blood-drenched orphans

The Latest Feasts from Armageddon Buffet

Scathing Commentary!

Our newest editorial, "Armageddon 2012," takes a look at the funhouse that is the 2012 Republican primaries.

Pithy Fiction!

Jessica Wineteer's story, "The Sharpest Tool in the Shed," celebrates Claire's new body -- and new owners.

Shocking Culture!

We inaugurate our newest category -- essays, articles and interviews by, for and about pop culture -- with an interview with writer Harold Jaffe.

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Scathing Commentary!

New!!  Editorial / Armageddon 2012 It has been over a year since an editorial appearing here has actually been "NEW!" I have had other writing projects to finish, and other barricades to man -- literally, in support of union rights, education spending, and the Occupy movement. As an editorialist, I often find myself haunted by the Cassandra Complex, the conviction that no matter how pithy the analysis or accurate the prediction, it is not going to change anything. Real change begins in the real world. It can end there too.

Posted: February, 2012

Editorial / The Boy Who Cried Fox Once upon a long time ago, though it could have happened last week, a Boy whose job it was to guard the chickens got bored. He was too old to stay home hanging on his mother's apron but too young yet to work in the fields or to be apprenticed to one of the tradesmen in the village, so he ended up with one of the jobs reserved for old women and children.

He was tossing pebbles into the fenced pen, watching the fowl flutter and cluck and hop in response, when he heard a voice.

"Hey, kid!" it whispered to him hoarsely. "Wanna have some fun?"

Posted: August, 2010

Editorial / Bad News, Good News It was a typical Halloween horror show along the lines of 28 Days Later. Society was crumbling, while mobs infected with a rage virus stormed through the streets, attacking the few remaining human beings who had not been infected. This was not Halloween, however; it was the year and a half leading up to Election Day, 2010. And the raging mobs consisted mostly of middle-aged folks wearing Revolutionary War outfits and hats strung with tea bags and carrying poorly spelled signs.

Posted: November, 2010

Editorial / The Boy Who Cried Fox Once upon a long time ago, though it could have happened last week, a Boy whose job it was to guard the chickens got bored. He was too old to stay home hanging on his mother's apron but too young yet to work in the fields or to be apprenticed to one of the tradesmen in the village, so he ended up with one of the jobs reserved for old women and children.

He was tossing pebbles into the fenced pen, watching the fowl flutter and cluck and hop in response, when he heard a voice.

"Hey, kid!" it whispered to him hoarsely. "Wanna have some fun?"

Posted: August, 2010

Editorial / You Say You Want a Revolution At the end of March, my adult son and I took a road trip to the Grand Canyon for a few days of camping and hiking. On the drive from Nevada to Arizona we crossed Hoover Dam, where we stopped to take some photos. Although not a fan of dams myself, I remained impressed by the Art Deco-style public architecture surrounding it. It is all so 1930s: the elegantly geometric towers behind the dam like something out of Star Wars (because science fiction architecture was birthed in the Art Deco era), the stylized statues seated on the Nevada side with sleek, massive wings pointing skyward, symbols of human transcendence, the public-spirited mottos over the entrances of the public buildings -- all reminding visitors of the power of collective effort. It's almost enough to make one forget that the powerline towers angling over the gorge are carrying electricity away to the wasteful sprawl of Las Vegas, whence also goeth the water.

Posted: April, 2010

Editorial / Slouching Toward Bedlam In short, what has come to be called "conservatism" has de-coupled itself almost completely from the reality-based world. The magical thinking that dictates you can make something true just by believing it and repeating it -- e.g., "We not only know Hussein has weapons of mass destruction; we know where they are," or "We can slash taxes and balance the budget," or "There is no global warming," or "Obama is a Kenyan communist" -- has saturated the mind of the Right like syphilis.

Posted: January, 2010

Editorial / The Guns of August This August we watched angry gangs invade town hall meetings with torches and pitchforks -- actually, worse, surround them with assault weapons and pictures of Obama as Hitler. Democratic congressmen were hanged in effigy. The President was accused of planning to impose a Nazi-Communist-Satanist death program aimed at killing off seniors, veterans, unborn children, Republicans, and Trig Palin. He was accused of being foreign-born and thus not actually president, suggesting his plot against America was an alien plot.

Republican leaders of states like Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina threatened to secede -- creating the deliciously ironic prospect of Lincoln's party starting another Civil War -- while many in their constituencies howled for insurrection, threatening to water the tree of liberty with the blood of democratically elected public servants. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, and the worst are full of passionate intensity.

And the focus of this madness on the Right? The initiative to improve the nation's health care.

Posted: September, 2009

Editorial / The New Minority We are now six months into the Obama presidency, and the honeymoon is over. Fortunately, we are still a long ways from marriage counseling.

Many of the President's supporters are less than happy that more change hasn't happened faster, or that this administration refuses to investigate the crimes of the last one, or that it has accepted compromises. If Democratic voters and their ideological allies haven't gotten everything they want so far, the Republicans and their fellows on the Right have gotten much that they don't want. Still, my answer to both sides is -- and shall remain -- no matter what happens, no one could suck as badly as that last guy. The good news is that we really hit bottom in the first eight years of this century. Every time the Republican Party appears to have scraped bottom, however, they manage to find a new bottom.

Posted: July, 2009

Editorial / The Last Christmas Carol It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except W. The single frosty window in the relatively modest room showed only darkness, though outside Camp David was covered in snow. Inside, settled on the sofa before the television and fireplace, W. felt cozy in his presidential pajamas and robe. He cradled a bowl of pretzels in his lap, desultorily munching one even though the taste of the turkey dinner he had eaten hours ago lingered on in the occasional belch. Habitually he would have been long in bed by this time, but after lying on his presidential pillow for half an hour, he had found himself oddly restless and had risen again. Perhaps he had eaten too much. Perhaps the awareness that this was his last Christmas in office -- his last month, in fact -- had taken roost in his mind, which was normally undisturbed by thought. In any case, now he stared at a repeat of some Christmas special with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the sound turned down, while fragments of pretzel crunched in his head.

Posted: January, 2009

Editorial / Obamarama Ever since the Supreme Court elected George W. Bush as 43rd president in the last year of the last millenium, a host of true believers have proclaimed the Coming of the End Times. Bush the Burning would bring on the Final Battle and the Final Judgment, and the faithful were gaga with the certainty that they would experience Rapture and Christ's return in their lifetimes. The Bush League did not discourage such speculations, and indeed Karl Rove figured the faith of the "nuts," as he called them, into his electioneering strategies.

Well, they got their Armageddon on 4 November 2008, only the rest of us got the Rapture.

Having laid waste the land and its budget, having fucked things so badly that the Lord Himself would have to descend -- deus ex machina -- with a divine rape kit, the Bush League got busted. And a miracle happened . . .

Posted: October-November, 2008

Editorial / The Right's Last Hurrah Viewed more broadly, this ploy of the McCain campaign seems yet another in a long line of Hail Mary passes that have characterized its post-primary run for the presidency. McCain has made much over the years of his maverick status, but his maneuvers in the past several weeks have made him seem erratic, even whimsical. Most prominent among these was his choice of Sarah Palin as running mate. As a brazen attempt to snatch both the women's vote and the redneck vote in one swoop, the selection initially seemed incredibly clever, too clever, jumping-the-shark clever.

For a time during and after the GOP convention, the crowd that embraced Obama was dismayed, even depressed, to the sneers and jeers of the right. McCain alone had not been able to appeal to the really stupid voters who form the core of the Republican base. Sarah Palin would draw those voters out of their holes in the woodwork. The 29 percent who still believe W. has done a splendid job would swallow their doubts about McCain and come out for the gun-totin' pro-pregnancy cheerleader from Wasilla, and the U.S. would continue its smug decline.

Posted: August-September, 2008

Editorial / The Summer of Our Discontent If recent elections, as we have been told, were swung by Soccer Moms and Nascar Dads, this year the demographic of opportunity is the euphemistically termed "Low Information Voter." Big ideas appeal to them, and Obama could capture many with his promise of a new dispensation. Unfortunately, too many Low Information Voters still believe that Saddam Hussein ordered the jetliners into the World Trade Center and that his WMDs were conveyed to Syria and rest offshore in the Mediterranean, or believe that Barack Hussein Obama was in fact educated at a jihadist madrassa and that he didn't wear a flag pin during the primaries because he hates America. Such Low Information Voters elect Low Information Presidents -- like you know who.

Posted: June-July, 2008

Editorial / What the %$#@ Happened? By now Scott McClellan's book What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception has hit the stores, but the media and political sturm und drang arrived a week earlier. The book makes the case that the rationale for the Iraq War was a manufactured lie -- and the "useful idiots," like McClellan, Colin Powell, and the "liberal" media, shouldn't have believed the lies. The evidence for it being a lie is overwhelming: Iraq, and Hussein, were no threat to the U.S. -- until we made them one by invading their country, destroying their government, economy, roads, schools and oilfields, and killing thousands upon thousands of men, women and children. Enough to piss anybody off.

Posted: April-May, 2008

Editorial / How We Got Here Five years in Iraq. 4000 American dead, with more to come. 10,000 others permanently handicapped; an unknown number traumatized. 90,000 Iraqis dead -- taking an average of the high and low estimates, because no one is really counting.

And no end in sight.

As of this writing, a week-long battle has just ended between Iraqi government forces and the Mahdi militia of Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, leaving hundreds dead in Basra and the Sadr City enclave of Baghdad. Hauptkommandant Bush praised the initial assault by Iraqi regular forces as proof that the government in Baghdad was functioning as it should and asserting its authority. Unfortunately, the Shiite-led army could not hold the line against the Shiite militia; Iraqi police looked the other way as the militia held the streets, and American troops had to take over the fighting until al-Sadr called another ceasefire. So . . .who's in charge?

Posted: February-March, 2008

Editorial / It's the Stupid Economy At the end of January 2008, a month in which the American stock market lost 8.8% of its value, the economy has come to dominate the news and the presidential campaign. Once more we wake up from our American Dream to learn that another bubble has burst -- like the dot-com bubble that ended the previous decade -- and that as a nation we should have known better.

Posted: January, 2008

Editorial / It's Not How Wrong You Make It; It's How You Make It Wrong This December 6 will probably not go down in infamy, although it was the day Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor, took the stand for religious liberty. That is, for all people of faith. In defending his Mormonism, he observed that the only religion that should be reviled as un-American was "the religion of secularism" with its belief that faith should be "a private affair with no place in public life." Although he made some noises about the separation of church and state, he did not go so far as Kennedy in 1960, who in fact argued that religion was a private affair.

Posted: October-November-December, 2007

Editorial / Between Iraq and a Hard Place What we call the cradle of Western civilization -- from Mesopotamia to Israel to Greece -- gave us the basis of our agriculture, our alphabet, our religion, and our political system. It also passed along the story form we know as tragedy -- from the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh through the biblical stories of Samson and David to the tales of Achilles, Hercules, and Oedipus. In all of these a man with a special relationship with the divine overreaches, having stumbled into the belief that his own power or virtue signifies that he himself can do no wrong.

Posted: August-September, 2007

Editorial / And So Fourth Another Independence Day has passed. Supermarkets and drug stores have bins of discounted flags and patriotic red-white-and-blue napkins to wipe your mouth on. On the Fourth United Statians lit barbecues and fireworks, listened to patriotic pronouncements on TV, to Sousa marches, or to the ritual reading of the Declaration of Independence-all, the mantra goes, to "celebrate our freedom."

Posted: June-July, 2007

Editorial / Memorial Day If Andrea Yates was crazed (or guilty, under Texas law) for sending five children to a happier place, if Cho was disturbed for punishing 32 for their sins, if the young Muslims who kill themselves and others in Allah's name are "evil," what should we say of any individual, or nation of individuals, who claim a holy right to rain death upon their enemies -- not to mention the collateral damage? As Pascal said, speaking from the standpoint of the French Enlightenment, to really do evil, one needs religion.

Posted: April-May, 2007

Editorial / The Republic of California As we watch the regime of Bush II slouching toward the landfill of history, it merits remembering that only two years ago, as term two began, the media buzzed with awe for the "genius" of consiglieri Karl Rove and dropped to its knees before the power of the Christian Right and the "values voter." Meanwhile, serious talk of emigration ensued as many a Californian and New Yorker eyed the kindlier, gentler America of the North -- i.e., Canada. And once again there was talk of secession.

Posted: February-March, 2007

Editorial / What Does It Mean: "Support Our Troops"? Something similarly mythic and unreflective transpires when Americans -- across the political spectrum, it must be noted -- repeat another ubiquitous saw: "Support Our Troops." First popularized in the Reagan era as a response to the contemptuous treatment, real or imagined, of Vietnam-era troops by war opponents, it has theoretically come to mean separating one's attitude to war from those who fight it. Antiwar politicians and street protestors alike affirm their support for the troops, and in fact use it as an argument for their cause: they support the troops by seeking to bring them out of harm's way and back to their families. Prowarriors, on the other hand, argue that one can only support the troops by withholding all criticism, not only of the war itself but of the Commander-in-Chief, on the grounds that such opposition "undermines morale." For these militants, "Support Our Troops" means only one thing: "Support Our War."

Posted: January, 2007

Editorial / Yule Wars, Episode Three: Attack of the Clowns This is the time to ask the BIG QUESTION, the one both sides of this particular controversy have failed to ask: What the hell do fir trees and electric lights have to do with the myth of Jesus? I mean, really?

Posted: December, 2006

Editorial / Reality Bites Back So much for the evil genius of Karl Rove. This year the majority of voters feared the continuance of Republican misrule more than they feared the usual suspects: terrorists, immigrants, humanists. The base -- the 31% who still think Bush was chosen by God -- mostly showed up to punch cards, pull levers, and touch screens in His name. But they got swamped in a Katrina of their party's own making. In most places the vote wasn't close enough to steal: The Bushites made enemies faster than they could disenfranchise them.

Posted: November, 2006

Editorial / One Party Country After all, if one thing has become increasingly clear in this political flu season, it is that even the best laid plans of mice, rats, and well-funded rightwing think tanks can go astray. While the Republicans have proved adept at taking power, they cannot govern, and the voters are restless.

Posted: October, 2006

Anonymous / The Joy of Thinking... for Yourself Those who assume (often unconsciously) that it is impossible to achieve their life's desires -- and, thus, that it is futile to fight for themselves -- usually end up fighting for an ideal or cause instead. They may appear to engage in self-directed activity, but in reality they have accepted alienation from their desires as a way of life. All subjugations of personal desires to the dictates of a cause or ideology are reactionary no matter how "revolutionary" the actions arising from such subjugations may appear.

Posted: October, 2006

Editorial / The Pathology of the Right The fundamentalist, like the Right Wing Authoritarian, craves an Almighty Father telling him what to think and do, a Big Daddy who greets any response but unquestioned obedience with the Big Belt; either that, or he wants to be the Alpha Male himself. Either way, he hungers for the hegemony of absolute authority. What all this analysis comes down to is that the RWA is a case of arrested development, someone facing the complexities of adulthood with the fairy tale perspective and ego-centered apparatus of the kindergartner. Whatever he believes or wants to do is right. Anyone who disagrees is bad and should be hurt.

Posted: September 22, 2006

Editorial / The Curse of Reagan Since he began his tramp to the White House, W. has touted himself, and been touted by his loyalists, as the true heir of Ronald Reagan. Although only too happy to use his daddy's name, political and corporate connections, and big money pool, George the Lesser otherwise distanced himself from George the Elder, whom the Right holds responsible for bungling the Reagan Revolution and yielding the White House to a Democratic successor. The son was the Real Thing -- Classic Coke for Republican activists who called themselves "conservative." By his own words, Bush's only true father is God. Begotten in Immaculate Misconception, born again at the end of the 80s, he sprung sinless from the head of Reagan, taking the remainder of Der Gipper's addled wits with him.

Posted: May 29, 2006

Thomas Logan / Ain't None of You MuthaFuckas Ever Gonna Take My Humanity Leaving the cinema while every slackjaw muthafucker backslappingly cheers his sublunary humanity as though Shakespearean prose issued from their chaw-chewin' beer-guzzling maws, I am left with a certain raw, putrid taste floating around my jaw reminiscent of age fifteen when I was jumped by five gangsta-types and spent the next two days pulling shredded-wheat mouthflesh from out my braces. These invasion movies always leave me in a stupor: Who are we exactly, and why not cash this in? Hell, resistance is futile, and, after all, the possessed do promise that it's much better on the other side. If we're dead set against alien invaders and their alien definitions of life, what are we for?

Posted: May 29, 2006

Editorial / Democracy = People Power Among those most surprised by this spring's marches, not surprisingly, were those who objected to them. The most vitriolic responses came from the pants-wetting Right. Radio Nazi Michael Savage referred to the marchers and their immigrant base as "vermin." One Faux News reporter wondered aloud why the INS wasn't on site with helicopters and nets, rounding the masses up for deportation. Columnists and letter writers fulminated on editorial pages. In places like San Diego County where secondary school students left class to participate in demonstrations, seething citizens demanded that they be expelled. Calmer voices asserted that the demonstrators should instead have expressed their opinions through politically approved conduits, like voting or writing letters to congresspeople -- even though most of the demonstrators did not have a vote or a representative, either because they were under eighteen or not citizens.

Posted: April 28, 2006

Harold Jaffe / The Writer in Wartime You live in Des Moines, Iowa, and are a published novelist with a modest reputation based on your narratives about white middle-class domestic crises. You also serve in a National Guard military police unit, and your company is called up and sent to Iraq to function as MP's in Abu Ghraib Prison, west of Baghdad. There, you observe and strongly disapprove of the unlawful abuse and torture of the inmates, many of them innocent Iraqi teenagers snatched from the streets. Do you continue to write narrative still lifes or do you bracket your customary subject in order to bear witness, to broadcast as widely as possible the unlawful, immoral treatment in Abu Ghraib?

Posted: March 27, 2006

Editorial / Restoration Republican Style While ours has never been a perfect democracy -- it began, after all, as a slave state and is now presided over by the man who came in second -- it was stumbling in the right direction in the 1960s and 70s, the final decades of the Democratic hegemony. And then came the era of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the Demiurge, whose number is 666. This editorialist has long theorized that after the triple trauma of Watergate, the ignominious end of the Vietnam War, and the economic seizure of the Arab oil embargo, America lapsed into post-traumatic stress disorder and clinical depression.

Posted: February 27, 2006

Editorial / Death American Style Americans were not always like this. In the wake of World War II -- yea, even in the reactionary Fifties -- support for the death penalty was in decline. Since the Republican era commenced, however, morality has given way to religiosity, with a concomitant evangelical passion for judgment and retribution. Only in the wee minds of the chauvinistic mob does this nation remain a paragon of virtue.

Posted: January 27, 2006

Editorial / Our Babylonian Captivity Ironically, so engulfed is our population in the murky waters of Lethe that the majority have forgotten what made the Vietnam experience so drawn out and excruciating. Americans believed as early as 1968 that that war was a mistake and probably unwinnable -- and at a cost of 5000 dead troops per year rather than the 1000 we expend now. But given repeated chances to endorse withdrawal through electoral choice, the majority opted for another seven years of war. As a warrior people, Americans hate quitting. They would rather go down bleeding.

Posted: December 20, 2005

Editorial / Republican Crime Family Values The summer of 2005 will be remembered in presidential history as the moment the worm turned on this particular resident of Pennsylvania Avenue. In the aftermath of the Katrina disaster, we find all the promises made tardily and hastily in front of the news cameras evaporating like the last remnants of the flood. After hurricane Rita we watched our Lord of Misrule squat at a relief site with a tool in his hand, only to demonstrate that he might hammer in the morning but in the evening he'd be back in Washington, lobbying for tax cuts that will make rebuilding the Gulf Coast impossible.

Posted: November 23, 2005

Editorial / Waking Up from Reagan's Dream Will Miers be the final piece in the generation-old Republican plan to overturn Roe v. Wade? Both sides have been raising campaign contributions on the abortion issue for thirty years, since the runup to Reagan's election, sometimes as if that were the only issue that really mattered. In fact, it would be interesting to see how the general public would react to a reversal of abortion rights. While most Americans claim religious affiliation, even if only to a non-denominational God who approves of everything they do, just as large a number insist they do not want the government making their moral decisions for them.

Posted: June 13, 2005

Editorial / Micromanagement: DC's Drug of Choice We have now seen at least two generations grow up with cannabis and other substances used as commonly as beer, and to similar personal and social effect. The current inhabitor of the White House is the second president in a row to have used marijuana as a college student, although he is probably a bad example, since he did go on to cocaine and alcohol abuse. Still, he did not become genuinely dangerous and start killing people until he got hooked on religion.

Posted: June 13, 2005

David Brin / When is a Conspiracy Theory NOT a Conspiracy Theory? This is an example of how a conspiracy theory can have two levels, one of which seems rather lurid. (One reason that "conspiracy theories" have a deservedly bad reputation.) After all, it would take a pretty large group of colluding fund managers willing to risk prison, in order to deliberately divert Social Security investment funds in a big or systematic way.

Posted: May 23, 2005

Editorial / The Empire Strikes Home Just in case you had any doubts, Perkins confirms that the World Bank, the IMF, and similar international organizations with ostensible missions of global development have become the new raptors of empire, replacing the nationalist model under which countries like Britain, France, and the U.S. openly operated up to about World War II.

Posted: May 23, 2005

Editorial / The Cons, the Constitution, and the Courts In the wild, weird world of our Bent Right--that pandemonium of christofascists, Confederate Republicans, Zell Miller, and assorted other wingnuts--yet another traditional American institution has been nominated as the Great Satan of the month.

Posted: April 25, 2005

Editorial / The Culture of Life and Death If there were a heaven (which of course there's not), it would be interesting to hear the conversation between the defrocked soul of Karol Wojtyla and Theresa Marie Schiavo in the waiting room of the Holy Office. Would she wonder to him why her conscious spirit had to remain trapped in that unresponsive and uncommunicative body for fifteen years, instead of being liberated to enjoy the bliss of the afterlife?

Posted: April 4, 2005

Russ Daggatt / John Bolton's Limp-Stick Diplomacy With the possible exception of Cheney, this guy is the worst -- the most extreme -- of the bunch. Cheney once remarked that Bolton deserves "any job he wants" in the administration (except VP, presumably). So let's take a look at his record in the job he actually got: Undersecretary of State for Arms Control.

Posted: March 14, 2005

Editorial / The Day After Tomorrow Never Knows Even as these words appear, Bush the Second is touring his domain, Red America, in the second week of his "Sixty Towns in Sixty Days" propaganda blitz toward changing Social Security as we know it. As always, he is preaching to hordes of the screened and Chosen, the already converted who cannot contemplate their leader without violating the First Commandment.

Posted: March 14, 2005

Editorial / The Gag Reflex The crux of this conundrum is that such standards are being enforced only against those the Thought Police have branded enemies of the state. Fact is a rare commodity indeed on wingnut radio and Faux News, where Truth descends only from Heaven, not from an empirical valuation of events and data on our sublunary terra firma.

Posted: February 21, 2005

Editorial / Hubris, Anyone? Every president wants to sound lofty at the beginning of a new term, striving to make it look like a new era--whether promising a New Deal, a Great Society, or Four More Wars.

Posted: January 31, 2005

Editorial / Faking Democracy Florida also used another old Jim Crow tradition that was not stopped by the Voting Rights Act: denying many black and presumably Democratic voters suffrage by erroneously listing them as felons.

Posted: January 17, 2005

Editorial / Red State, Blue State, Old State, New State, Part 2: The Neo-Confederacy Historical retardation is not merely a hallmark of the American South; it has long been embraced by the region's institutions and most of its populace as fundamental to their identity.

Posted: January 3, 2005

Noam Daguerre / Freedom's On the March & Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated Using my prodigious psychic powers, I predict that the next four years will be similar to some other famous sequels that lacked the benefit of criticism.

Posted: December 13, 2004

Editorial / The Reason for the Season Even after the embrace of Christianity, in the empire's decadence, Romans continued to greet winter with toga parties that put the modern versions to shame and that clearly embarrassed the early church fathers.

Posted: December 13, 2004

Majority Report / December, 2004 "From the outside, one despairs at having to endure another four years under the knife of such a man. More seriously, the hatred for the administration could well transform itself into hatred for all Americans, culpable for having re-elected such a president in full knowledge of his agenda."

Posted: December 13, 2004

Editorial / Red State, Blue State, Old State, New State, Part 1: Voting Values For our home-grown Talibangelists, it seems perfectly all right to be an asshole--as long as you don't touch one

Posted: November 29, 2004

Editorial / Faith-Based vs. Reality-Based America The Christian Right's dream of an American theocracy--an Iran of the West--founders ironically upon another bedrock of Bush's faith-based regime.

Posted: November 15, 2004

Noam Daguerre / The Beast Takes Human Form It's the time of that Evil Season, the quadrennial duck-and-cover when the sphincters of fate convulse to pinch off another lucky President into our communal toilet bowl.

Posted: November 1, 2004

Editorial / Our Unfinished War: The Fantasy vs. The Reality When our Holy War in Vietnam ended in defeat, the result could not be wedged into the metanarrative.

Posted: November 1, 2004

Noam Daguerre / Operation Rupture, or Holy Shit Is That A Pony-Sized Locust With A Face Like A Man? God slaps his fist on the reset button and the sun & sea do their sackcloth and blood impersonations while Jesus 2.0 emerges naked from the frothing waters in a giant clam!

Posted: October 18, 2004

Editorial / Vietnam: Our Unfinished War The sad fact is that the majority of Americans have not themselves come to terms with our mistakes in Vietnam, which is why we are repeating so many of them in Iraq. As a nation we have inconveniently forgotten what we almost learned thirty years ago.

Posted: October 18, 2004

Majority Report / October, 2004 "Republicans insist that upon winning re-election Bush would moderate his international positions. In a second term, however, Bush would have few incentives to moderate his excesses in conducting himself on the world stage."

Posted: October 18, 2004

Editorial / The Dry Drunk President During the last campaign we learned of Bush's history as an alcoholic (although his involvement with cocaine was quickly buried).

Posted: October 4, 2004

Editorial / The Last Crusade Although the Soviet Union is long gone, and its nuclear arsenal surreptitiously dispersed throughout the Asian continent, one huge and powerful population of Americans continues to prepare for the Final Days. They do so eagerly, even enthusiastically. And they are W's most energetic supporters.

Posted: September 20, 2004

Noam Daguerre / The Celestiosexuals Get the Glove For me, study of the Holocaust was the ultimate counterpoise, the dark delineating the light; the Holocaust throws the best of humanity into sharp relief.

Posted: September 20, 2004