FUCK The UBWF, Ultimate Basement Wrestling Federation

Welcome to the Official UBWF Website

You've reached the Official UBWF Website.  Here you will find everything you need to know about the UBWF. You will find wrestler profiles, show reports, and much more. Please, take the time to check out our site, and let us know what you think. You can do so be emailing us, or by signing the guestbook that we link down below


UBWF Update

For those who don't know, the UBWF has fallen upon tough times. We lost our lease a couple of months ago and haven't been able to secure up another one. We are currently in negotiations with a place that may open up this summer. If we are able to, then you will see the return of the UBWF. We will keep you updated!

UBWF says Hi!

We here at the UBWF would like to take this time to say hello to former UBWF superstar The Black Angel. Angel left the company last year and this will be his first Basement that he will miss. We hope all is well and would love to see you return sometime in the future

By SleepyJoe
Updated on 8-4-02.

I'd say that its about time we got off our ass and did something here. Lets get going!!!

You know, a lot of people have asked me my opinion of the UBWF. I tell each person that the UBWF has meant the world to me. The countless hours that turned into days that turned into years that we have put into the UBWF says more than we show. I will be honest, I am gonna wing this rant. Its not thought up previously and rehersed. This is how I feel.

Certain people have shown their feelings about the UBWF. People like Mike Stryker, Josepi and Pain. They all realized what it took to make this a fed and put countless hours into the fed. Then there are people who will remain nameless that always showed up late, that didn't care about other matches. They would come and leave after they completed their things. Those are the people that I feel are responsible for this lay off. We have very few people here with the heart to fight this thing and make it live once again.

I haven't really said anything here on this page because I was awaiting word of our future. That word has not come yet. I figured that we were done for good, and who knows...we may still. But today, I visited our Message Board and realized that there are people that are honestly fighting to keep the UBWF open.

Click Here to continue.

Site News

--(4/17/02)-- Titan's new column Eyes of March has been updated specially for BasementMania 2K2. Click to view!

--(4/11/02)-- The card for BasementMania 2K2 has been posted. Click to view.

--(3/13/02)-- The 2nd issue of The Glass is Half Empty by Grymmlock is now posted. Click to view.

--(3/13/02)-- UBWFonline has selected The Geek as the Wrestler of the Month. Click to continue.

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The average length of a UBWF Pay-Per-View is


This site was created and is maintained by the UBWF wrestlers themselves and all information posted is the property of those respective wrestlers.