21; southern English chick with accent from hell knows where; female lyricists; good books; married; one kid; lives brasil; never proof-reads... More

Letters: crazybitterlemon
ICQ: 111519484

Album | Appreciation | Antiqueties | Archives | Chronicle | Design Flaws | Dramatis Personae | Image | My Name Is... | OST | Pre-Musings | Rhapsody

Ania | Annie | Bean | belikethat. | Beth | Green Fairy | Helga | Ivy | Jen | Mandy | Melody | Mirna | Noir | Rachel | Rath | Sabrina | Sonia | Starlet | Tiia and Anna

When you wish(list) upon a star... people buy you lots of nice things

27 June 2004

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Why can I never seem to leave things as they are. Playing with this is just too much fun!!!

Funnily enough though, I've got no clue what I've actually just done. I know I added something vaguely related to the comments. however, I think I might leave it in place for a while in case anyone else reading this does know all about it and cares enough to use it to show me what I've done. Hey, you never know...

20:42 We love making cat screeching noises whilst knocking about above the workshop to completely frustrate the dog. If only she could see that damn cat!

20:33 I remembered what I was going to say. More like I walked out of the room and smelled what I was going to say. Noemi's making cake and it smells sooooooo good. It's making me really hungry. But only for cake. Why is it I seem to have the munchies nearly all the time at the moment?

20:06 I don't really want to be updating this right now. I wanted to wait till the secret is up and running, an just put everything on there. On the other hand, I want to get back into the habit of writing, and who knows how long it'll be till the secret's ready. I think either way, I'm not going to win!

The church over the road is really starting to do my nut! Not only is it incredibly loud whenever they start singing, everything the seem to sing goes to the tune of a christmas carol. Have I missed something here or is it still the middle of June? I think they might be six months too early.

And I just had something else to say, and I've totally forgotten what it was. Seems to be happening a lot lately. Should I be worried? I don't know. It's not like I ever have anything important to say at the moment so maybe not.

Kisses for comments: x x x


26 June 2004

Lara Croft. I knew it!


Yuri says it suits me like a glove. I'm pretty sure about the boobs like watermelons part but I'd hardly agree with as hard as steel... Am sure I should put a lol at the end of that, but I'm not. Really I'm not.

I was right about the flat. It was an absolute shit hole. It reminded me of those chalets they used to put us in during youth club holidays... only worse. There's some other ideas being thrown about at the moment anyways. We shall wait and see. I, certainly, need some time to think about them before deciding on anything.

I got a new domain. It's a secret. Don't tell anybody. I'll let you know all about it when it's ready.

Heard a bizarre song yesterday. "Move a li'l bit closer baby. Roses really smell like poo poo. . ."

21 June 2004


I just fucked up my website!

20:01 Someone's been projectile vomiting all day long. I'm sick of being a target. Can't he choose someone else for once?!

So, Sao Paulo. We're staying at Yuri's dad's place. I'm getting kinda bored with Yuri being out working most of the day. I guess I just got used to having him around most of the time. I wish I could get online during the day. It would give me something to do.

We were supposed to go look at a flat today. (Never happened) We were supposed to go to the hospital, get Tommy checked out and sign up for the health insurance. (Never happened) While I don't give a shit about the first one (mainly cus the flat doesn't actually sound any good - took a quick peek yesterday and there doesn't seem to be a lift for a start - I'm not just lazy, but there's no way in hell I could carry that buggy up a flight of stairs with Tommy in it!), I am pissed about the second. He was supposed to have his latest round of shots last Tuesday and I admit it, we both totally forgot. But although I said we had to do it Wednesday, it never happened. What with moving Thursday, it was never gonna happen then, but I'm sure it should've happened Friday and it didn't. Maybe I shouldn't get so worked up about it, but I do. I worry that I'm a bad enough parent as it is...

Nearly every time I log on to MSN, all my friends are off-line. I miss everyone so much. Damn this time difference. I feel like I'm emptying without them.

God, I'm so out of practice at this. I remember the days when I just used to be able to write for hours about everything and nothing. It all sounded so much better then too... I guess things always keep changing.

18 June 2004

Sao Paulo

Well, we´re here. Flew in yesterday. I´m so tired at the moment. Just wishing for a little bit of normality again.

Sandals- peaceful, daydreamy, and thoughtful, you
often find yourself staring into space. When
you aren't out volunteering you are often just
dreaming away. You enjoy the company of
friends sometimes but enjoy peace and quiet.
[please vote! thank you! :)]

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kiss for a comment. . . xx

29 May 2004

Thomas(Tommy)Albert Pires

He was born on May 15, weighing 2.75kg (6llbs, 1oz) and measuring 48cm long. He´s a complete cutie (except when he pukes or pees all over me - then he´s a li´l monster!). The labour was fairly non-dramatic and lasted only 12.5 hours, I´m pleased to say with no pain-relief necessary!

I´m finally starting to feel human again, after generally being tired, (maybe a li´l upset at times) and cleverly busting a stitch! It only took me half a week to realise that perhaps the stitches should be getting better instead of worse!

So, I guess life is getting (back) to normal. Or as normal as this will be. It still all seems a little strange to me, but at the same time, as natural as anything!

It looks like we´re not going to the bar now. Not for the moment anyways. Yuri´s dad´s giving him a job in Sao Paulo so we´re going there instead. Leaving within the next two weeks I think. He´s hoping it´ll give him enough time to do some web design too, either that or teach some English. He keeps suggesting that I go straight back to teach too. I think I might, but not straight away. Quality time with Tommy is definately necessary - and I think I need a proper break from working!

Kiss for a comment. . . xx

12 May 2004

How many more days to go?

Ha Beth, I beat you - I use net cafes and I still update more often than you do! And you pinched my ideas - you blog whore! Still, my site will always be better than yours and you know that even if it´s the only time I go one better than you, it´s still enough for me!

Don´t you just love sibling rivalry

18:24 Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your friends.

1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE WHERE WOULD IT BE? Build a house? Why would I want to do that when I could just buy one, or get someone else to build one for me?!

2. FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHES? Anything that makes me look thin, oh, and that I can still fit into.

3. FAVORITE PHYSICAL FEATURE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? Face - you can tell so much. And you can´t necessarily tell he´s a minger from his arse!

4. THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? Now 56 - yes, I know, it was out nearly 6 months ago, but that´s what happens when you move to a country where all the music is in a foreign language. Just get me my own net connection and I´ll start being the download queen again!


6. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED? Can we change it to what´s the most necessary place to be massaged?! Back! Lower. You know, that place that all preggers women spend all day grabbing hold of!


8. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Anywhere between 8 and 11, depending on how hot it´s getting outside.

9. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? A functional cooker - I´m still wishing...

10. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? people pissing me off.

11. IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Anything that could make me rich and famous (probably for all the wrong reasons).

12. FAVORITE COLOR? Pink! Do you even have to ask?

13. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? As long as it goes....


15. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? Samuel Whiskers and the Roly Poly Pudding


17. IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Any of them would be good considering I don´t actually have any.

18. IF YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? I still want a fairy but haven´t found one good enough yet...



21. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE DAY? Any day off!

22. WHAT'S IN THE TRUNK OF YOUR CAR? If only my car had a trunk... If only I had a car...

23. WHICH DO YOU PREFER SUSHI OR HAMBURGER? Sushi! Why do we have to bring that one up and make me crave...?




27. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON? Anything Disney. Again, do we even have to ask?

I´m now very sick of being preggers. Doctor´s guess is I could drop anywhere between two days ago and June 2. The sooner, the better, as far as I´m concerned. I´m sick of spending my entire life on the loo, not being able to eat a proper meal, being totally unable to get comfortable, very nearly not being able to put my own shoes on, waddling when I walk... Can anyone identify?

Found some sugar free choccie ice cream the other day and it´s actually quite scrummy.

Kiss for a comment. . . x

26 April 2004

Are Brasilian surfers cute?!

It´s definate, we´re off to Barra do Jucu.

Had another scan today. The baby is still a boy, still breathing, had a heartbeat of 133 bpm and is 50cm long. All is ok. Just give me some proper choccie!

19 April 2004

Eu nao fala Portugese

Yup, we moved, we did Sao Paulo, Ihla Bela (bloody great holiday but must learn not to get sunburnt!) and ended up in Brasilia where we successfully found an over-priced, ant-infested, mould-ridden shit-hole of a flat.

I somehow managed to end up teaching English at the school where Yuri was working in the marketing team and earn a wonderful total of about R$370 a month + the bus fare. It´s hideously underpaid compared to probably every other school in the city but it´s an easy job, and it occupies my time. Just a shame I picked up tons of evening classes this module.

I have to admit - I´m generally bored as hell. There is very little to do around here that doesn´t require money, of which we have next to none at the moment. I can´t watch TV, cus the only english speaking programmes are on when I´m teaching and I don´t understand enopugh portugese yet to get what´s actually going on in anything else. We don´t have internet at home, cus we were never planning to stay in that flat for so long so it´s either books or cross-stitch or solitaire on the computer to occupy my time!

But, it seems we might be moving again, to a beach town called Barra do Jucu, so Yuri and friends can run a beach bar. He´s out there right now, checking the whole idea out. I´m sure letting him go (with three other guys) was a highly risky idea and I hate to think what they´re getting úp to (the phone call that said `we slept at the bar last night cus Saadah was too drunk to drive the motorbike home...´might ahve something to do with my worry!)

Anyways, will try and get back soon.

Kisses for comment. . . xx

6 December 2003

Uh ooh.

I will be back, promise. Just kinda busy right now.


Kiss for comment. . . x

25 August 2003

Uh ooh.

I think my happy family might be about to fall apart. (Beth, if you read this, don't take it the wrong way. x)

Kiss for comment. . . x

20 August 2003

I'll be back

We moved on the weekend. Got no internet connection at all. That's tomorrow's job, get a net connection sorted. Once I do I will be back. I'll (try) and do something amazing in the meantime.


New layout: Erin

Kisses for comments. . . x

14 August 2003

I don't wanna talk about it

This past week has been so strange. Nothing's seemed to go right, with the exception of my driving test that is. I don't think I'm gonna dwell on it here. Lets just say that I'd not be overly eager to repeat the whole experience.

Managed to get the two disc version of Sleeping Beauty for £10.99. I can't wait to watch it. Still got Atlantis to watch too. Wanna get Monsters Inc, Cinderella, Mary Poppins and Peter Pan

We picked up the keys for the new float, which is finally ready today. We're not going in till tomorrow - gotta wait for the furniture - but I can't wait! It's so exciting.

Had a rather bizarre, out of the blue email from Ben today. Guess it's kinda put me on edge. Makes me wonder how many other lurkers there are out there that I'd rather know about for peace of mind.

Wahey!!! Jeremy's finally back!

New layouts: Anne Erin Ivy Tiia and Anna

Kisses for comments. . . x x x x

3 August 2003

We got Annie

I guess work today was good. The people renting the flat called there on Friday to check me out. From what I gather Carol probably managed to give all the right answers. I managed to geta fair bit done. Hopefully things will go fairly easily tomorrow. Maybe I can get the Spotless out again.

I got in and Yuska was watching the Princess Diaries so I had to sit and watch it. Never seen it before and is absolutely excellent. Then Annie was on so I had to watch that. Me and Beth used to love that film when we were kids. I still do.

Visit Get a Nightlife. It's making Yuri so happy.

I was trying to find somewhere to downlaod that classic Nokia game, Snake, today. For my mobile that is. I can't find it anywhere. Any ideas, let me know.

New layouts: Starlit Mandy Anne

Kisses for comments. . . x x

2 August 2003


New month, might fiddle around a li'l bit with this here site to get some't different. Hey, it's not gonna be amazing (it never is), but it'll be some't different.

Spent most of work yesterday cleaning. We love JML Spotless. Seriously though, it works wonders. Shame youcan't use oit on the bath though, could be just what mum needs for their shower!

Beth walked down on her lunch hour from the hospital to say hi. I thought that was so so sweet of her. Wish she'd hurry up and design (even a basic) site so I could plug her lots!

I had a splitting headache yesterday. I slept for an hour or so when I got in, made dinner, fell asleep on Yuri on the sofa and then woke up long enough to move upstairs and fall asleep whilst saying goodbye to him. Apparently I punched him when he got back in and woke me up to say hello.

I think I feel like some of the rest of the bag of Jelly Belly that's sitting upstairs!

New layouts: Erin Ania

Kisses for comments. . . x x x x