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Thursday, June 05, 2003
Hello! Week 2 of my two week vacation. SHiet. All this not doing anything is so boring. It was my bday last monday. It was cool! hiedi has the 411 so i don't need to write it.

Books that im currently reading:
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Globalization and its discontents by this economist who won the nobel
Motley Fool - Investments for teens by the Motley Crew
Creating you future - by this one guy

4 books nigguh! I realy like Atlas shrugged. I like what the encrypted philosophical meaning behind it. I rememember "the most deprave human is a human without purpose" really hits it. The scope is tremendous. The characters are presented in depth. The tone is not monotonous, but captivating and suspensefully exciting. Good shiet. That's my review. Another good book is the one by the motley fool. I learned about the basics of investing and the powers of compounding! Yeah. I hit bottom on my other account last week so it prompted me to do something. Yeah, maybe if things turn out well, i can start investing a little. I brought the Globalization book for a scholarship that I was planning but it was a difficult read. Im just beginning to read the creating your future book and so far its just reiterating the stuff that i learned already. I'm going to the bookstore again with hieidi. peace out.

Thursday, May 29, 2003
Thursday. This week has been like a lazy week. Sleep, drive around, workout, sleep. An alternate life if I wasn't such a progressive person. Hey hiedi! haha! What I can't say Hi to you? Anyway, nothin is up lately except that I think my braces give me bad breath so I have to brush real hard. My bday is in like 3 days. Whu-pi. I'm not excited. I just want to get it over with and get on with the next day. I really don't like bday. It's anti-climactic and I think is a waste of time. grumpy huh. I want to get away on my bday, get away from people who doesn't give a rat's ass if it was my bday. Today, I'm going to workout then read the book "Atlas Shrugged." Why? Because I want to. So giddyup and giddyo!

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