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Welcome To My Website


A hodge-podge collection of pictures and information, both useful and slightly less so.



About Me
Photo Gallery



























Hello and welcome to my site. As you can see, I'm still in the process of developing and enhancing it so please excuse its unfinished appearance.


To find out a little about me and my interests click here. I've added my photo gallery, a collection of pictures from my recent study abroad adventure, as well as pictures of my family and friends. It's still in progress, like everything else, but you can still get an idea of some of what I got up to during the most enriching year of my life. You can also take a peek at my niece. I'm hoping to add more pictures of her, providing her parents agree.


The journal is exactly that - an irregular update of current events, situations etc. I'm also keeping a record of my favourites which you can consult for ideas. Feel free to submit your own here.







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Disclaimer: All images on this site, except my personal pictures, are the property of the various sites listed on the credits page. To the best of my knowledge these images are free and I have included links to the respective sites as requested on their homepages. If any of the images were not intended to be used in this way please contact me and I will remove them from the site.