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Marshmellows and Cowboyz

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Bob Der Cou Esel (ick!)
No one likes marshmellows. They are rotten, ugly, white puffs of FAKE sugar. u see, the sugar is fake because it tastes good at first(don't take that the wrong way if u have any idea what i am trying to say here) but it gives u bad food poisoning and heart burn. Nobody likes a marshmellow.

The Eyore song: Good day to u so nice of u to notice me. Looks like rain wait and see, likely rain all over me. Guess that's just the way that it has to be, here in my gloomy place.
Diary type thing
This is a page with stuff that is soposidly funny, but probly not. So since u guys are funny, email me stuff, please??
Funny Stuff

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It has nothing to do with Bob or his names. The name just sounds funny to me.
Cow Stuff
And yes, i am aware that marshmellows is spelled Marshmallows, but that way looks stupid.

Message for Acelynn: Can i write the story about Kristen watching Eric on here?

Message for Patrick: I am not the loudest. It's the blue whale, it said on my oatmeal package. It says: Believe it or not, blue whales are the loudest, they can scream 500 times louder than u can.

Message to Bob: i did not make up that joke, it was why do men like bmw's? cuz they can spell them. I found that joke on a guys suck website cuz i was mad at u. i thought it was perfect that i happened to find that joke and u love bmw's. So it's just great u can spell Ford, i never said u couldn't. and i'm sure a lot of jokes u make some people think are retarded.

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