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Each of the 38 Ellon Essences is like Bach Flower Essences®. Each essence is directed to help with a specific emotional state. To select essences, just examine how you are feeling right now and select the corresponding essences.


For Information on Individual Essence - Click on Essence Name

 Agrimony  Aspen  Beech  Centaury  Cerato
 Cherry Plum  Chestnut Bud  Chicory  Clematis  Crab Apple
 Elm  Gentian  Gorse  Heather  Holly
 Honeysuckle  Hornbeam  Impatiens  Larch  Mimulus
 Mustard  Oak  Olive  Pine  Red Chestnut
 Rock Rose  Rock Water  Scleranthus  Star of Bethlehem  Sweet Chestnut
 Vervain  Vine  Walnut  Water Violet  White Chestnut
 Wild Oat  Wild Rose  Willow  Rescue Remedy  Dosage Bottle



Flower Essence and description. Item # Price
Agrimony- Hiding behind a cheerful face. Not letting others know you are hurting. Hiding true feelings behind a brave face. FEE001 $9.95
Aspen - Fear of unknown things. Sometimes can be an uneasy feeling that unsettles you. FEE002 $9.95
Beech - Intolerance with others, inflexible, always knowing you are right and what others should do. FEE003 $9.95
Centaury - Unable to say "no". Always doing what others ask them to do or what they feel others want them to do. Think of Cinderella always doing what her step-mother and step-sisters wanted her to do. FEE004 $9.95
Cerato - Lack of trust in one's own decision. Always asking other for their opinions, answers, resolutions to problems. FEE005 $9.95
Cherry Plum - Loss of control of own action, fear of mind giving away or of acting inapppropriately. FEE006 $9.95
Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn from past mistakes. Repeats same mistakes. Think about repeating patterns - like over eating when you are sad. FEE007 $9.95
Chicory - Selfish, wants to be center of attention. Like a child wanting all your attention. FEE008 $9.95
Clematis - Dreamlike state of mind, unable to concentrate. Thoughts up in the air. FEE009 $9.95
Crab Apple - Feeling of being unclean. FEE010 $9.95
Elm - Usually can achieve but now is temporarily overwhelmed by responsibility. Feel like things are piling up. Too much to bear. FEE011 $9.95
Gentian - Easily discouraged. May feel like they can accomplish a task, but can be discouraged by setbacks. FEE012 $9.95
Gorse - Utter hopelessness, can't see a way out, despaired. Nothing can help. May try something, but is convinced it won't help. FEE013 $9.95
Heather - Excessive talking about oneself, self-centered and self concerned. Dominates the conversion. FEE014 $9.95
Holly - Hate, envy, jealous. Wants things for themselves - like children. FEE015 $9.95
Honeysuckle - Wanting things the way they were, living in the past. Can't seem to go forward. FEE016 $9.95
Hornbeam - Tiredness, procrastination. FEE017 $9.95
Impatiens - Impatient, unable to relax. In a rush, hurring around. No patients when waiting in a line. FEE018 $9.95
Larch - Lack of confidence. Sometimes won't even try to start a task because they feel that they can't complete the task. FEE019 $9.95
Mimulus - Fear of known things. FEE020 $9.95
Mustard - Deep gloom for no reason. FEE021 $9.95
Oak - Keeps on going even when exhausted physically or mentally. FEE022 $9.95
Olive - Complete exhaustion, tiredness after mental or physical strain. FEE023 $9.95
Pine - Guilt, feelings of self-reproach. FEE024 $9.55
Red Chestnut - Extreme anguish. Worries about too much about others. FEE025 $9.95
Rock Rose - Sudden fear, panicky. FEE026 $9.95
Rock Water - Rigid, self denying. Strict with self and others. High standards that may be to high to reach. FEE027 $9.95
Scleranthus - Uncertainity, indecision between two things. FEE028 $9.95
Star of Bethlehem - Traumas, serious situations, serious distress, shock. May help release built up negative vibrations. FEE029 $9.95
Sweet Chestnut - Bleak outlook on life, giving up. FEE030 $9.95
Vervain - Nervous tension. Usually works hard for a cause and tries to sway people to join the cause. FEE031 $9.95
Vine - Inflexible, domineering. FEE032 $9.95
Walnut - Use when changes in your life make you unsettled. May help with protection from unwanted influences. FEE033 $9.95
Water Violet - Proud and aloof. Prefers to be alone. FEE034 $9.95
White Chestnut - Unwanted thoughts, mental agruments. May be used to calm recurring thoughts that keep you from getting a good night's sleep. FEE035 $9.95
Wild Oat - Uncertain of one's path in life. FEE036 $9.95
Wild Rose - Apathy, resignation. FEE037 $9.95
Willow - Resentment. FEE038 $9.95
Calming Essence - like Rescue Remedy - For emergency situations or when stressed. Remember pets have feelings, too. Just add four drops to their water bowl. Help relieve anxiety for them when visiting the vet - .36 oz & 1 oz size. FEERRL10 $10.25
Calming Essence Cream - like Rescue Remedy Cream 2 oz & 8 oz size. - For easy use on scratches, cuts, and bruises. FEERRC27 $10.25
Dosage bottle with up to 5 different Essences FEBDOS5 $11.95
ContentMints is the Calming Essence formula in a pleasant tasting chewable wintergreen mint - (each box contains 30 mints) FEEMTS30 $3.99


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*A Special discount will be applied if the total order for Ellon Flower Essences is equal to or over $400.00 (Four hundred US dollars).

The prices on this page are shown as retail prices for products from the Ellon Flower Essence Line and are subject to change without notice.  Shipping and Handling charges will be added to the total price of the products.

This site is operated by an Independent Distributor and therefore no product liability or responsibility is claimed see Disclaimer Information page.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The preceding statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.