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Hi There!
Ever wanted to write an article for a newspaper, but been told you're too young or not qualified enough? Ever wished you could write some news for The Daily Prophet?
Well, now you can!

The Daily Prophet is looking for student contributors to write us articles about the Wizarding World. Contributors who contribute most often and whose articles are all accepted will win the 'Reporter' post on our site and have your name displayed on the About Us page!

Here are the rules for Submissions:

1) Your article must be about the Wizarding World and magical happenings.
(Duh, you already knew that!)

2) You have to write articles that make sense, as of knowledge we have at the end of Book 4, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. You can make stuff up, but it has to be on top of true fact we know from the books (see our articles to see what we mean).
Example: Azraff International is made up, but Flying Carpet bans, Cleansweep's bad business, and Ali Bashir are all fact from the books.

3) We DO NOT want to hear about Harry! Amazing as it might be to some of you, the Wizarding World does not revolve around Harry Potter. Yes, we know Rita Skeeter wrote about him, but she's an exception. Strictly non-Harry, Hermione, and Ron news please.

4) Your article must not contain obscenities, personal attacks (on any person in society or in neopets), or promote political, social and religious views.

5) Please try not to have too many grammatical or spelling errors, and please check your article for accuracy by checking your facts with the books. For those of you who actually do want to become journalists when you grow up, this is excellent training!

6) We will try to put up as many of your articles (if they're good!), but if your article is good enough, you will recieve a neomail from us, so you'll know we like it. You'll also recieve 10 points for your house each time your article is put up on th site. If you don't get selected, please don't fret or slam us, because your article probably either flouted one of the rules above, or was out of topic. We will edit your articles and make them accurate, but if we have to edit the content (your main article) for accuracy more than 50%, it's not worth our while to put it up because it's just as if we wrote it, not you.

7) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

8) Please don't neomail us like crazy after you send your article, because that is extremely irritating, and we might not want to put your article up if you annoy us, even if you have written something really good!

9) The word requirement is: Not less than 300 words, not more than 500 words.

10) neomail your entires to hermione_is_smart101, our Articles Manager.

Good Luck!