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Welcome to the Guild of Booklovers website!

Questions or comments about this page should be directed to vastluvr

Guild of Book Lovers
Frequently Asked Questions

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(note: for frequently asked questions about other aspects of neopets, or questions about games, check out the Links and Tips pages.)

The Guild
How do I join the guild?
How do I leave the guild?
What should I do once I join?
How do I rise in the guild member rankings? (Promotions)
How is the guild council selected?

The Message Board
Are there rules for posting messages?
What is "interesting content"?

Guild Shops
What are the guild shops?
How do I get something from a shop?
How do items get into the shops?
How do I donate to the shops?
Which shop do I donate ... to?
Donating expensive items
Can I start a guild shop?

How do I get my books?
How many books are there in Neopia?
Is there a list of all the books somewhere?
How come my pet refuses to read....?
Why do books disappear when you read them?
Is the color of smoke a book disappears in significant?

Pet Intelligence
What do books do for my pet?
How many intelligence points does my pet get for reading a book?
What are the intelligence levels?
Are there other ways to get intelligence points?

If you can't find the answer to a question you have here, just post your question on the message board. We have some very helpful members who will assist you with anything else you need.

The Guild
How do I join the guild?
Click on "Join" under options. Don't worry that nothing happens. That's just the way Neopets guilds work. If you go to your user profile you will find that it says you are a Bookworm in the Guild of Book Lovers. top

How do I leave the guild?
Click on "Leave Guild" under options. IMPORTANT! Do not click on "Leave Guild" unless you no longer want to belong to this guild. You will lose your member ranking and message total. If you're just through reading messages or something, simply go somewhere else (e.g., the links in the yellow sidebar). top

What should I do once I join?
First, finish reading this FAQ. It is also suggested to read the Bookworm Guide. Then read the complete list of Guild Rules. Send a brief neomail to the Master Welcomer on the Booklovers_Welcomer account. Post your birthday in the guild's calendar to receive a birthday greeting and page on your special day. Finally, click here or click on "Messages" under options and post a message introducing yourself. top

How do I rise in the guild member rankings? (Promotions)
By posting messages on the guild message board, donating to the shops, and generally being helpful to other members. A complete criteria is available on the Guild Rules page (use the drop down menu on the left to select "Promotion Rules"). The Senior Monitor will update the rankings monthly, usually by the second week of the month. Click here or click on Members under Options to see your ranking and message total.

Visit Madame_Baguette's pet page for more information on promotions. top

How is the guild council selected?
The guild council is usually selected via an election in which the entire guild membership votes for the new council. Occasionally, an entire new council is elected. At that time, members apply to be a candidate and an election is held. Any election news will be announced on the News page. If you see a vacancy in the council, please make sure to apply according to the proper guidelines as announced on the news page. top

The Message Board

Are there rules for posting messages?
Yes. There are a few rules but they are extremely easy to follow, and there are good reasons for them. The list of message board rules is maintained on the Guild Rules page, so click here to see them all. top

What is "interesting content"?
Interesting content is asking and answering questions about books (Neopian or real life), Neopia or the guild and discussions about the same subjects. Not interesting content is things like "Hi, what's up?", "Is anybody here?", "Hey, everybody, come to my shop!", "Goodnight all, see you tomorrow", etc.

Although not everyone may be interested in them, “dailies” posts are considered “interesting content” posts. However, we do ask that you only post about unusual daily events or try to combine your post about your dailies with other interesting content. top

Guild Shops

What are the guild shops?
There are several official guild shops. They are run by volunteers and exist to provide you with items that you, as a member of the guild, may request. Click here for a list of all of the guild shops. top

How do I get something from a shop?
Any communication with a shop, including requests for items, should be neomailed to the shop's user name, for example, booklovers_kitchen. Do not neomail the shopkeeper at his/her personal account. The person running the shop account may not be online or in the shop account when you make a request, so be patient. You should receive the item you requested or a response within 48 hours. NOTE: Each shop has slightly different rules. Read the guildelines in each shop for details. top

How do items get into the guild shops?
Mostly from donations. (Some shops require donations before you can request something.) Feel free to donate to the shops at any time. For instance, if you have some extra food lying around, consider donating it to the kitchen. You can also donate neopoints by purchasing something from the donations shop. top

How do I donate to the guild shops?
Click on the item in your inventory, select "Give to NeoFriend", and type in the name of the shop that the item will be sent to. PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to be a shop's neofriend to donate. A long neofriend list takes a long time to load. Therefore, please do not be offended if a neofriend request does not get accepted by a shop. It is not personal. You can also donate neopoints in several shops by purchasing tombola or other cheap items that are priced lower than the other stock. top

Which shop do I donate ... to?
Here is a little donation guide for which shop you should donate what to:
Library - All books
Kitchen - All food items, including neggs
Battle/Armoury Shop - All battledome weapons, including motes and healing elixirs, codestones, bottled faeries, medicines, healing potions and anything related to Neopets Battledome.
Toychest - All toys, including Usukis and Usuki merchandise
Collectable Card and Stamp Shop - All collectable cards (neodeck and TCG), stamps and coins.
Furniture and Garden Shop - All furniture and gardening items.
Donations Shop - Anything that isn't accepted by other shops that is worth over 1000 NP.

Donating expensive items
Occassionally, items that are donated are not requested or used by the guild and these items are typically sold. When an item worth 100,000 np or more is donated, the shop that recieves it will ask the donor if it would be alright for the guild to sell the item in the future if it chooses to. The shop will make a note of donor's answer in their records. If the shop transfers the item to another account (to the cute_chic4eva account for example), they need to notify that account of the donor's wishes. top

Can I start a guild shop?
Official guild shops can only be created with the approval of the guild council. We currently have 7 shops that carry a wide variety of items. Due to the difficulty in maintaining these shops, we are NOT currently accepting any more ideas for new shops. We know that having a petpet, paint brush, petpetpept, school supplies, or any other new shop would be fun and useful and may be considered in the future. However, We currently lack the resources for such a huge undertaking. top


How do I get my books?
The library has its own special set of request guidelines. Please go to Kip's petpage for updated library rules. top

How many books are there in Neopia?
Over 700 and they're always adding more. Watch the News for new book announcements. top

Is there a list of all the books somewhere?
Yes, there is an alphabetical list at There is also a list arranged by topic at top

How come my pet refuses to read....?
All pets have certain books they won't read. For an explanation of this and a list of books your own pets won't read go to top

Why do books disappear when you read them?
There was a time when books did not disappear and you could read the same book to all your pets and then trade it for one they hadn't read. However, this system ended up making books near worthless for there were so many in circulation. Therefore, decided to make them disappear after they were read. If you would like to protest this decision, send an e-mail to top

Is the color of smoke a book disappears in significant?
Although some people are doing research on this question, so far no significance has been found of the color of smoke a book disappears in. top


What do books do for my pet?
Reading books gives your pet intelligence points. To see the number of intelligence points your pet has, go to the pet's web page. When your pet reaches 45 intelligence points, the number of points will be shown on the Quick Ref page. top

How many intelligence points does my pet get for reading a book?
1 or 2. Points don't depend on the book either. Two pets can each read a copy of the same book and get different points. top

What are the intelligence levels?
Dim Witted - 0
Dull - 5
Average - 10
Above Average - 15
Bright - 20
Clever - 25
Very Clever - 30
Brilliant - 35
Genius - 40
Super Genius - 45
Mega Genius - 50
Total Genius - 55
Master Genius - 60
Ultimate Genius - 95
Once your pet has reach Ultimate Genius it can continue earning intelligence points, but it will remain an Ultimate Genius forever. top

Are there other ways to get intelligence points?
Some games give intelligence points at random, including Cliffhanger and the Faerie Crossword. Feeding your pet a Genius Negg also gives one or two intelligence points (and a book!). top

Before you post a question on the message board, did you do the following things first?
1. Read the FAQ page?
2. If your query is about the shops, did you read the shops' descriptions? Each shop has different rules which must be followed. The description and rules for each shop are found by visiting the actual shops.
3. If your query is about neopets in general or games, did you try our Links and Tips pages?

Questions, comments, snide remarks?
email them to the webmaster.
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