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<cmp>...mmm :D

Lucky Synergy
Mitizaa Moritz
Sklater Thekid

Adminmod Commands
Hook Mod Commands

Adminmod Commands

admin_help <keyword or string | # >

Displays information about available commands

admin_ban <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>]

Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.


Cancels the current hlds_ld vote

admin_cfg <config file>

Executes config file on server.

admin_chat <msg>

Shows message only to other admins.

admin_csay <msg>

Shows message in center of screen.

admin_denymap <map>

Removes all votes for map.


Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.


Allows all weapons to be purchased. Use to remove all active weapon restrictions.


Allows all equipment to be purchased. Use to remove all active equipment purchase restrictions.

admin_enablemenu <menu #>

Remove restriction from specified menu.

admin_enableweapon <menu #> <weapon #>

Remove restriction from specified weapon.

admin_execall <command>

Force everyone to execute command.

admin_execclient <target> <command>

Force target to execute command.

admin_execteam <team> <command>

Force everyone on team to execute command.

admin_fraglimit <fraglimit>

Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.

admin_friendlyfire <on | off>

Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.

admin_fun <"on" | "off">

Turns fun mode on or off.

admin_gag <target> [<minutes>]

Gag target.   0 minutes is a permanent gag.

admin_glow <color | "off">

Causes you to glow that color.

admin_godmode <target> <"on" | "off">

Sets godmode on target.

admin_gravity <gravity>

Sets the sv_gravity cvar.

admin_hostname <name>

Sets the hostname cvar.

admin_kick <target> [<reason>]

Kicks target.


Shows maps in mapcycle.


Lists all spawned entities.

admin_llama <target>

Llama-fy target.

admin_map <map_name>

Changes map.

admin_messagemode <command>

Will treat 'say' as command.

admin_movespawn <identity> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>

Moves a spawned item.


Shows next map in cycle.

admin_noclip <target> <"on" | "off">

Sets noclip on target.


Will treat 'say' as 'say'.


Clears the server's password.

admin_pass <password>

Sets the server's password.


Sets the pausable cvar to 1.

admin_psay <target> <msg>

Sends a private msg to target.

admin_rcon <cmd>

Executes rcon command.


Reloads Admin Mod files.

admin_removespawn <identity>

Removes a spawned item.


Disallow purchase of all weapons on server


Disallow purchase of all equipment on server

admin_restrictmenu <menu #>

Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu

admin_restrictweapon <menu #> <weapon #>

Disallow purchase of specified weapon

admin_say <msg>

Shows a message from you as admin.

admin_servercfg <config file>

Sets the config file as the server's default.

admin_slap <target>

Slaps target.

admin_slay <target>

Slays target.

admin_slayteam <team>

Slays everyone on team.

admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>

Spawns a new item.

admin_ssay <msg>

Shows a message from admin without identification.


Will stack everyone on top of you.


Starts an hlds_ld vote.

admin_teamplay <teamplay>

Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.

admin_teleport <target> <X> <Y> <Z>

Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.


Shows the time left.

admin_timelimit <timelimit>

Sets the mp_timelimit cvar. Value = minutes.

admin_tsay [color] <msg>

Prints msg on lower right of screen.

admin_unban <WONID or IP>

Unbans target.

admin_ungag <target>

Ungag target.

admin_unllama <target>

Unllama-fy target.


Sets the pausable cvar to 0.

admin_userlist [<name>]

Shows a list of users.

admin_userorigin <target>

Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.

admin_vote_kick <target>

Starts a vote to kick target.

admin_vote_map <map>

Starts a vote to change the map.

admin_vsay <question>

Presents question as a vote.

admin_ungag <target>

Ungag target.

admin_unllama <target>

Unllama-fy target.


Sets the pausable cvar to 0.

admin_userlist [<name>]

Shows a list of users.

admin_userorigin <target>

Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.

admin_vote_kick <target>

Starts a vote to kick target.

admin_vote_map <map>

Starts a vote to change the map.

admin_vsay <question>

Presents question as a vote.

say rockthevote

Starts an hlds_ld vote.

say vote <map>

Places a vote for the map.

say glow <color | "off">

Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.

admin_vote_gravity Starts a vote on Low/Normal Gravity.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_gravity.
admin_vote_pistols Starts a vote for Pistols only.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_pistols.
admin_vote_awp Starts a vote to disable AWP's.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_awp.
admin_vote_ff Starts a vote to enable/disable ff.
off/on will disable/enable public use of vote_ff.
admin_awp Toggles AWP restricted buying on/off without a vote.
admin_pistols Toggles pistols only buying on/off without a vote.
admin_vsay2 'question' 'response1' 'response2' 'response6'
Similar to admin_vsay, but rather than asking a Yes/No question, you can have up to six responses.
Ex. admin_vsay2 'What food does the admin like the most?' Cheese Bacon Spam
admin_mslap <target> <# slaps>
Slaps <target> multiple times. Only the last slap sends <target> somewhere (plus you get a console full of non-precached sound errors)
admin_glow2 <target> <R> <G> <B> Makes <target> glow a specific RGB color. Can be used on a specific person.
admin_noimmune <command and params> Ignores immunity for this one command.
admin_freeze <target>
admin_unfreeze <target>
Freezes/Unfreezes <target>. Like admin_bury/admin_unbury, but is mod-independent.
Hook Mod
admin_rcon df_hook_on "0/1" Turns hook mod off/on




This website is maintained by :: <cmp> lucky
Last Updated ::  05/30/2005