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12/27/01~Ok, i'm back... finally. I have been updating little by little and hopefully i will start updating the news after every show again.

12/20/01~Smackdown~Hardcore Title match
Matt Hardy vs. Undertaker
Matt Hardy attacked Undertacker from behind and hit him with a Kendo stick. Taker regrouped and physicaly dominated Matt. Taker hit him with the Last Ride and kept his title. He then got on his motorcycle and left. But at the top of the ramp he stopped and walked back dow. Then he got a steel chair and hit Matt in the throat with the chair. Then Undertaker just walked away. After the comercial it showed Matt being taken away on a stretcher when Taker got in his face and asked him "Was the bitch really worth it?"

10/7/01~House Show
(not in order)
Edge vs. Christian~ Christian won
Y2J vs. Lance Storm~Y2J
Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz~Dudley Boyz (but is was still the best mach ever!!)
Scotty2Hotty vs. Xpac~ Xpac
Lita vs. Ivory~ Lita
Kurt Angle vs SCSA~Kurt (i got his autogragh b4 the show, he's really cool.)
APA vs. Chuck Pulumbo and Mike Awsome~APA
Kanyon vs. Brock Lensar~ Brock
Steve Richards vs. Perry Saturn

Jeff Hardy vs. XPac~Light Haevyweight Title Match
XPac pinned Jeff to become the new Light Heavyweight Champ.

Matt Hardy vs. Big Show~European Title Match
Late in the match Trish grabbed Matt and kissed him. So Lita ran over and pulled off her shirt and started punching Trish. Than Big Show went for a chokeslam but Lita hit him low and there was a disqualification.

Hardy Boyz/Eddie Guererro vs. X-Factor
Jeff was getting ready for the match and Matt and Lita were in the corner having a makeout session. Eddie came in and told them to get a room and started a little argument between him and Matt. Eddie said they should stop and that they were a team.
During the match Eddie got thrown outside the ring. Matt went to the second rope and was distracted by Lita checking on Eddie. Albert ended up pinning Matt and won.

Hardy Boyz vs. X-Factor
Hardyz won.

Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. E&C vs. Benoit/Jericho~TLC Match
Chris Benoit got the belts to keep their titles.


Matt Hardy vs. X-Pac~European Title match
Matt won his match and kept the title.

Jeff Hardy/Eddie Guerrero vs. E&C
Eddie and Jeff won the match.


Hardy Boyz/Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Melenko, Perry Saturn/ Jerry Lynn
Eddie forced Dean Melenko to tap out to his new submission hold. The Hardyz and Eddie won the match.


Hardy Boyz vs. Dean Melenko and Perry Saturn
Eddie Guerrero came out with the Radicalz to watch the match. The match ended with Terri trying to give Perry a chair to hit Matt Hardy with. Eddie ended up grabbing the chair from Perry and Matt Hardy covered Perry for the win. After the match, Eddie hit Perry Saturn with the chair.

Lita/Chyna vs. Molly Holly/Ivory
During the match Lita tried to tag in Chyna but she told her to stay in the ring. Lita ended up winning the match after hitting Molly Holly with a moonsault. Later, Chyna told Lita she was trying to see if she was ready to face her at judgement day.


Hardy Boyz/ Lita vs. RTC
Eddie Guerrero ended up coming out and helping the Hardyz win.

Hardy Boyz/Eddie Gererro vs. E&C with Rhyno
The Hardyz lost the match but Eddie saved Lita from being speared!

Lita vs. Molly Holly
Chyna was at ringside for commentary on RAW. Lita beat Molly Holly and Chyna went in the ring and congradulated Lita. Then Lita spanked Chyna

Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H~IC Title Match
Stone Cold was at ringside for commentary on Smackdown. Jeff and Triple H were having their match and Taker came down to attack Austin and distracted Matt and Lita. So Triple H kept his title.

Matt Hardy/Chris Jericho vs. E&C with Rhyno
Matt won his match because Eddie Gerraro interfered.

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