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A Dream Come True

It's been quite a while since I put something up here. Not like anyone reads it in the first place. Oh well. July 23rd will be the day I will remember in infamy, or something like that. That's the date I had my first professional independent match with ACW. Sure it was a battle royale, and I got the shit chopped out of me for 5 minutes straight before getting thrown out, but it's a start. I made it, now I have to break through into the roster. Not something that will come easily. And probably not this year if ever. But I'll definitely be trying my best. Going from a closet wrestling fan to an actual wrestler. . .that doesn't happen often. Or as often as you'd think. . .Peace.

My Big Announcement

Well, it may not be for some, but it is for me. It's no secret that I've wanted to Calgary to get profesionally trained to wrestle. Well, with what I'm going to do, those chances have dwindled a bit, but I'm still hopeful to go. But for now, my announcement (for those who don't already know): Me getting trained like a pro will become a reality. For a measly thousand bucks over three months, I'll be getting the basics slapped, chopped, kicked, punched and god knows what else into my head and body. WHOOO! I would like to thank Kevin Gilmore for putting this altogether. Hey Kev, remember like, 4 years ago when you said you'd be getting a ring? YOU FINALLY CAME THROUGH,YOU CRAZY DRUNK YOU!

Dragon likes to make my life miserable.

Well, as if it weren't bad enough I can't wrestle for a few weeks, Dragon stripped me of my Backyard title, and gave it to whoever won a tournament he put together. He didn't care who won it, as long as I didn't have it, he's happy. . . So, congratulations to Ryan Storm who won the belt. Don't get emotionally attached to it.

My leg f*ckin hurts! And other humorous stories.

Why does it hurt you may ask? Well, even if you didn't, you here reading this thing, so I'm gonna answer it for you. I came out for EBW's "Forgotten Titles" (people forgot their titles, ironic huh?) to make a big announcement. What was it going to be? YOU'LL NEVER KNOW CAUSE DRAGON CAME IN TO USE HIS BIG MOUTH AND BORE US TO DEATH! He wanted something from me. My Backyard title? Noooo, he wanted to be the commish. I said hell no, so he felt like trying to hit me with a chair. Key word: trying. I ducked and kicked the bastard in the gut and pot dropped him on the chair, and I guess I felt cocky and announced that I'd put my commish title on the line if he put up his EBW title. His ego is inflating to Sexy Kevy proportions, so someone had to take him down. Well, it didn't happen. He worked over my right leg some good. It actually bent in awkward, unreal positions I sh*t you not. If that wasn't bad enough, he worked over them with a few crates trying to break my leg. He put on a figure four, wanting to snap my leg like a twig. And I tapped out. Yeah, I lost my ability to be commish for EBW, but I can tell Dragon my leg isn't broken. Walking's a bit of a problem, but it ain't broken. I'm going to be back a lot sooner than you'd like. I'm coming to get what's mine, and you're going to get what's yours.

Hippie New EBW Backyard Champion!

In my first official decision as EBW commish, I made a match with EBW Champ, Joey Domino to fight a mystery partner who wound up being Dert. I was tired of Domino no showing after his surprising defeat of Joe College for the title. It was time he learned a lesson, and a lesson he did learn as Dert became EBW's newest champion. Dert's time as the Backyard champ came to an end, however, as I asked he hand over the title, so he can concentrate on being a great Heavyweight champion. I then made a tournament, to determine the new Backyard champion:

First Round Gorp d. Ryan Storm via Gorp Sideways Joe College d. Hardcore Kevin Carrier via DDT '92 Hardcore Hippie d. Syrus the Virus via spinning powerbomb Harvey Metal d. Death via Tiger Driver '91

Second Round Gorp d. Harvey Metal via Figure Four Hardcore Hippie d. Joe College in a hardcore pinfalls count anywhere match via Pot Drop on florescent lightbulb.

Finals Hardcore Hippie d. Gorp via Pot Drop to win the EBW Backyard Championship.

Spot of the show: Ryan Storm's 450 splash on Hardcore Henry, which earned him the FWA Hardcore championship. Three title changes, damn. But they're all deserving of them, and then there's me, but I worked hard for it too, dammit!

Remember how I'm the FWA commish? Yeah, well, I'm now the EBW commish too!

EBW's commissioner, Freight Train, is tired of Joe College's power trip, using power that isn't his to use. Since FT can't be around, he's appointed me as the new EBW commissioner. More power to me!

2 Titles lost, in 1 day.

Yes, sadly at the finale of the FWA's season, I was stripped of the EBW Heavyweight title before my tag match with Hardcore Henry against the Thugz 4 Hire. Then in an elimination-style match, it was down to me and Jack Cannon, where he pinned me with his feet on the ropes. Match was HORRIBLE. Stupid rain. Was like wrestling in a kiddie pool.


. . .and yes, it is yours truly. I fought Dragon for the FWA Heavyweight title, yet came up short. Then the current EBW champ, The Gorp, came in acting cocky and wanting to put a hurting on me after a brutal match with the likes of Dragon. Yet, despite it being a below average match (dammit, I was tired), Gorp fell victim to the Pot Drop as I became the new EBW champ.

Still Champ, but Swaps Partner

Last Sunday at the 09/23/01 Impact Games, instead of defending our gold in a tag match, Joe College and I defended them seperately. I fought one member of the Hardcore Logo, Misfit in a contest that saw me getting busted wide open in the back of the head when it nailed the ring post. Misfit tried to gain the advantage, but I nailed with him with the Potdrop to keep my title. In the other match, my partner lost to Hardcore Henry after Henry nailed him with two powerbombs and a sit down powerbomb off the ring apron onto the ground. After the 3, he walked up to me and we did his little bow. Now we have to think of a name: Hard Corps., Hardcore Brothers, Super Hardcore Bros., 4-H Club, Hardcore Connextion. Should be interesting, as he's more serious, and I'm still me.

Gonna put some pictures up soon.

Merchandise/Picture Update

I've added a somewhat more affordable shirt that the "scary" looking shirt before. Nice too. Stare at the eyes. Hey, it's scary too. And in the picture section, the steps to do the Potdrop properly.

Golden Games!

Today's edition of Impact Games (09/09/01) was quite a show. First, Hardcore Henry defeats Sniper in an "I Quit" match to win the FWA Canadian Title. Then, Dert defeats Chanman (with help from the rest of Youth Gone Wild, Kevin Carrier and Gorp) to win the FWA Hardcore Title. Then, the odd team of Joe College and myself beat the Thugs 4 Hire, JD Perry and Jack Cannon, for the FWA Tag Team titles after College jumped off my back and did a twisting shooting star press onto Cannon. And then Henry came out, high off his win, to challenge anyone to a match. Dert came out and beat him to win the Canadian Title. That's right, the nlw Lord of Hardcore now has 3 titles (the other being the EBW Backyard title). Cripes! Also at the show, Harvey Metal beat Hardcore Kevin Carrier. Unfortunatly for Harv, he also had another match against newcomer Alexander Rough, who apparently is friends with the Thugz. The Thugz came out, and destroyed Harv, kicking him out of the group. Boo. And Dragon succesfully defended his FWA Championship against the Gorp. Overall a solid show for everyone.

The FWA Tag Title is the first in a while for me. Never really cared for winning a title since last year after losing the EBW IC title. But the opportunity came up and me and College ran with it. The other titles I've had were the above mentioned EBW IC title and one half of the nlw Tag champs (of course, just about everyone has been an nlw tag champ).

Merchandise Addition

I've added a somewhat more affordable shirt that the "scary" looking shirt before. Nice too. Stare at the eyes. Hey, it's scary too.

Hardcore Resurrection Weekend Strikes Back

This past weekend (Aug. 24-26) I wrestled at two shows. First off, was FWA's Resurrection card, the first show in about 3-4 weeks after being on hiatus. Came back to get back what I gave to Crusader at the last show, my Commissionership. I think I should've known better. First thing to start off the show, I walked up behind him while he was talking about me behind my back, saying how he felt I was a poor commissioner. Well, that pissed me off to no end. My best friend talking about me behind my back! If his memory is that bad, let me say that the FWA was put on hiatus for almost a freakin month AFTER his turn as Commish. I tore him a new one pretty quick. Then a returning owner, Hardcore Henry, felt that we should fight about it in the ring. That was fine by me. I get to the ring. And he comes out and tells everyone how there would be no Hippie without Crusader. If he didnt bring me to nlw, if I didn't follow him to FWA, if he didnt come up with my gimmick, and caps it off by calling me a Hippie Bitch. Well, Crackwhore, let me get something straight: Crusader wouldn't be in nlw had I drove him there, I believe I gave him the idea to go try for FWA, and I came up with my gimmick on my own. It may not be original to some, but I do it as best as I can, and everyone likes me a hell of a lot more than you (as my shirt can attest to). So, I took out my anger on him in a lumberjack match. I started off hot, but he stopped me in my tracks pretty quick, but I came back with a BODYSLAM on the tall whore and threw him face first into a chair and hit the Potdrop to beat him. I know it's not going to be the last time I hear from him though. . .

A few nights later, I was asked at the last minute to participate in nlw's LORD OF HARDCORE 3 tournament. I did want to get into there somehow, so this was a good a chance as any. My opponent? Why Hardcore Henry. (Also in the tournament, Hardcore Holmdon and Hardcore Kevin Carrier, aye aye aye.) Match was described as "un hippie like". And I agree. For quite a while now, I've been just having fun with what I'm doing and never tried to show the meaning of my name. I felt that in the LOH tournament, I should try to get a little, you know, hardcore. So I hit Henry with everything there: cookie sheets, ladder, chairs, and even threw him over the top into a barbwire pit. But he eventually came back and hit me with an impressive Whiplash (not an easy feat for one my size either) to beat me in the first round. He got eliminated by Joe College in the next round however. Nice try Henry. Dert wound up winning the whole shabang. Congrats dude.

AND I went to see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. 5 stars, go see the f'n thing, NOW!

I'll be putting up some more pics up later on, so check back later.

La Update

Small update. . I got a merchandise page up. Laugh at it. . .or consider buying something, you cheap bastard.(In reference the usual one guy who checks this place out, oh damn, it's me)

Catching up. .

Ok, so, I haven't updated since the RAGE announcement, maybe cause i was bummed out cause RAGE never happened, or did it? The rummy, the poster boy, the bane of humanity and a whole lot of other things you can stick on a t-shirt, CHRIS FUCKING TUBB, took in the poor nlw and ebw guys into his FWA. . .and still called it FWA. Of all the nerve. It should be RAGE dammit, the idealogy behind it says so! But it turned out for the best. A few weeks in, I got into a feud with Rico Suave, though he changed his name to Chris Knight, he was still called Rico Suave. Just can't get that song out of my head. Then, Tubbaholic gave me Commissionership of FWA! (like i can spell commisniership, see?) Then I got a DVD player. All sorts of shit went on, but I'm too stupid to remember. I'll put it up eventually. Time for some linkage here. Greater Moncton Wrestling . Currently, the board is totally fucked up with people arguing, but it'll clear up soon, I'm sure. And can't forget The FWA site . I was given charge of this place, but until I get the program Tubbalicious wants me to use, it'll gather dust. (Of course, I have to go over and get it, and if you've seen me wrestle, there ain't no way I'm gonna bother getting up to get it, HA).

I want to get a hold of some of the old nlw, EBW and FWA tapes, really, just the ones where I've done those oh so wonderful promos everyone enjoys, so I can type it all out and put em up here so everyone who hasn't seen em can read about what happened when I first evolved my character from a nobody with a silly name to a nobody with a silly name and a fanbase!

Well, I'm off to watch Wayne's World on DVD (thumbs up), so hopefully I'll update more. Peace out.


No Limits Wrestling (nlw), Extreme Backyard Wrestling (EBW) and Frontier Wrestling Alliance (FWA) have merged become one whole group, RAGE, Real/Radical Amateur Grappling Enterprises. Peace.

Hippie Bites the Taco.

"One Night Only" was held at the University of Moncton where the Hippie took on Rico Suave in a rematch of last year's 1st round match at the CRASH & BURN title tournament. Hippie won last year. However, this time, it belonged to the NLW's 2000 Rookie of the Year, Rico Suave, by making the Hippie submit to an odd reverse Sharpshooter/pin situation.

EBW Final Show - EBW IC Title changes hands!

At EBW's "Final Show" the Hardcore Hippie defended his EBW IC title against Heavy Harvey Metal and Sexy Kevy in a three way dance. Metal did a top rope splash on Hippie and got the pin as Kevy held his legs. Afterwards, Kevy got the pin on Metal to win the IC title, and afterwards in a blatant display of disrespect towards EBW, he destroyed the belt!

Hippie Chews Up Ju Jube Boy at FEW's "Hired Guns"

Making an appearance for FEW (Fully Extreme Wrestling) Canada, the Hippie fought it out with Ju Jube Boy, part of the Hardcore Logo group. After kicking out of the Ju Jube Stretch, the Hippie came back with his Pot Drop to finish him off. Moments later, the rest of Hardcore Logo came out to attack the Hippie. Of all people, JD Perry came out to fend off the Hippie's attackers, and with Hippie pinning a few of them down, did two incredible splashes off a stack of palettes. Afterwards, both men agreed that they beat them "NLW-style".

For more info on FEW Canada, click here

Hippie Oversees Overkill - September 17

The Hippie became the special guest referee for the show.

Joe College defeated Rico Suave after doing his patented piledriver.

Newcomer Harvey Metal lost to a surprise wrestler. The surprise? It was long time no-shower Rogan, making a return to NLW!

The Pricks narrowly defeated Death and newly reformed "german angel" Engel Frankenfurter. A huge brawl ensued, involving the entire roster at the show.

And in the "main event" so to speak, as the Hippie was about to congratulate everyone on a good show, White Trash Willy had to show up and try to ruin the show. After doing his "dropkick", Willy got hit with the PotDrop and the show ended on a good note.


Over a hundred movie reviews are up.

Hippie Becomes Prince!

After reaching the finals of the NLW's annual "Lord of Hardcore" tournament, the Hippie was narrowly defeated at the hands of Joe College. Though there's no offical title for coming in second, he likes to think of himself now as the "Clown Prince of Hardcore".

Quarter Finals

Hardcore Hippie d. Hydra

JD Perry d. Whitetrash Willy

Death d. Rico Suave

Joe College d. Engel Frankenfurter

Semi Finals

Hardcore Hippie d. JD Perry

Joe College d. Death


Joe College d. Hardcore Hippie

Tag Title Match

The Pricks (Gorp and Dert) d. Sexy Kevy and Rico Suave

Heavyweight Title Match

Chanman d. Canadian Crusader

Results for Heavy Artillery

Canadian Crusader d. J.D. Perry to retain the nlw title.

Chanman d. Gorp

Joe College d. Jigsaw Jamie

Rico Suave & Sexy Kevy d. Engel Frankenfurter and Death to retain the tag team titles.

The Hippie's match didn't happen as Boat no showed/couldn't make it to the event. (boo!)

  • Cripple Defeats Drunk at Ashes 2 Ashes!

  • In their third match in a row, the Hardcore Hippie took on one of the biggest men on the nlw roster, newcomer J.D. Perry. Early into the match, J.D's left knee blew out on him, giving the Hippie a good chance at getting his third straight win over the big man. J.D. caught the Hippie off guard with several chair shots to the back. Hippie began fighting back, but J.D. picked up a barb wire bat and nailed the Hippie several times with it to the back and head. J.D. set up a table on the corner of a fence. Hippie struggled to fight back, but the bat shots weakened him. J.D then used his trademark heart punch to send the Hippie crashing through the table. And to top it all off, J.D. then nailed Hippie with a chairshot to the chest and did another heart punch to put the Hippie away.

    Other results had Rico Suave, another newcomer, take on the crazy, twisted and generally savage Chanman! Rico used some innovative moves to try to put Chanman away, but the "Silence Behind the Violence" Chanman destroyed Rico's chance at getting his first win in NLW

    Due to camera problems, the match between the Gorp and Hardcore Kevin Carrier was probably the most technically fought match this year! Through various suplexes and submission moves, both men came very close to defeating the other, but the end came when a table was introduced and Carrier was slammed through it, giving Gorp the win.

    And in the Main Event, current NLW Champion, the Canadian Crusader, defended his title against nemesis, Sexy Kevy. Though Kevy was out matched strength-wise, he kept taking it to the Crusader. They fought their way to the nearby pool where they teetered on falling in. As Crusader was choking Kevy with a rope on the pool side of the fence, the back of Kevy's head collided with Crusader's face, knocking him backwards into the pool. With the win at hand, Kevy brought him out for the pin, but couldn't put him away. Crusader fought back and eventually got the win, by powerbombing Kevy through a table!

    Hippie Defends EBW IC Title at Parental Advisory!

    For the second time, the nlw's Hardcore Hippie took on tough guy J.D. Perry, this time for the EBW's IC title. For those who do not know, in his first EBW match, the Hippie defeated the then IC champ, Stunning Stevie G in front of a stunned audience at the EBW arena. In a brutal match in front of almost 50 fans, Hippie, drunk as usual, defeated Perry with a Pot Drop onto two broken pieces of a table for the victory.

    The Crusader defending his newly won nlw title, this time in a rematch of last Sunday's "Recovery is a Bitch" against Chanman and the Gorp. All three men gave it there all, with several close calls. But the Crusader successfully defended the title by pinning the Chanman, then Gorp.

    And in a no holds barred "I Quit" match, Sexy Kevy continued his tirade against the people of Riverview (home of EBW and Crusader and Hippie, by the way) and took on Joe College, defender of Riverview and EBW. In a somewhat gruesome match that saw both men busted open severly. Kevy had Joe in a camel clutch, using a kendo stick, and tried to get him to call it quits, but Joe got up, knocking Kevy onto the barb wire covered board in front of him and then rolled him up in a half crab, where Kevy tapped out.

    Copyright © 1999-Present No Limits Wrestling Inc., Extreme Backyard Wrestling, Fully Extreme Wrestling and RAGE Ent. All Rights Reserved ® for [webmaster= Hippie]


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