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Laura's Tribute

May 1, 2006

I had been an Elizabeth fan for a few years. I had seen old Elizabeth videos and treasured the new ones that I had. She was a lovely woman that had a style and dedication all of her own.

My Dad helps run the convention center here in town. And it just so happened that an edition of Nitro would be taking place there. From the second I heard that Elizabeth was going to be there I was bound and determined that I HAD to meet her.

So I had an 'All Access' pass and was excitedly tearing up the halls back and forth backstage and then I saw her - walking in with her bag and a rolling suitcase. I screamed "ELIZABETH!!!!!" She looked up and smiled and waved to me! She was going to start walking my way but was pulled aside by Lex. They went into their dressing area and I paced around outside, until my Dad came and told me that I had to go out to my seat because they would be starting soon and to just wait until afterwards.

So I was 2nd row and there was this horribly tall man in front of me. When Elizabeth came out with Lex, I went ballistic. I started screaming and yelling. The tall man in front of me kept moving around, so I jumped on my chair with my Elizabeth poster board I had made. She was in the ring at the beginning of the match and I screamed at the top of my lungs "Elizabeth I LOVE YOU!". She turned and saw me jumping around, and she smiled really big and winked at me. Well that set me off and I started jumping and fell OFF MY CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we say embarrassing?!?

So when the match was almost over, I made my way backstage and to the 'comfort' room where a lot of the wrestlers went afterwards to grub. I was sitting in a chair and the next thing I new I heard what sounded like an argument. I popped my head out and saw Elizabeth and Lex having words. They got it straightened around and came into the comfort room and I couldn't talk for the life of me. She walked over to me and sat with me at the table and said "So, are you okay?" My face turned as red as blood and said "yes" She asked if she could see the poster I had made, and I unrolled it and gave it to her. She told me that"This is really well done" and that "I haven't seen that picture in years" (it was the one of her from way back when - she was black gloves on and her head was propped up under her hands). So she asked me my name and I said "Me, I mean L-Laura". She smiled and talked with me for a bit.. it was the best half hour of my life! So she asked me if I had a pen, and I gave her the sharpie I had, she signed my poster "Laura, thanks for the support and love. And enthusiasm! Best Wishes, Elizabeth". I told her how amazing she was and asked if I could have a picture with her... well the only one in the room was Lex, so she said "Larry, make yourself useful and take a picture for the lady". He laughed and came and took my camera. I stood up next to Liz and I said "I hope I don't fall this time" she started laughing and said "It's alright, I got you" and she clamped her hand around my shoulder. Lex said "Great, two clumsy women latched to each other" we both started laughing hard and that's when the picture was snapped.

Elizabeth Hulette was a wonderful individual that didn't deserve her fate. She is sorely missed and loved GREATLY.


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