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Aztec Deities

Aztec god of water.

Aztec and Mayan rain and vegetation god. Also the lord of thunder, lightening, wind, and fertility.

Aztec goddess of fire, home and fertility. She symbolized pleasure and pain together. Her symbols were a red serpent and cactus spikes. She ruled wealth and precious stones of the earth. Invoke for fire elements, fertility, domestic matters.

Aztec maize goddess.

Aztec goddess of childbirth.

Aztec god of corn, also had female forms. Took over the place of Chicomecoatl. Was always protected by water gods.

Aztec mother goddess, a giver of life. She was positive and negative and therefore had the ability to bless or punish. Often shown as a woman with claws and a skirt of snakes. Symbolizes the moon.

"Golden Bells". Aztec moon goddess. Symbolizes element of fire, the moon.

Aztec god of fire, patron of warriors and kings. Depicted often as a crouched old man with a bowl of burning incense sitting on his head.

Aztec god of earthquakes.

National god of the Aztecs, symbolizes storms, the sun, death, war, young men, warriors, soldiers, safe journeys.

Hunab Ku
Aztec supreme god, impersonal to the followers.

"The Old Princess". Aztec mother goddess. During her winter festival, a woman's heart was cut out and the severed head carried during a procession. She can also be invoked for fertility.

Beautiful Aztec female demon with symbols of death on her face. Balance of sensuality and evil. Invoke for destiny, fate, agriculture, and cosmic matters, especially with the stars.

Aztec goddess who discovered and introduced the gods to pulque. She was pictured naked, holding a bow of pulque and seated on a throne of a tortoise and a snake. She carried a cord that she used to help women in childbirth, and the night was sacred to her.

Aztec lord of the land of the dead, depicted as a red skeleton. Husband of Mictlantecihuatl. Together, they take care of the deceased.

Aztec god of war, weapons, hunting, and striking from afar. His human offerings were said to become stars once sacrificed.

Aztec god of joy, festivity, and happiness. The rick worshipped him the most and it was claimed that if guests misbehaved at festivals, the host could invoke Omacatl and make the guests ill.

Aztec god of the wind, sea breeze, and life breath. Creator god, identified with the planet Venus. He was considered a good god as he required only one human sacrifice a year.

Long ago, there was a race of people who lived in southern mexico called the Toltecs. They were ruled by Quetzalcoatl, who left his home in the land of the Sunrise to help the Toltecs build a strong and prosperous nation.

While he ruled, everyone was happy and industrious. Everything grew in abundance, and the people learned many practical arts, even how to make ornaments and beautiful clothing. They were dutiful but had plenty of leisure time. To the Toltecs, this was a Golden Age.

But neighboring peoples were savage and barbaric and very jealous of the happy Toltecs. They were ruled by warlike and fierce gods.

Tezcatlipoca, the chief of these savage gods, disguised himself as an old man and went to Quetzalcoatl, who was very sick. Tezcatlipoca fooled the god into drinking excessive amounts of wine by saying it was medicine, knowing Quetzalcoatl had never tasted wine. Soon he was very intoxicated. Tezcatlipoca took advantage of this opportunity and to bring merciless misery to the vulnerable Toltecs. He brought down plagues and disasters; strife and destruction.

When Quetzalcoatl became sober, he was angry to find that all his hard work had been undone. Furious, he destroyed the gifts he had given the people and left for his own country. The Mexicans believe that, as said in legend, the good god will one day return and bring them back to the enchantment of the Golden Age.

Aztec protectress of sailors and others in times of crisis.

Aztec god of growth, making plants sprout. He was a hard god to please as he required constant human sacrifice. God of fertility, thunder, water, mountains, rain, hail. Also known as Tlaloque.

Aztec goddess of the crescent moon. Often referred to as the dirt goddess. A horrendous aspect of the goddess. She rode naked on a broom holding a red snake and a blood stained rope.

Aztec mother goddess, healing, nature, mother of the gods.

Aztec god of death and the underworld.

Aztec goddess of maize.

ipe Totec
Aztec god of agriculture, blacksmiths, and the west.

Aztec god of corn.

Xochiquetzal Ichpuchtli
Aztec goddess of the underworld and flowers. Also symbolizes twins, artisans, sex, children.

Bad luck Aztec god of the underworld, brought humankind and the element of fire to the surface.

Aztec god of traders and merchants.