Horse Wrestling Central: Summer 2000
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Horse Wrestling Central

TOP STORY: HWF Stock debuts on NYSE
By HWF Online Market Analysist: Teddy Show Today was yet another historic date in the HWF's illustrious career. The HWF has already stretched out into Germany, opened an executive park in North Conway and has plans to open a Horse Wrestling Federation facility in early July. Now, the creative genius that started it all, Clint Barker (CEO and owner), has made HWF stock public. Today the HWF stock opened on NYSE. Shares have started selling at 6 1/8. Clint himself, purchased the first HWF stock. With a smile that stretched cheek to cheek, he said to his stockbroker "Mike, this is Clint, buy me one share of the HWF."

Not everyone is so optimistic. Stockbroker Marty Shoompa has his doubts about the success of the stock. "The fact that Mr. Barker doesn't realize is that the general public does not want to invest in a "sport" that condones killing innocent animals. It's not like these animals are being killed for food or anything useful. It's just pure brutality. Who the hell in their right mind would invest in such ludicracy?"

Others such as Stanley DuFort believe that the HWF could achieve financial success in the stock market. "We all know that sex and violence sells. The Investing in the HWF is a no brainer. Other violence-oriented companies have opened on the market and suceeded. When word of Horse Wrestling gets out, it could be huge, just huge."

And how does the exalted one feel about all this?

"Well, once again I've broadened the HWF into a new market," said Clint Barker via telephone. "And every time I've broadended the HWF it has succeeded. (This of course with the acception of the 1988 St. Anthony's Bazaar fiasco) Why shouldn't HWF stock? I truly believe that with the right marketing techniques, and careful planning, HWF stock can be a sucess. HWF will be opened to a whole new world. The backwoods have finally caught up with Wall Street."

That they have Clint, that they have.

HWF Germany A Smash
By: Peter Duquetee
HWF Germany or DPKV had it's opening event March 16, 2001. An unexpected 2,500 people arrived at the Heiker Hill Horse Wrestling Quarter to attend the event. Hans Schmindler, CEO of HWF Germany, couldn't be happier.

"I think they liked it a lot."

"It was, how you say? HORSETASTIC!" said Gunther Van Houten, 17, who traveled all the way from Munich to attend the fights.

The first 100 people recieved HWF Germany shirts that read Horsetastic on the front and the German Equivilent on the back. Though the action was exhillerating, some spectators abused the drinking policy, and a few fights broke out. All in all, though crowded, the show was a great success. The highlight of the night came when the horse ScmidtzelKamphen defeated Berlin Bronco with a hoof to the throat.

HWF Web Promotion
Fans, we need your help in promoting the site. If you have a web site, please put our banner on it. If you know anyone with a website, tell them to put our banner on it. We get a little more than 10 visitors a day, which is just not acceptable in HWF standards. So pleae, tell everyone you know about Thanks.

Also, there is a banner making contest. The winner will have a link to his/her site on the opening page, an autographed picture of Clint Barker, and two tickets to an upcoming HWF event. Design a banner for containing the web address on it by 12/24/00 and you could win. Your site will be on our links page if you give it to us, win or loose.

Horse Wrestling Rules

  • The fight must end with either one or both horses dying.
  • No pulling your horse outta the fight once you think it's about ta die.
  • Participating horses must have a helmet (Unless it's an extreme horse fight where weapons are allowed)

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What do you think of Horse Wrestling? Guestbook by GuestWorld What do others think of Horse Wrestling?

Horse wrestling is a sport. It's a horses sport. Young abandoned horses fight to the death in an unforgiving pit. Some die, the strong live. Don't worry, without us these horses would be glue. We take otherwise useless horses & turn them into killing machines. It's entertainment, not cruelty! The horses love it until they lose! Plus we take safety precautions to make sure the surviving horse does not die from internal injuies, by having a vet at pitside.

Horse wrestling is North Conway's national pastime. If you wish to see it, make the trip up. It's worth the 10 dollar price of admission. These horses work long & hard to survive. I hope you appreciate what they do as much as me and my fellow coworkers. Part time jobs available. We need promotional people to advertise the company. The HWF was built on the people and it strides on it. The horses too. Thanks.
