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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

The movie: HP & the Sorcerer's Stone

Here is some information about the first book in the Harry Potter series.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, is the first book in this series of seven novels about a boy, who finds out he's a wizard. I found this to be a very interesting children's novel when I first picked it up to read. Soon after reading several pages, I had already found a uniqueness like no other. The Sorcerer's Stone was obviously something very new, that most people haven't even heard of when the book was first published in 1997. Anyhow, HPSS tells the story of the title character himself, Harry Potter. He's an orphaned boy, who lives in the cupboard under the stairs in his mean Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's house in England. Harry's Aunt and Uncle are the two meanest people Harry knows, right beside their own son--Dudley Dursley.

On Harry's eleventh birthday, he recieves an envelope in the mail and this is strange, considering that no one ever written to him before. Now the Dursleys are what wizards call "muggles", or people without a drop of magical blood, and they greatly dislike anything that has to do with magic. Thus, Uncle Dursley does his best to prevent the envelopes from reaching Harry, but finally Harry is rescued by a friendly giant, known as Hagrid. The envelope contains an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the most famous magic school in the world! When Harry arrives there, he learns about his deep past from the truth of how his beloved parents died to the downfall of the feared Lord Voldemort. But perhaps, the strangest thing about Harry, is the lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead

Here is some information about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, on DVD:

Presentation: Wide Screen

Sound: Dolby Digital

Features: Disc One: Movie with English and Spanish language tracks and subtitles. Disc Two: Never-before-seen footage; self-guided tour of Hogwarts; Diagon Alley; theatrical trailers; DVD-ROM features: Collect Wizard trading cards; The Sorting Hat; screensaver; web links.

Here are all the mistakes form Book one that I could find.

From the Movie

  • No 2nd floor bedroom.
  • Meets Malfoy right before sorting, instead of at Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions.
  • Chocolate Frogs are actually real in a sense.
  • Harry and Hagrid don't sleep over on the House on the Rock. After telling him he is a wizard, the scenes merges into them walking in london.
  • Boa Constrictor scene altered.
  • No Railview Hotel.
  • They never even get in the car (when running away from the letters).
  • They delete Herbology, DADA, and History of Magic classes.
  • Harry and Hermione never send off Norbert, Dumbledore finds out about the dragon and sends it back himself.
  • Neville never gets detention and 50 points off, its actually Ron who does and he goes into the forest, not Neville.
  • The 1st years meeting ghosts scene never happens. They have a lot more ghosts in the movie then there should be.
  • Hermione, Ron and Harry meet Fluffy, (Neville never does). Not by a dueling match with Malfoy, but because the stairs changed passages and they accidentally meet Fluffy that way.
  • Qurriel and Snape Forest conversation never occurs, it actually happens in the school.
  • Mirror of Erised just shows James and Lily, nobody else.
  • Christmas Presents scene altered.
  • For the Chess Challenge, They don't replace the parts they get on and ride them you could say.
  • They delete the Potions Challenge, Hermione actually leaves with Ron from the Chess game.
  • Devils Snare scene messed up.
  • Flying Keys scene messes up.
  • Confronting Quirrel/Voldemort scene messed up.
  • They never introduce Crabbe and Goyle, matter of fact they don't introduce 3/4 of the characters
  • Lee Jordan looks too much like a girl (that is, they might as well have just made him a girl
  • Vernon to Grunnings scenes deleted.
  • No Television Report.
  • The Norbert Hatching scene was messed up.
  • Hermione Leaving Hogwarts for Christmas scene altered.
  • Quidditch Alterations, Quidditch Graphics not that good, only one Quidditch match shown.
  • Flashback to the Killing of the Potter's scene added, they show Lily getting killed but they don't show james getting killed?
  • Movie starts with Dumbledore actually summoning the light of the posts with the Light Putter Outer
  • They set Harry down on the front porch when he is a baby, light starts to come from his scar, flashes, and the flash recedes back into an 11 year old Harry Potter waking up.
  • Professor McGonagall is supposed to take out Oliver Wood from charms, not DADA as they show in the movie.
  • Prior to the sorting ceremony, Professor McGonagall calls out the students' names first name then last name, but in the books they are called by last name first.
  • Dudley falls in boa constrictor's cage and glass reappears.
  • Hagrid takes Harry to King's Cross.
  • What happened to the giant squid?
  • Harry and Ron weren't late for Transfiguration in the book.
  • Neville never came into Harry and Ron's train compartment.
  • What happened to Mrs. Figg?
  • Neville taking off on broom scene altered.
  • All of the students wear fezes instead of wizard hats.
  • Oliver Wood wasn't supposed to take out the snitch because it was too dark.
  • The bite on Snape's leg appears too soon.
  • Removed Quirrel's challenge with dead troll.
  • Harry only meets Firenze, not Ronan and Bane.
  • Potions part of getting to the Sorcerer's Stone cut out

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