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Why should we help International Students?
Why do they need your help?
Why could I sure I am helping the right person?
Donation List
Do you have a thanksful life to share? For American and for all?
Spread American Freedom and Democracy to all over the world by a quarter!
 Donate to our association. If you support our idea, please donate to help us grow.
Here is our donation list. More student will come to this list soon, but we don't have many students right now because we are just new opening. We also welcome the international students who want to us and join the list. However, all students must be proved by our rules before we publish them. Students who want to just us, should send their detail information by email to us.

ISMA International Student # 001

Name: ...BeenJiunn Law 
Sex: ...Male 
Student ID: ...#0189968 
School: ...Saginaw Valley State University,.MI 48603, USA
Nationality: ...Taiwan 
Reason: (why do you need help?)

...SARS. This infectional fatal flu hits my country a lot. It broke Taiwan's economy. Many company closed and people lives in fear. At this time, it would be very hard to get a job in Taiwan.

In America, I also face to terrible situation in jobless. Neither local students nor international students hardly get a job.

How much do you need? $100.00
How many did people help you so far? 0
How much money did you get so far? $ 0.00
Donate him
Words No matter you help me or not. I heartily thank for you viewing and consideration by your sympathy.
Seeds of American spirit need your help now!
Copyright..2003 International Student Mutual Association, designed by BeenJiunn Law.