wrestling when he joined the WWFX along with his longtime buddy Psycore where they created a team that were the first ever WWFX tag team champions in a team known as Oracle that went onto have 5 title reigns and also the longest title reign ever in the WWFX at the time. In his time there Lasher also tasted Intercontinental, TV and he was a 2 time WWFX World Champion. Lasher soon lost interest in the WWFX and soon joined a new upstart federation called the XHW where under the control of President Freeman he became one of the biggest names there winning the Intercontinental title in only two weeks, caused the World champion countless nightless sleeps and had possibly the greatest running fued in XHW history with Mungrel. Lasher again teamed with Psycore and won the tag titles. Since the XHW closed down Lasher moved to the indy scene fighting for several promotions and at one stage was World Champion in 7 organisations. He now has limited his ringtime to one indy fed where is still the champion but feels that the UWF has what it takes to get him going again. He is willing to start at the bottom and work his way up.