Loser's of the Week!
We love hate mail....so keep sending it and we'll make your candy-asses famous by answering it!
All hate mail answered in
WHITE by The Moderately Sized Show
PINK by Gwen Step-On-Me McMahon
BLUEby Sexual Vanilla
Still Jonesin' for the awesome Hate Mail collected by the Suckton bomb check the best of all Hate Mail in THE HATE MAIL HALL OF FAME

Name: Jeff's Girl

E-mail: iluvjeffhardy@hotmail.com

Comments: First of all, I see you all like to get your kicks out of making Jeff and his fans look bad.  That is very immature and stupid.  You enjoy making a mockery of hate mail, only because you are a shallow pussy who gets their kicks out of making an ass out of yourself.  You couldn't even attempt half the stuff Jeff can do.  Obviously, you are an extremely jealous person who can't take the reality that you are a complete loser with no future whatsoever. A jealous bastard.  That, or you are simply a homosexual who is jealous that you can't have him.  Why don't you spend your time on something useful?  Well, I guess losers like you don't have any intelligence.  It's about respect.  Obviously you are too hypocritical and immature to respect his amazing talent.  Why don't you look at yourself?  How many flaws do you have? You are probably a complete freak.  Well, you know what goes around comes around, and I hope you get your ass severely beaten one day.

No, I personally get my kicks off drugs, and lots of them. When I was growing up we didn't have those nice "Hey big brother stop smoking pot" commercials like you kids have today. I also don't think we make Jeff or his fans look bad, they can do that themselves. I can attempt to look like a chode just like Jeff, or color my hair just like Jeff, or wear little cargo wind pants and tight shirts just like Jeff.....is that more than half the stuff he does? And hon, I'm not jealous at all. I have an excellent job, with great benefits, my own house, land and car and I'm only 22.....what do you have? And by the way I'm a girl....and I'm not homosexual....I dig MEN.....not little boys like Jeff Hardly. And just continuing answering your questions, I have a lot of flaws, too many to list here, and yes I am a complete freak, I take great pride in being myself and not a clone. Have you ever done something because you wanted to....because it felt right to you? Or do you just do what your friends tell you to do? As far as "what comes around goes around" Why would you hope I get my ass beaten severly one day? I've never laid a hand of Jeff Hardly...thanks God, or I may have to get some shots....wouldn't it be more RESPECTFUL of you to hope he sees this and Mr. Hardly could then just bash us?

 See the thing is we don't have to work at making Jeff and his fan's look bad. They do that on their own. For instance the other day I was camping out to get WWF tickets, and there was a freaking girl in line. She was about 20, you know one of those girls who are like a size 20, but insist on wearing a size 2, that doesn't come close to fitting them. She was in line with the rest of us for 8 rambling about how much she loved Jeff Hardy. I think everyone was sick of hearing her. To top it off I heard her saying. "I love the Hardy Boys, did I tell you that? But they are not Hardy boys they are Hardy Men." I didn't know if I should puke or deck her. The people I were hanging with there were awesome people. But they all hated that bitch. I mean you hardy fans need no help looking stupid.

I just like capitalizing on your stupidity. And hey something cool came out of your perpetual lameness after all. Who would have known?
Well, sugar.  You got the part about Sexual Vanilla being a complete freak right.  Am I right, my freaky ladies!?  Sexual Vanilla knows all about FREAKIN'.  I  could go for a good freak right now.  Anyway, sexy-cakes... What would you suggest that we do with this hate mail if not make a mockery of it?  Waste some valuable print cartridges of ink (and I will have you know, those things are expensive), print up your hate mail, and frame it right next to my autographed Rick James poster?  Indeed!

Name: ~Lauren~

E-mail: hotlillauren@yahoo.com

Comments: Dear Owners of this Site:
I do not want to come out and completely insult you, because everyone is intitled to their opinions, however wrong they maybe. My personal oppinion is that Jeff is a fine human being, and a very well deserving man, he gave a lot into his life, and deserves everything that he has achieved to date. They have had a hard life, and it is now finally paying off for them. I am not going to
resort to your childish tactics of insult, I already vented in your slambook! I just think that your little games that you play are sick twisted and hateful. I read my close friend Beth's reply she recieved from you. For your information, I am a catholic, and I suppose you have something against us as well. People such as yourself are the reason why so much hatrid and racism still exist in the world. You have a problem with people disrespecting you because of your sexual orientation, well what about all the people you offend on a daily basis? It's a sad thing that you live your life to make others ! lives hell. What if you had children would you want them to act and lash out as you do on a daily basis? I would be ready to take the critisism you recieve, and
you have so far, but keep this in mind, people like yourself will end up getting nothing out of thier lives, as people who are considerate and caring, they go far. For all I know, you just sit at your computer all day seeing how ignorant, childish, immature, and rude you can be! Wow! What a life!
Sincerely Yours-

You really think Jeff is a human being? What an absurd concept, I've never thought of him that way before. Furthermore, why do I care if you are a Catholic? Who brought religion into wrestling? It's people who do things like that who bring on trouble with folks like the PTC, who continually have a problem with WWF programming. If you were a true wrest;liong fan you would stray away from bringing religion and politics into arguments surrounding wrestling.....unless of course you'd like to see your beloved Hardly boys taken off the air fopr the way they abuse women. I don't have a problem with anyone's religion/sexual orientation/race or anything else that seems to be a deciding factor these days. I do have a problem with stupid people though. And to make a BIG point....I am not a guy, I am a fat white chick....deal with that. I've got friends of all races, creeds, ethnic backgrounds and income levels. So you are definetly not a person who should be telling me how I treat others, you've never even had the pleasure of meeting me. I do sit at a computer all day....because I have a job...unlike you, and yes I agree, WOW! WHAT A LIFE! I get paid to do what I love! So what did your e-mail have to do with the Hardy's? Or did you really want to know abou;all of our personal lives?

"I do not want to come out and completely insult you, because everyone is entitled to their opinions, however wrong they maybe" Wow Chick that is open minded. But hey I think that's a sign of being Catholic, hypocrisy. AND FOR ALL OF YOU IDIOTS, I am not prejudice. I was Catholic for 18 years, I am not pre-judging everything. I HAVE A PERFECT BACKGROUND TO HAVE CATHOLICISM!  I mean really how can you be in a religion that says love everyone, when it's obvious they run on the soul ideals of Faith and Fear, Guilt and Hate. Okay so I am not here to debate religion. I don't need your lesson on good old fashion morals.
Hey, Sexual Vanilla does not hate anyone on the basis that they are gay, straight, Catholic, Jewish, Wiccan, Satanist, and (dare I say it) even Mormons.  The only reason for hatred that Sexual Vanilla and the rest of our loving family here at the Suckton Bomb espouses is on the basis of one being a complete and utter ASSHOLE.  Please apply this sentiment to all which you deem proper.

Name: Marie

E-mail: marie34285@aol.com

Comments: I was just wondering....so you are saying that if we are fans of the Hardy Boyz then we are losers?? I am just not getting this whole thing

No I'm saying that because you are a fan of the Hardly Boys(z) you have no IQ and you shop at Gadzooks.
Yo, Mod Show!  I beg to differ with you.  It sounds like we got an Abercrombie and Bitch-er on our hands.  THOSE are the people who really don't grasp concepts very well.

Dude you must have a Negative IQ. I am saying if you are a loser you are a loser. Duh, it isn't that hard to figure out. 

Name: Hell Raiser

E-mail: witchblade_25@hotmail.com

Comments: I think your site does have a great layout and design, I'm just not too in agreement with what you have to say about Jeff. Don't say that I'm a 14-year-old N Suck it lover, because to me they represent the most abhorrent things about men. I do like the Acolytes and the Dudleyz a lot. Edge and Christian are very good wrestlers too. But I think that the Hardyz are pretty  good. Now all those idiots who said the Hardyz are the best--that's not true. They all have excellent skills and calling the Hardyz the best is being narrow-minded. I hope you understand my point of view.

P.S. My loyalties are divided right now, so I'm not the best person to talk to.

P.S.S. Don't think I'm writing this because I have no backbone. I just am not too eager to get into another feud with someone on the Internet.

Hell Raiser

Wow gosh, I don't know if I can stand all the hell you're raising. I think you need to change your screen name kiddo....maybe the, Feather Ruffler? Or quite possibly the Pot Pisser-inner? I got no beef with you...at least not enough to start a "fued". What is this..the fuckin' Hatfields and McCoy's?

Thanks for the lay out thing, I appreciate that. How about me obtaining www.sucktonbomb.com. Thanks to Kat at Livinontheedge.net for that one. Anyway like this e-mail is weak. It's like you want to insult us, but you can't. It's okay trust me I won't commit suicide over it! Learn to stand up for what you believe in chicky, or you are getting no where in this life.
I like you, kid.  Sexual Vanilla's gonna let you slide this time because your screen name is Witchblade, a comic book which the Sexual One happens to be very fond of.  You're OK, kid.  Live long and prosper.

From:  "Ross Hamilton" <ross6227@home.com>

Comments: Your the biggest Fag i have eeeeeeeeeeever heard of

I've met a lot of "fags" that were both taller and fatter than me....so be sure you use the correct measurements for that one. Oh yeah.... I'm not gay! I'm not even bi!

Thanks, but sorry show haven't met many taller then me.
Whoa, it's a dude named Ross.  The name Ross would denote that Ross is a guy.  Ross is a guy who likes the Hardlys.  Ross is a male who feels strongly enough about the Hardlys to write to us to inform us that we are gay.  Methinks that Ross might be the one who is a little light in the loafers.  As an aside, Ross also seems to have a bad case of penis envy.  Thanks for writing, Ross!

From:  kittikat@ns.sympatico.ca

Subject:  My Thoughts on your site

Comments: The way I see it, it's a free country, and you guys have the right to do, or say whatever you want, whenever you want or however you want.  If you hate Jeff Hardy, that's cool with me, I don't like a lot of wrestlers out there myself, and I wouldn't want people harping on me because of it, that's my choice, as it is your choice.  I happen to be a big fan of the Hardy's I think they're very talented.  Once again I want to stress that I understand you don't feel that way, and I honestly don't give a shit how you feel about them.  What I want to know, is just why would you put so much time into making a web page about why you hate them.  If you don't like them so much, just boycott them, and make a page about the wrestlers you do like.  You guys do have a very well designed site, but I think your talents could be much better used  if you used them to make a non-hate page.  I find it a little disrespectful really.  Like I said, I don't like a lot of wrestlers out there, but I still respect them enough not to go spreading how much I hate them all over the net.  Regardless of how I may feel about them, i know that they go out there and bust there butts every day to put out a good product for us fans.  Not just their fans, but wrestling fans in general.  That earns then respect in mt book.  I understand that what I have to say honestly doesn't matter to you, as it wouldn't matter to me if someone had those opinions on my site.  You'll keep on  happily running this site, and expressing your views as you have the right to do.  No sweat off my back, just thought I'd voice my opinion.

Keep up the good work, although I don't agree with it, I can still respect it.

                                  Cathy Yetman

I do have a page about the wrestlers I like....a damn good one I might add. But that doesn't mean I can't participate in this site, for a wrestler I don't care for, that I don't want to see on my television. I'm sure you are high and mighty and have never disliked any wrestlers in the WWF right? I'm sure there is no mid-carder you hate seeing wrestle....you know your smoke-break or piss break match? Come on...be honest...we won't tell....

Why make a page. Because I wanted to. And like I am from a big family and I need attention.

Name: Kim

E-mail: XtremeHardygurl@aol.com

Comments: You all suck your momma nuts and should be shoot in the head. Wait a minute I have all ready gotten my Sharp shorts Ribbion in ROTC I can do that.

Sweet, now how would the Army take it to know you are sending death threats to civilians over the internet? Didn't you know your ISP number came along with that Message? And by the way, "be Shoot in the head?" umm hun totaly wrong context there, I guess you aren't using ROTC to get through college now are you?

My Mom has nuts? No way! She got those removed! You got a sharp shorts ribbon in ROTC huh? I suppose they dont' hand out an intelligible-conversational English ribbon at your school....
Oh, God no!!!  Please don't tell me that your education is being supported by the Army G.I. bill. So, what did you get the Sharp "Shorts" Ribbon for?  Did you have the most snazzy under-drawers in your unit.  Thongs or bikini... Or Granny Underwear.  Personally, Sexual Vanilla's sharpest shorts would have to be his gold sequinned thong.   Sometimes when I'm alone in my room, I like to pretend that I'm Gold Dust... Shhhhh!  Don't tell anyone!

Name: Laura

E-mail: lauranike@aol.com

Comments: Jeff Hardy is awesome and you guys are losers to make a page about why you hate him.  And why do you hate him?  He's awesome, talented, and one of the best wrestlers on the WWF!

Why do I hate him? Because he's disgusting, untalented and well, just boring.

Because everybody from my home planet hates him. 

From:  "Jodie Panks" <jeffsgirl@skynow.net>

Subject:  Comments


I've been reading the comments on your site - and YES I DO remember when the WCW ruled the ratings..and YES, I do remember Dude Love.....AND the "Buried Alive" match.....and YES, I have been to my local arena which happens to be in Sheffield, England ( when it was only half full ) to see the WWF.........SO I can truly call myself a LOYAL WWF fan.

I would like to say that YOU ( claiming to be SO grammatically correct ) seem to make a lot of spelling and grammatical errors..............And you claim to be SO high and mighty, studying at University and everything........Well, don't you think there is something better to do with your time? I mean........I know people that are your age....and they're working serious jobs with REAL life situations.........They're not sat using HTML to make some anti-tribute site to a WWF wrestler.......

And YES.......To state the TOTALLY obvious fact.........I am a Jeff Hardy fan....AND a lot of your comments are derogatory and offensive. I am NOT a 14 year old BSB fan ( or N'Sync for that matter )......and I do not stalk Jeff Hardy....or ever intend to........I mean, I live 4000 miles away!!.....and YES, I have read the article from Raw magazine.......and I HAVE to agree with you - some fans are crazy - BUT not ALL fans!! You can't stereotype everyone as the "typical" Hardy Boys fan...........You cannot categorize people and presume everyone is the same.

You keep saying that Jeff Hardy "puts his life on the line" --- WELL, don't you think he's just living out his dream? and making money at the same time. If he wants to wrestle and Swanton Bomb - Then that's HIS decision.............You're not in any position to criticize him.

And as far as "sponging" from the Official Site?......I rarely visit that page!! Well, perhaps last year ( pre-ladder match ) when you could practically count the number of Hardy Boys fans on one hand.........but not anymore.......I only go there to read Jeff's poetry and commentaries. ( Which BTW are EXTREMELY well written! So don't even try to criticize them.........If you don't like them, then you OBVIOUSLY don't understand poetry )

Thank you for reading ~
Jodie Louise*~

If Jeff was English or you were in the States would you stalk him? I bet he'd like it. I understand a great deal of poetry, I just don't understand BAD poetry.

Okay why is it that every English person has to announce they are from England? I mean damn it, tattoo an American flag on my Fucking forehead, and call me a Yankee, but I don't go around announcing it. Why do you think I would care that you are from England. I think this superiority complex (ego problem) goes back to the fact that the English Monarchy lost a lot of power after us Bloody Colonials left them. Hun it's been over two hundred years, we are not coming back, you got to get over it, and move on with your lives.

Name: Joanna

Comments: Wow, I never knew that anyone could be so obsessed with someone, to go all the way as to make a web site devoted to hating them. I think you people might want to try getting out more, because, this is pretty sad really.

Getting out more? Well hell, I'd never thought of that....It doesn't really take much effort to run a web page bud....just look at all the Hardlys fans who have them.

Obbessed yeah deffinatly, more then most people, I don't think so. I mean look at that freaking mattandjeffhardy.com I mean the girl fucked with him. What can be more obbessive. Side note to anyone who thinks Jeff is cool for doing that: even I have made out with better looking girls then that.
Yeah, me too, Gwen.  I mean Sexual Vanilla has seen a lot of stank hoes in his day.  Have I ever told you about the time I caught that nasty rash that comes back every so often.... Wait, maybe this isn't the forum for that discussion.... What was I saying?  Uh, stank hoes... rash.... Oh, yeah!  Jeff Hardy.  Yeah, for every other little ring rat who wants to get busy with Jeffy-poo, I sure hope that Mr. Hardy wore his rubbers even if it wasn't raining that time, or you'll all be kickin' it at the Free Clinic.

Name: Grace

E-mail: Ticamo@Yahoo.com

Comments: I'll get straight to the point... I surfed into your site and one word: "Wow!" You all are definately unique in your opinions, well to me anyway. I've not come across anyone who harbors any seemingly deep seeded hatred towards
Jeff Hardy.

This guy is a spectacular "performer". I can't truy deem him a wrestler, as he lacks true fundamentals. He goes out night after night, risking life and limb for the entertainment of others. In some way, you have to have respect for a guy who does that night after night.

No.. that's not necessarily the brightest thing to do. Hell, the Rock lacks true wrestling fundamentals and he doesn't do the swanton bomb, or moves as high risk as such. I'll give the Rock a lot of credit for being a lot smarter. He doesn't perform "spectacular" moves because he has limited in ring skill.

I'm not sure of what motivated me to voice my opinion. I think it's because for as much as I got a kick out of your bashing of individuals who bashed your site, I find it very limiting.

You don't really give reasons to substantiate your dislike of Jeff Hardy. Is it because he's alive? If he does harm himself in the ring (God forbid), will you be happy? I'm trying to understand you, collectively.

This would be a fairly decent website, if you all gave a better understanding of your feelings. Get some balls and say something. Get more depth to this site. I kinda like it here, but aside from the bashing of the people who can't articulate well... What else is there here?

Just an added note... I do enjoy the Hardy's. I think they are wonderful "workers". They are both young and the WWF will give them time to grow into wrestlers with a better abundance of technical wrestling moves. That takes some time. If you have been paying more attention to their in-ring abilities and less time making this second rate, half ass site, you'd notice that. (Opps!! Pardon my loss of composure)

But, unlike most Hardy "fans", I can take a joke. Ha-Ha. Just like this joke of a webpage.

Let's see, would I be happy if Jeff were to harm himself in the ring? Yes, I actually think I would be. It would mean he would be off my tv. Now mind you kiddies I don't want him dead or dismembereed, just injured enough to not wrestle for a few months, so I can have some peace and quiet and not hear the shrieks of 14 year olds from miles around. I don't spend much time making this site.....Jeff Hardly isn't worth it. And I believe I have stated many times my reason for my Hardy dislike. He's untalented, which should be enough. I dont' watch wrestling to see some talentless fool, I tune in to see good wrestling and acting ability. The kinds of things performers like The Undertaker, The Rock, Chris Benoit, Essa Rios, Edge & Christian and many others possess. And definetly something the Hardly's are missing out on. Instead of forcing good performers like D'lo, The Godfather and Mosh to limited Jakked appearances, why not throw the Hardlys there and give us some real talent on RAW, Heat and Smackdown.

Name: Char

E-mail: sentonbomb@punkmail.com

Comments: Okay,I'm not gonna sit here and diss you guys..coz everyone is entitled to their own opinion..I just wanted to know..if you guys just hate Jeff and like Matt..or you guys hate both?

I dont' mind Matt, he is a better wrestler, and better looking at least but that is not saying much.

Jeff is a pompous ass, and the boy needs to buy some food instead of blowing his wad on Manic Panic. Matt on the other hand is a very nice looking man, and I'd be happy to see him any day.
Sexual  Vanilla is A-OK with Mr. Matt Hardy.  It's Jeff that I got the problem with.
Oh Show sweetie, remeber he also needs a new Razor. I mean did you see what that boy did to his face?

Well yeah, his Remington did malfunction quite a while ago. But since the Hardlys have the pleasure of hanging with Lita, maybe Jeffy could borrow her Lady Bic.

And so Skintimate Shave gell if he is lucky.
And of course, some nice Brut aftershave.... It'll cover up the smell of what happens when you put things that belong on your feet on your hands.  Phew!

From:  "Mrs. Matthew Moore Hardy" <gypsy_lady_83@hotmail.com>

Subject:  HELLO??!!!


I'm writing to inform you simple minded, superficial people of something.  But before I do, let me ask you one simple question: WHY DO YOU HATE THE HARDYZ????  Give me ONE good, solid reason, and I'll rest my case.  I mean, why?  What have they ever done that is so bad?  I don't like Triple H, or Big Bossman, or people like that, but you don't see me going around, making HATE sites about them!  I'm going to make one thing clear.  Have you ever taken the time to check out Matt and Jeff's Official site?  If you had, then you would realize that both of those guys are the sweetest people in the world, and have THE greatest personalities.  If you only knew HALF of what they went through to become wrestlers, you'd probably be impressed.  They went through pure hell.  They deserve all the credit they get, and ESPECIALLY Jeff, because he goes out there, and busts his ass doing stuff most people are scared to get in the ring and do.  And, you bunch of lame asses, I'll have you know, that Jeff Hardy saved my and my best friend's lives!  Isn't it in the slightest bit, impressive that someone that one has never met, can save their life?  I think it's pretty damn impressive, and both of those boyz get my highest respect.  Not only for what Jeff has done for me, but for what they've went through to accomplish the greatness they have within their grasp.  And now I'm returning the favor.  Everytime somebody has something bad to say about Matt or Jeff Hardy, I take the time out, to inform these selfish, self centered, closed minded people, that Matt and Jeff are truly amazing, and if it weren't for them, I'd probably be dead right now.  I'll also have you know, that Matt and Jeff helped me reach a decision I have been trying to make for the past FIVE years!  A decision about going to college for a career.  Thanks to the Hardy Boyz, I now know what I want to do as a career.

Next time you decide to make a hate site about somebody, you need to realize the greatness, the generosity, and the total respectfullness of the people you bash, because Matt and Jeff are the two greatest guys I've ever seen in my life.  I owe them an incredible debt, that I could never repay to them face to face, so therefore, I'm doing what I feel I can do, and that is speak my mind about them, to people like you, who despise them for such immature, and unbelieveable reasons.  You need to wake up, and realize, the people you are dissing, have led an incredible life.  It has NOT been easy, and it never will be.  I'll have you know, that alot of people are worried that Jeff Hardy's career may be short lived, because of THE RISKS HE TAKES FOR HIS FANS!!  Who else, aside from Shawn Michaels does that kind of thing?  Those two deserve so much more than disrespect.

I know nothing I say will change your minds.  Nothing I can do, will make you like the Hardyz, but I still feel better having said it.

Peace, Love, and Hardyz Forever!!!


HARDY BOYZ 4-LIFE!!  2 XTREME BABY!  Fear is ONLY a four letter word!!  Remember that!  The Hardyz show it EVERY night they wrestle!!  Wonderful, WONDERFUL young men!  How could you NOT love them?  Or if you're a guy, you can't lie!  You're ENVIOUS!  You are SOO jealous!  Just kidding! Most of you people I email don't even WATCH wrestling!  So therefore, you don't know WHO the HELL the Hardyz are, do ya?  I didn't think so!  LMAO!!!  I AM CRAYZAY!!

"When you trade magic for fact, there are no
tradebacks...."-Eddie Vedder, Matt Hardy...

"Develop a depression"-Jeff Hardy

"I can feel you without even seeing you"-Jeff Hardy

I LOVE Matt Hardy!!  Did you know that?  Yea, you knew that!  Well, if you by some SLIM CHANCE, DIDN'T know that, you know it now!  I LOVE MATTHEW MOORE HARDY!!!  For the record, that is! LOL!!


You say they saved your life? Oh damn I wished they hadn't because that had to be the dullest piece of hate mail I even had the displeasure of reading.
it's late, I'm tired, so i am not honoring you with a real answer so:
I'm a bitch... I hate him ... I don't need a reason... first amendment... suck my dick or lack there of... elvis has left the building... and so have I...

To Mrs. Hardy:  If indeed you are married to a Hardy, please have the common decency to go for some voluntary sterilization.  Our society has no need for more long-winded buffoons like you.  I feel what you're sayin',  Gwennie!

You really think you're married to Matt don't you? I've seen the "official" site a couple times and I am not amused. It is nothing more that a glorification of anorexia. The site has nothng to offer....it's just a collection of bored Hardly fans who bitch and moan about who will fuck Jeff and Matt first ..... And you tell me what Jeff Hardy knows about pure hell....other than reading posts on the official site that is. I'm sure he had such a horrid life...oh, how can he go on. I've met both Hardlys and like I have said many times. Matt is a nice guy...but Jeff is a complete ass. I found his disposition none too pleasing and his attitude downright rude. He does nothing but give wrestlers a bad name in my book. He is not a person who respects or appreciates his fans. He's merely a 22 yr old boy looking for pussy....and you little girls don't seem to realize that! And how pathetioc..Matt and Jeff saved your life? Bullshit. Don't blame then because you aren't able to make a decision on your own and you need the "guidance" of someone you feel has the power to determine your fate. Most intelligent adults do go to college. That is something that you and your financial aid officer should decide. Not some crack-whore looking rainbow brite immatator. Just a tip kiddo, grow up and be yourself...it's a really nice trait. Then again, you seem like the type of person who would go around attached to Jeff's little dick if he asked you to. You qwant to know who else in the wrestling busniess takes risks for their fans? Well here's a small list: Droz, Undertaker, Steve Austin, MICK FOLEY, OWEN HART....do those names ring a bell? All of them have injured themselves for the entertainment of the fans, and God-forbid Owen Hart even died for us. And fools like you go around saying how great it is that Jeff does a Suckton Bomb off a cage? Just for his stupidity I hope Jeff injures himself....maybe then you people will realize this: ALL WRESTLERS TAKE RISKS FOR THEIR FANS. And they do this everytime they lace up their boots. Crayzay? Tell the truth, this is Nick Carter isn't it? Everyone already knew you were gay babe...

Name: call me slim shady coz u r all bastards

E-mail: heyifyouarereadingthisyouareasillyfuckinjackoffhehehehehe

Comments: im slim shady the real slim shady and u r all bastards;-)

Can I just call you dumb-ass? Before you go quoting song lyrics....get them all correct, thanks for playing.

If we are going to throw out song lyrics sweet heart, here if for you:
And by the way RAP SUCKS!!!!!!
How 'bout this one, peeps:  "Life is a game that no one wins, but you deserve a head start the way your life's goin'.  So throw in the towel, 'cause your life ain't shit... No, take the towel and hang yourself with it.... Lift your head up high and blow your brains out."*  And here's a movie quote for ya:  " Hey, Lame-o!  Get out of my yard!  Hey! Hey!" *bonus of a free Dairy Queen sundae for whoever correctly identifies the title of the song and artist of the first quote and the title of the movie in which the second quote was feautured.  Those living in the continental U.S. need not apply.*

From:  P1T5N1PE@aol.com

Subject:  *hee-hee* You guys are TOO funny!

I figured you guys were-indeed-GUYS!  Naw dawgs...why won't you all just make some T&A (and no--that's not the tag team duo) site and dedicate it to just that.  Sorry mother fuckers.

Hunny, SUCK MY DICK OR LACK THERE OF. I'm just a girl, and damned proud of it.

No, I'm a chick "dawg? I don't really dig T&A, unless it's the tag team. But I was considering making a page of penis pictures, because so many men are stupid enough to pass their dicks around the internet..
Yes, that is right.  Sexual Vanilla is a man.  And a manly man, at that.  And a BUSY man on top of that.  Sexual Vanilla is currently wrapping up production on his latest film "The Adventures of Suzy Super-Slut."  There is more than enough T & A in the Sexual One's life, and regretfully, it shant spill onto this site.

Name: Ryan Thriller

E-mail: pieman3d@hotmail.com

Comments: Yeah, this isn't hate mail or anything, I'm not even a big fan of the hardyz, but what is it exactly that you have against them? Now you're obviously doing a good job expressing your oppions because you get a lot of feedback, mostly hate mail but I'm pretty sure that's what you're aiming for, but it almost baffles me that you spend so much time on a page that revolves around who you hate. I don't know, maybe you have good reason to hate them, I'm just curious as to why

Have you not been reading? I've said many times why I hate them. And I really don't spend much time on this site....it's a side project, because I enjoy making fun of Jeff Hardly and his merry band of followers.

I am the one who never says why I hate them. Except this plethora of silly, nonsensical excuses every day. I think it's that I listened to Manson's Irresponsible Hate Anthem way to much.
I need no reason.

Name: Emma

E-mail: RattleSnake@bite-me.co.uk

Comments: Hi.
 I have left a few messages (well two messages that were too long so they were split into parts) on the guestbook and i wanted to make sure that they get answered so i thought i'd email you with them. Here they are (bare in mind that my views change abit by my final message);You people are unbelievably stupid. What kind of losers would waste their time making a hate page about wrestlers? If you like the WWF then you should respect all the wrestlers. I'm not asking you to LIKE them, just RESPECT them. Do i have a site about me not liking the Rock? No, i don't. I have that much respect for him. This is an extreme thing to do also. Hating Jeff and Matt Hardy is one of the most lamest things ever. They put there lives on the line every time they have a match. I'm not saying that other wrestlers don't but The Hardyz do just that little bit more....

.....The Hardyz may not be as popular as wrestlers like The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin but most of that popularity comes from catch phrases, storylines and gimmicks. Before the Rock opened his mouth and filled the air with "if yu smell what the rock is cooking" etc. in the WWF, the chant 'Rocky Sucks' wasvery familiar. But that's going off the point. The Hardyz are two very nice people and i would like to know what exactally makes you hate them so much. Also, out of interest, who are your favourite wrestlers? If you have enough spare time to make a hate website, then you should do something creative with it. Like making a page for the wrestlers you like. But if you already have one of them, make it better. I could go on and on about this but i won't. Emma
Me again! I've got more moaning to do! So here goes; First, i'm not sure if it was a reply to my message or not but after my last message there was a message that i couldn't really understand. Could someone please translate it for me? (That wasn't ment nastily) Second, quite a few others and myself think that you (the creators of this site) don't actually hate the Hardyz loads it's just that you hate the silly little girls that only love the Hardyz coz of there looks. Well i hate them sort of people too. They give the rest of us wrestling girls a bad name! I for one, have watched wrestling nearlly all my life and i may be only 14 but i know alot about it.......

.....Because i'm 14 and a girl most people will automaticly think that i am a boy-band loving, Britney Spears wannabe. Well i promise you that i am not. I cannot stand any sort of music like that. I TRY not to say bad stuff about music like that though as i know alot of my friends like it. I am more of a Kid Rock, Metallica (and believe me, alot of other bands) sort of girl....

....These people that i believe you hate (and i hate too) are also the sort of people that go round saying the they're Matt or Jeffs number one fan, and they love the Hardyz more than anyone else. If they believe that, then they really aren't. That just makes them pathetic. If this is the case, and you are only really having a dig at these sort of people. Please do it in another way. Don't take it out on the Hardyz, they may be good-looking but they are so much more, and they do have feelings. I won't write anymore on the subject but please could one of you at the site email me in reply? Thanx, bye. Emma.

Well i would really be grateful if you replied to this email. Thanx,


I still chant "Rocky Sucks"....I thought that was a great time in wrestling personally. I have respect for all wrestlers, even little Jeffy-poo. Should I be impressed that you like Kid Rock and Metallica? Well yippie shit, spank my ass and call me Charlie, you're a trendy fuck. I have a long list of facorite wrestlers, and I do have site for one of them, a damn good one, and I love participating in this site....it calms my nerves to see how inanely stupid you Hardly fans are! *BARF* Ooops, sorry I just read your comment about Jeff Hardly being good-looking. The standards of American teenagers have really gone down over the years haven't they?

Sorry guys, I am a product of the MTV generation, I dont' have the attention span to read that.
Yep, ditto for me.  My mouse even lost interest and refused to scroll down anymore after page 2.

From:  Smurf6986@aol.com

Subject:  hardyz

the hardyz suck, good work. oh is this supposed to be hate mail? ok then, umm grr growl im angry

Okay I don't ussually put up all the good mail we get, but this was so damn funny it went up. Rock on dude!

I bet the Hardly's sucked you.......be sure you tell Jeff he did a good job next time......he's insecure about that.

Calm down Show no hostility needed the guy is cool... What did you get up on the wrong side of your life size voodoo doll of Jeff Hardy today babe?

Oh, oh.....ok....*shakes head* sorry about that. *looks across room and sees lifesize Jeffy voodoo doll and tosses a straight pin into it* Whew, that's better.....

Name: Laura

E-mail: jeffnmatthardy4ever@yahoo.com

Comments: Jeff Hardy rules!  You must not have a life to go and make a website about how much you hate him.  That's pretty gay.  I hate people, but I don't waste my time making a site about them and frankly I don't care if you like Jeff or not, but it pisses me off that you make a website about it.  Someone once said "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all".  Leave Jeff alone!

Why is making a website gay? Is everything gay with you kids today? Jesus H. Christ. Insult people without using the word gay....cause everything isn't gay. Oh wait, did I make Jeff cry? Man, that was gay. If you don't like our site...then dont' visit it. As one other viewer said "you should be shoot in the head." How gay.

Hey Show I am feeling more Gay Lately, and you are more and more attractive sweetie. Wanna threesome with Jeff and I?

Throw that Jeff guy out and you got a deal baby cakes. I'm not up to being stabbed to death with a rib cage tonight.

 I think this gay stuff is going around.  Suddenly, Sexual Vanilla wants to listen to Pet Shop Boys and Village People records and invest in a hamster and some KY Jelly. PLEASE get my sweet tookus to K-Mart.  I have this mad desire to stock up on Martha Stewart Living goodies and redeccorate my entire bachelor pad.   I'm feelin' as gay as springtime!
Sorry sweetie *shakes it off* I was just at mattandjeffhardy.com and I was brain washed
OH AND BY THE WAY FOLKS we are now www.sucktonbomb.com


Subject:  Losers!!!!

I wrote this in your guestbook, but I'll write it here too:

You're so freaking stupid.  You write back these comments when we email you thinking you're all bad and all, but you're really just some dumbass that thinks you're cool!  You write stuff like you're fucking dumb.  Like we fucking care.  No, it doesn't bother me.  It's immature to make a site about hating someone.  It's a waste of time.  What kind of a geek, nerd,  loser are you to make a site like this?  How gay?   And don't you get it you're not cool!  I laugh when I get emails back from you, they crack me up the way you think you're so hot, but you're really dumb and stupid!  Who fucking cares if you like the Hardyz?  I don't, but you don't need to make a website about it cuz you're just pissing a bunch of people off.  Why do you hate them anyway?


I'm not cool How gay! Hey, tip #1, grown-ups dont' say fuck in every other sentence. We have a rather extensive vocabulary. If you don't care if I like the Hardlys then why do you bother writing e-mails to us? It seems like you really like to fucking get fucking e-mails from us, we're so fucking cool!

Hey I admit that I'm a loser, I admit that I am a scum. I admit I like cheap beer, and casual sex just about as much as anyone. And hunny, just for further reference, I am quite well aware I am pissing off a bunch of people, that's the point. How dense can you be?

Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuckity-fuckfuck!  Now that that's off of my chest, the entire purpose of this page is to piss off goons like you. Now get off the computer and go to your room and think about all of the terrible language you have just spewed forth.

From:  "Christian Clark" <c_chanse_c@hotmail.com>

Subject:  Just a few comments.

I've read a few of the hate mail messages that you "Haters" have received, and i've read the comments that were given back as a result of the messages and I would just like to say that in the attempted to heighten your self esteem by putting other people down, (which is what you are doing whether you admit it or not), you are doing nothing but making yourselves look incredibly idiotic. Let me put this in terms you would understand: YOU   ARE   ACTING    LIKE     FIVE    YEAR    OLD    CHILDREN. For god sakes, wake up and smell that damn Huggies commercial. Your a big kid now!!! Act like it!! I guess now is the part where you "make my candy ass famous by putting up my message", and responding to it saying things that will probably make you feel great at the time, or at least until your laying in your beds at night and realize that when you make the comment that we don't have lives, that it was you dumbasses that had enough time in your lives to make up a pointless site like this in the first place. So who is the loser now? I know in your minds it will be me, but who the hell gives a rats ass what you think. I thought I did, but now that I think again, I've realized that this is all a way to get your pathetic selves attention. Maybe mama didn't give you enough hugs or something, who knows? I'm sure I could think of more to say, but I've wasted enough time as it is.

I grew up a poor black child....just like Vanilla Ice and Jeff Hardy. I already feel pretty damn good about myself, honestly, but laughing at Jeff Hardy sure does put me in a good mood, I will admit that. Yeah, I may have enough time in my life to respond to your pathetic e-mail, but you were the one who had the free time and one active brain wave to write to us in the first place. Gosh, I feel good about myself, because I'm not you.

My god, You are so right. You read my like a freaking book. I mean my mother never paid any attention. I know she just had me because my sister needed a kidney. I mean do you know what it is like to be the unwanted child. No one ever paid attention to me, they would lock me in the closet because I cried to much. I didn't even have dolls to play with, they made me play with the pet it. We never really did find out what it was, but what I can tell you is it lived behind the refrigerator, and I called it bob. And you see My sister's cat named Jeff killed it, and that is why I have a physiological problem with Jeff Hardy. I know it's an indirect form of aggression but it works for me, so just like bear with me okay...  *sob*
I too, like my cohorts Moderately Sized Show and Gwen, was neglected as a child.  (I feel your collected pain, my sistahs!)  Sexual Vanilla constantly lived in the shadow of his older brother, Sweet Ronnie D.    It was this overwhelming need for love and understanding that led Sexual Vanilla to the life of a Player (Yeah, that's right.  Playah with a capitol "P.")  I try to remedy the lack of attention I recieved as a child by frittering away my life with fast women and cheap booze and, of course, as you dear reader have pointed out, contributing to this webpage.  Now go!  Go away.  Thank you for forcing me to dredge up these horrible memories, you sick, jerky bastard!  Do you get some sort of kick making a grown man cry!?  Well, do you?!?!

From:  pfl@gis.net

Subject:  Just asking

Hey Hardy Haters,
                 I'm Just asking, why don't you like the Hardy Boyz?
                 It's totally your choice wether to love them or hate them I was just wondering why.

Hardy Lover,
If you've
Amanda L.
never seen the
pictures on their site
then trust me don't knock'um
till you try'um.

Amanda & Elizabeth

Um can I use one of my life lines? I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm going with the Phone-A-Freind option on this one....maybe Rosie O'Donnell can help me out.

Yeah I was going to poll you guys but if you have no clue...
Is that your final answer?   OH!  So sorry!  The answer was Jeff Hardy sucks like a Hoover!!!!

Name: mindy

E-mail: angelicdevil_2002@yahoo.com

Comments: u people suck. do u evev know anything about the hardy boyz?

I know a lot about the Hardly boys....I don't "evev" think I've seen that word before though. I do take great pride in my ability to suck....my boyfriend is pretty fond of it too......

Yes I know something about the Hardys. Hey I have been in the closet with Jeff for years now. You get to know a lot about people in such close quarters....

 Check out older Hate Mail.
 So do you have any comments for us, send them right along, and you might see yourself up here, just drop us a line: sucktonbomb@hotmail.com