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Commandments of the Giovanni Clan

Il Comandamento Primo
(The First Commandment)
Besides Augustus Giovanni and God Himself, my word is law. You learn these rules as the Ten fucking Commandments and you take them to heart. There will be a penalty, given out at my discretion, should any of the following rules be broken. 

Il Comandamento Secondo
(The Second Commandment)
Keep your mouth shut. Remember Omerta and you’ll be just fine. Anything spoken within House walls are not to be repeated outside. You lead a different life outside the House as far as you or I am concerned. 

Il Comandamento Terzo
(The Third Commandment) 
Outside the House or without express permission from myself, the use of Necromancy is strictly forbidden. Should you break this rule, I assure you.. you will NEED a fleet of protecting wraiths to keep your ass in one pieces.

Il Comandamento Quarto
(The Fourth Commandment)
Keep your mouth shut.

Il Comandamento Quinto
(The Fifth Commandment)
Outside the House and, hell, outside my fucking conference room, no one speaks of the Kiss. You do, I’ll make sure you have something concrete to speak about.

Il Comandamento Sesto
(The Sixth Commandment)
All business with other clans is to be conducted with civility and respect. We are neutral and will act as such.

Il Comandamento Settimo
(The Seventh Commandment)
When outside the House, you will be on your best behavior. There are enough real Giovanni children without you older ones joining in on the childish antics. If I hear word that you are not conducting yourself as the respectable business people you are, I will demonstrate the real meaning of time-out.

Il Comandamento Ottavo
(The Eigth Commandment)
While a great many of you refuse to believe I am serious about this rule, all female family members are required to be accompanied by at least one male to business meetings or any open public place where just anyone may barge in. Yes, I am an old man and yes, all you feminists make scream and whine all you like, but the rules stays.

Il Comandamento Nono
(The Ninth Commandment)
Your blood is YOUR blood. The last thing we need is one of you blood bound to a pansy-ass Tor or said pansy-ass Tor bound to you. This rule applies for EVERYONE. It is not limited to the upper levels of family affairs.

Il Comandamento Decimo
(The Tenth Commandment) 
Keep your fucking mouth shut.