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Time to Bring Da PAIN!!!
.........The New Generation has arrived!!!.......

Forget the rest... WWE, XCWF, CZW, XPW.... Time for the True Hard asses of Wrestling to take their place in the sun. And we do mean sun! Coming to you LIVE from the sandy beaches of Miami Beach, Florida... Dark Carnival Productions brings you....

We are here to bring a new flavor to Sports entertainment. Get wild! Be Crazy!! If you think you got what it takes to be one of the Elite? Then bring your candy ass to the ring!! Be creative. Have attitude. And get your tights ready! Time to cause some havoc!!!!

**NOTE: We are in no way associated with any of the above named wrestling federations. So there will be no "Undertakers", Stone Cold's, Or Triple H's allowed in this room. Be Original. Avatars of these wrestlers can be used but get an original name**

Where the action is:
                    Downtown chat

                XWA Message Board

                    Provided by

XWA Logo designed:
                   Bubba Riley

Website Design and Graphics/Information:
                    Willow O'Malley - Shadow Shades Avitar and Webdesign

Webpages Designed and maintained by:
                    Bubba Riley
                    Alexis Santos
                    Willow O'Malley

Original Concept by:
                    Psycho Chaos and Jennifer Heart

Special thanks to:
                   Willow O'Malley
                    Alexis Santos